
Chapter 7, Regeneration Ointment! The Bully Comes Knocking!

Translator: 549690339

Xu Muge sat on the sofa in the room, her face covered with a veil, her eyes complexly fixated on Qin Jiang, a mix of love and hate intertwined.

"I heard that yesterday you used acupuncture, and Sisi's leg regained a trace of sensation?"

"Yes," Qin Jiang nodded.

Xu Muge hesitated for a moment but eventually spoke, "Do you really have the confidence to cure my face?"

"I do," Qin Jiang confidently said, "And it's a hundred percent confidence."

Xu Mulin was furious, standing up and scolding, "You really dare to boast! How long do you want to harm us? Get out now! If it weren't for past affections, I would chop you up right now!"

Xu Muge's mother, Liu Ya, trembled with anger, gritting her teeth, "Muge, what's there to talk about with such a scumbag? Don't forget how much he has harmed us! Make him leave at once—"

She directly picked up a broom, ready to drive Qin Jiang out.

However, Xu Muge suddenly burst into tears, her eyes filled with tears, "Mom, let me try, even if... there's just a sliver of hope!"

"I... I don't want to live with this ugly face anymore!"

Her words softened the Xu Family's hearts at once.

Xu Muge slowly took off her veil.

She looked coldly at Qin Jiang and said solemnly, "Qin Jiang, take a good look at my face! Over a hundred cuts, do you know how painful it is?"

"If you deceive me this time, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!"

"Now, I'm giving you a chance to make amends. I hope you won't disappoint me again, otherwise, don't ever appear in front of me again."

This time, she let Qin Jiang treat her, one for that faint glimmer of hope, the other, to force herself to completely give up on Qin Jiang!

After all, so many doctors had seen her face, and not one could cure it.

Qin Jiang looked at her face, marred with scars, and her expression of utter sorrow, his heart felt as if it was pierced by a thousand swords!

He looked firmly at Xu Muge, "Rest assured, this time, I definitely won't disappoint you."

"I'll go prepare the medicine." After Qin Jiang got the permission, he didn't waste words and went straight to the kitchen to prepare the medicine, which took several hours.

Until all the herbs had turned into a thick, paste-like ointment.

It exuded a faint medicinal fragrance.

This was the Regeneration Ointment.

Though it couldn't revive the dead or regenerate bones.

But, it could make old skin shed, and new skin grow!

Qin Jiang brought out the ointment, "After it cools down a bit, I will apply it to you, then, after securing it with gauze for three days, you can shed the skin and grow new, tender skin."

Hearing Qin Jiang's words, a glimmer of hope appeared in Xu Muge's eyes.


Qin Jiang nodded lightly, "There was a patient with 60% burns all over the body who used this ointment. The skin that grew back was like that of a newborn."

"So, you don't need to worry."

Liu Ya scoffed, "You boast quite impressively, but who knows what's true and what's not!"

She knew that although her daughter harbored some resentment towards Qin Jiang, she still had feelings for him. If Qin Jiang's true colors were revealed this time, Xu Muge would be utterly disappointed in him!

If Qin Jiang's medicine proved ineffective this time, then she would be heartbroken by Qin Jiang for good.

Although she very much wanted Xu Muge to recover, was it possible?

So many famous doctors had been helpless, how could Qin Jiang possibly solve it?

Xu Jinhong snorted coldly, "If you really have that ability, wouldn't you be a miracle healer?"

He absolutely didn't believe that Qin Jiang could make his daughter recover! But, as a father who was heartbroken for his daughter, he could only let Xu Muge give it a try.

Qin Jiang did not retort.

Because, he truly was a miracle healer.

About ten minutes later, Qin Jiang felt the ointment with his hand, and feeling that the temperature was about right, he began to carefully and evenly apply it to Xu Muge's face.

Xu Muge's face was quickly covered with a thick layer of shiny black ointment.

Then, Qin Jiang wrapped her face with bandages.

"My face feels a bit painful..." Xu Muge frowned, her face feeling fiery hot.

"That's normal."

"The ointment is stimulating your skin, just bear with it. In three days, you will be reborn."

"Trust me!"

Seeing Qin Jiang's determined gaze, Xu Muge bit her red lips and nodded heavily. Anyway, her current appearance couldn't get any worse!

What harm was there in trying?

Her heart was filled with unease...

After finishing all this, Qin Jiang finally let out a sigh of relief and smiled, "Muge, in three days, you will see a brand new you!"

Xu Muge also clenched her fists, feeling both expectant and nervous.

Liu Ya impatiently issued an order to leave, "Alright, our business is finished, you, can scram!"

Seeing that they didn't welcome him, Qin Jiang didn't explain much; the results in three days would prove everything!

He stood up, ready to say goodbye and leave.

But just at that moment, a rush of footsteps could be heard at the door.

Immediately after, the door was violently banged on!

"Xu Jinhong, get the hell out here! Come out immediately!"

Bang bang bang!!!

The already somewhat dilapidated iron door seemed as if it was about to fall off its hinges, and the faces of the Xu Family whitened in an instant!

"Fine! If you don't come out, then we'll just barge in!"

Having said that.

The iron door was brutally kicked open.

A few burly men carrying weapons walked in from outside, fixing their threatening gaze on the Xu Jinhong family.

The man leading them flicked away a cigarette butt from his mouth, revealing a cold smirk, "Xu Jinhong, when are you planning to pay back the money you owe Brother Dao?"

Xu Jinhong's face turned pale as he hurriedly stepped forward, pleading, "Big brother... this! Can you give us a few more days?"

"Also, this... we've already paid off the principal early on, and the interest is way too high. It's several times more than the principal, we simply can't afford it!"

"Give your father an extension!"

The burly man raised his hand and slapped him across the face!

Xu Jinhong staggered back a few steps, his cheek instantly swelling up.

"Brother Dao has spoken; if you don't pay up, we'll sell your wife and daughter to the brothel!"

The man sneered as he closed in.

"Your wife, Xu Niang, is still a looker, and some customers really like that kind!"

"And your daughter, although she's an eyesore, once you cover her face, that body is top-notch... hahaha! I'm sure lots of customers will like her!"

"Have them work as prostitutes for a year or two, and that should be enough to repay the debt!"

"Take them all away!"

The man gave a wave of his hand, and the other henchmen immediately moved forward, looking fierce.

"You beasts, get the hell out!" Xu Mulin roared, picking up a fruit knife from the table and staring at them coldly.

"I won't leave; I'll fight you all—!"

The leading man sneered, stepping closer, "You little brat, trying to scare your dad! Today I'll cripple you first, to teach you all a lesson!"

With that, his eyes flashed dangerously, he quickened his pace, and moved towards Xu Mulin.

Although Xu Mulin was trembling all over, thinking about how these thugs had bullied his family these past few days filled him with rage, and he lunged at the burly man with the fruit knife!

The burly man sneered contemptuously, grabbed Xu Mulin's hand holding the knife, and twisted it!

The fruit knife clattered to the ground, and Xu Mulin was kicked and sent flying.

"Dammit! You little runt has some guts, but if I don't break both your legs today, you'll really think us debt collectors are just a bunch of sick cats?"

He was about to continue beating Xu Mulin, but Qin Jiang swiftly moved like a blur, appearing in front of him. His palm rose, and then... suddenly swung out!