
Chapter 8 Brother Dao

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The burly man was sent flying, several teeth knocked out, his cheek swelled up, and he spat out a mouthful of bloody spittle.

"Fuck!" He flew into a rage instantly, scrambling to his feet, intent on attacking Qin Jiang.

Qin Jiang's expression remained blank as he kicked him in the abdomen, and this time, the man clutched his belly, sweating profusely, no longer able to stand up!

Seeing this, the other lackeys charged at Qin Jiang with roars, surrounding him, their knives and clubs swinging in!

But how could they possibly be a match for Qin Jiang? He stood his ground without moving, and within seven or eight seconds, all those burly men were laid out on the ground, howling in pain!

Qin Jiang grabbed the leader's collar and slapped his face hard again, causing his face to split open and his head to buzz!

"A bunch of punks strutting around here, you've got some nerve! What's going on? Speak!"

Chilled by the glare in his eyes, the man swallowed hard, "They... they owe us money! Paying debts is only natural!"

"Big brother... in our line of work, we have to be reasonable, right?"

Xu Muge chimed in, "Qin Jiang, don't listen to their nonsense! They're nothing but animals, setting us up on purpose!"

"We borrowed two hundred thousand from them to open Mulin's store, agreeing to pay it back within three months, with thirty thousand in interest."

"When we had the repayment ready, we couldn't reach them at all, and after three months, they came to us saying we broke the contract!"

"Not only did they want double the interest, but it was also compounded interest, a usurious loan!"

"They've been coming to our door to intimidate us almost every day for months..."

Having heard this, Qin Jiang understood what was happening.

A cold light flickered in his eyes.

Seeing him angry, the burly man quickly said, "Kid, I'd advise you to mind your own business, the money they owe is to Brother Dao!"

"Brother Dao is not only powerful, but he also has hundreds of fierce men under him!"

"You dare to oppose Brother Dao, you're simply asking for death!"

"Smack—" Qin Jiang delivered another slap to his face, "Enough talk, lead me to see this so-called Brother Dao!"

Xu Mulin swallowed hard, "Are you crazy? If you break into Brother Dao's territory, you can only be carried out, you're looking for death going to him!"

Qin Jiang turned around and said, "Don't worry, I will get justice for you."

Without waiting for anyone else to speak, Qin Jiang had already taken the man and walked out.

The group of burly men were no longer arrogant now, only meekly leading the way for Qin Jiang!

They themselves couldn't handle Qin Jiang!

But once they got to Brother Dao's territory, wouldn't they just get rid of him in minutes? After all, Brother Dao was one of Sir Hu's most capable henchmen!

In Jiangcheng's underworld, it was divided among Dragon, Sir Hu, and Bully—the three powers. And their boss, Liu Hu, was one of the Two Tigers.

Once in the car, several burly men saw Qin Jiang's indifferent face and couldn't help but sneer, "Kid! It's not too late to regret it now, but by the time you do, it will be too late!"

Qin Jiang sneered disdainfully.

Two years ago, there was also a guy, one of the so-called "Six Overlords of Jiangcheng," who claimed to be one of the Twin Tigers and challenged him in prison, but ended up being beaten up and dunked into a toilet by him...

Eventually, that guy ended up washing Qin Jiang's feet for half a year in prison.

It wasn't until he was released that he was finally free.

If even these so-called bosses were so worthless, why would Qin Jiang take a few thugs seriously?

Twenty minutes later.

The car arrived outside a gambling den.

The burly men found their courage again, and after getting out of the car, they taunted Qin Jiang, "If you're brave enough, come on in!"

Qin Jiang kicked one of them in the buttocks, sending him sprawling, and then strode into the gambling den.


The men were furious, this guy was truly not afraid of death, so brazen on their turf!

He was utterly ignorant of the danger!

Their brothers here, each armed with a knife, could chop Qin Jiang into pieces!

Once Qin Jiang had entered the gambling house, they waved their hands, "Close the door, get ready to beat the dog! Tell Brother Dao someone's making trouble!"


The doors to the gambling den were slammed shut.

Those men immediately whistled, and upon hearing the signal, many inside the gambling den lifted their heads, eyes gleaming with ferocity.


"Is someone causing trouble?"

"Heh, looking for death!"

"Brothers, grab your weapons!"

In an instant, the henchmen within the gambling den all picked up their weapons!

The man whose cheeks were swollen from Qin Jiang's beating pointed at him and said, "It's this guy, brothers, take him down!"

In a flash, dozens of men came surging in from all directions with a menacing air, their eyes cold and fixed on Qin Jiang.

The other people in the gambling den, seeing this, all showed fear and hastily made room, lest they get caught in the crossfire.

"Who is it, so bold and unafraid? Causing trouble here!"

"Got tired of living, huh?"

"He's surely dead... The last guy who owed gambling debts here and didn't pay up got his limbs broken before being thrown out..."

"Brother Dao is a ruthless character!"

Their gazes all fell upon Qin Jiang.

Qin Jiang's face showed no expression as he nonchalantly sat down on a chair, the image of bold defiance, and said coolly, "Today I'm here to find Brother Dao. You small fries shouldn't come offering your heads on a platter."

Hearing his arrogant words, those thugs wielding weapons all burst into loud laughter.

"Kid, still tough-mouthed at death's door? Do you think you're even worthy to meet our Brother Dao? We can bury you right here!"

"After we're done with you, we'll present you to Brother Dao to deal with!"

Having said that, they charged at him.

Qin Jiang narrowed his eyes and grabbed the man who was at the forefront, hoisting him up as if he was a stick, and swung him around!

"Ahhh—" The terrified screams rang out as those who had charged forward were hit and sent flying, unable to get up.

With one of their fellows in Qin Jiang's grasp being used as a weapon, they dared not attack and could only dodge continuously.

Qin Jiang bulldozed his way through them, and within half a minute, a dozen or so men lay scattered on the ground, moaning in pain.

The man in his hand had already foamed at the mouth and passed out.

"This—" Whether it was the thugs or the onlookers, they all swallowed hard.

Who was this guy?

A monster?

Someone weighing over a hundred pounds was being lifted single-handedly like swinging a stick? That kind of strength was just too terrifying!

Qin Jiang dropped the unconscious man to the ground, looked at the thugs who were already intimidated, and said with an icy tone, "Tell Brother Dao to roll out here! My patience is limited; I'll give him five minutes!"

"One minute late, and I'll break one of his legs!"

This arrogant pronouncement thundered through the gambling den like roaring thunder, once again causing a huge uproar!


Taken to the extreme!

To talk like this in front of a hundred strong men, did this kid expect to walk out alive?

The faces of those underlings all turned an ashen hue.

They were accustomed to being overbearing and never had anyone dared to be so brazen in front of them.

If they didn't cripple this guy today!

How would they ever stand tall in Jiangcheng again?

There was dead silence for a few seconds.

Then, a deep voice came from the floor above, "Which ignorant brat dares to threaten to break my legs?"

As this cold voice fell, a middle-aged man dressed in a vest descended the stairs, revealing his powerful muscles and striding down with the might of a dragon and the agility of a tiger.

Several underlings followed him, full of vigor.

An imposing presence!

"Brother Dao!"

Upon seeing this middle-aged man, the people present turned pale instantly.

"Brother Dao himself has taken action; this is big trouble. This kid is definitely done for..."