



Chapter Two

" Get a torch!" Shola's amazing voice quavered with fear " and get your father!"

..... Lagos, Nigeria.

The mouth-watering aroma ascending from the golden dishes and casseroles on the large glass dining table did the job of inviting the members of Honourable Owolade's family and guests to dinner. The cook, chef Felix, a professional who had acquired loads of degrees and awards from various culinary schools and cuisine institutions and competitions was being assisted by two young maids, Angela and Bose in the gracefully furnished kitchen in transporting the salivating delicacies to the large dining room where no one was seated seeming like the aroma had failed in their allocated jobs. It then took Up the synergy of two other maids to inform the other occupants of the large single storey mansion that dinner was served.

The guests at the orchard, lobby, mini golf course, gaming studio and pool side were notified by Joy; a maid of Akwa Ibom nativity while Dorcas, the other maid known to exhibit concentrated eye service towards the members of Honourable Owolade's family took her time to inform the residents of the upper storey including Mrs Funke Owolade; the saucy wife of the Honourable. A woman in her mid fifties. Terror to the maids and sometimes her two children: Junior and Rita. She spoilt both to decadence against the Honourable 's wish. Finally, everyone was complete at the 14- seater dinning table except the head of the house.

The remote controlled metal gate paved entrance for a black Range Rover Sport jeep alongside two escort vehicles which was driven and parked under the trampoline- covered parking lot. Immediately he stepped into his mansion, he was approached by a flood of pleasantries after which he motioned them to sit assuring them he would fill in the empty throne-like seat on the dinning table. Thanks to the table burner firing at the casserole dishes, the food was kept hot while they interacted at length with themselves. Cooking at the Owolade's villa was exquisitely expensive as a small fortune made their way into the drain daily to feed the house; both guests and residents. They had a cuisine timetable designed by chef Felix. Such was how life was at the Owolade's villa.

Whereas on timetable tonight was yam and potato porridge cooked differently alongside jollof couscous armed with various meats, steaming vegetable soup, grilled barbecue, fruit and their wines and banana flavored ice cream and pie as dessert all in enormous quantities. One would wonder if a nation was to be fed by that kitchen.

Taking his seat, Honourable Owolade cleared his throat aloud broke the silence with a touch of sarcasm

" I hope this little food isn't small for our guests"

They all broke out laughing

After blessing the food, they proceeded to battle!

..... Oyo, Nigeria.

"Shola, what do think is under your son's bed for you to disturb my peaceful sleep for God's sake!" Babatunde shrieked

" Darling, come and see for yourself" Her voice seemed to have regained normalcy.

Shifting the wooden bed frame to the door, Babatunde seemed to also experience his own heart attack. A skull lying hooked on top of a wooden door leading to an underground basement!

"Raymond, don't tell me you haven't seen this all this years we have been living here! "His dad voice trembled with shock and hidden fear.

" I am as surprised as you are sir" Raymond replied nearing the door in case of any scares he thought .

" You know what's going to happen, we are going down to check it out" Babatunde commanded with little authority knowing fully well he might not be obeyed.

Raymond wanted to say

" Are you out of your crazy mind? Go down where? I know you want me out of your life but do you want me dead? "But he restrained himself. He didn't want to die by his father's hands.

"Darling, are you sure of this?" Shola's voice sounded shaky. Raymond was disappointed with his mom. He thought she was going say his prepared lines.

"We are going down and that's final!"

..... Lagos, Nigeria

The last yam porridge found its way into the Honourable's mouth before receiving the shock of his life.

Unknown harsh voices and multiple gunshots around the mansion and the dinning room area deaden his limbs and senses

The last thing he heard before he got shot!

"Get down, get down!"