
Different Sex Stories

Sex Stories From Different Sites. Short And Sometimes A Lil Bit Long Sex Stories... I haven't read all the stories so, i don't know if they contain NTR or not. if you find NTR, please mention it in the title comment so that people who don't like it can avoid it. Thanks! :) Enjoy all these stories...:) You can use these as a fap material, no one's gonna judge you ;) Ps: Cover Pic? Well, that's the cover of some manga on nhen*ai so, yeah just use Google scan...=_=))

TouchSomeGrassBruh · Cómic
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59 Chs

Eye Of The Applicator [5,6,7,8

Part 5!

After ten minutes, she reached over to the side table and removed a cigarette from her pack, lighting it and taking a long drag before exhaling and leaning toward Jace, letting her shoulder rest against his.

They watched in silence while she smoked. When she finished, she leaned forward to extinguish it in the ash tray before returning to her previous position against him, only now she nestled herself a bit deeper into him and let her hand rest on his thigh. She could feel his heart beating. She smiled. It felt so nice to be close to her son.

"Mom," he began, "this is a little bit... different."

"What is, darling?"

"This. Sitting with you like this. Touching."

She chuckled. "I know, honey." She slid her fingertips lightly on his pajama pants, up and down his thigh. "But it feels nice. Don't you think?"

"I mean, yeah, it does. It's just a bit weird."

She sat up and looked at him. "But do you like it? Sitting with your Mom?"

He blushed. He was always a bit shy. "To be honest, yeah, I do."

"That's good. I like it, too." She nestled back into him grabbing his right hand and pulling his arm around her. He placed it on her shoulder. After a minute he pulled her closer to him, cuddling his Mom.

A few more minutes passed. It's time. Make your move.

"Jace, do you miss Dad?"

He hesitated. She felt him tense. Oh no, did I go to far?

"I dunno," he replied, putting on his standard apathetic mask.

She decided not to press him further. If he wasn't ready, she didn't want to scare him off.

"Do you?" He asked a minute later.

"Of course, honey. Every day. It's been really hard."

"Yeah. It has been."

"You know, Jace, as tough as it's been losing him, one of the things that keeps me going is knowing that I'm still not alone. I have you." She scratched at his leg affectionately.

He didn't say anything, but he hugged her a bit tighter and slid his hand up and down the skin of her bare arm.

"You do miss him, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do, Mom. I miss him a lot. I feel... I feel like I'm on the verge of starting my life and I don't even have a father, anymore. Choosing a university, thinking about a career, it's a lot of stress for me now and I... I'm not sure how to make those decisions without his help." Emotion welled in his voice.

Sandra's heart broke. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry! All I can say is that I love you and I'm here for you." She had already known how he felt, but finally hearing him express it still opened up a dam of her own feelings.

He turned to her and pulled her into a hug. She twisted toward him, bringing her knees onto the couch and causing her t-shirt to ride completely up over her hips, exposing her lacy, red panties.

"Thank you, Mom," he said into her hair as he pressed his face against her. "And I'm here for you."

She felt her love for him fill her heart and spread through her body. Oh, what a sweet boy. Her boy. Her son. Suddenly she became acutely aware that, despite the accident, she was a very lucky woman. She pulled her face away from his shoulder and kissed each of his cheeks, then took his face in both of her hands and kissed him once more on the corner of his mouth.

Then she relaxed into him again, keeping her knees on the couch in front of her and paying no attention to her utterly exposed panties. She could have pulled her shirt back down, covering herself, but she didn't want to. She would let him look. She wanted him to see her.

There was no more talk about his father. He had opened up. He had shared his feelings. And that was enough.

They continued to cuddle throughout the rest of the movie, the initial awkwardness gone. At some point she began to slump down onto his lap until she was laying across him. His hand had slid off of her arm and was sitting on her side now, still moving back and forth every few minutes as he tenderly stroked her.

Eventually his hand traveled farther downward and arrived at the hem of her shirt, in the danger zone. Will he go further? She felt herself get excited and a tingle emerged between her legs as Jace's fingers contacted the bare skin of her hip and his hand slid off of the safety of her shirt, resting entirely on bare upper-leg.

The naughtiness of being touched there began to ignite a fire in Sandra. A smoldering ember, which had never been totally extinguished, now began to glow and flame as Jace added new fuel. He was trailing small circles on her hip, daring to graze his Mother's thin panty strap when she began to squirm her hips and slid her hand across his lap and under her head. She felt his hardness against her palm and, before she could stop herself, squeezed his shaft between her fingers.

He moaned and bucked his hips, beginning to breath heavy as his hand opened and rested directly on her butt cheek.

Sandra's hand began to rub up and down against Jace's hard shaft. She had attracted him to her and, not only convinced him to open up emotionally, but had also aroused him. She was oh, so satisfied with herself and overjoyed to be so intimate with her son - her man. I can't believe I'm touching him! He feels so big!

She squeezed him harder and continued stroking up and down, while keeping her eyes on the movie. She knew that what she was doing was wrong, but she also knew that it needed to be done. It was the only way to solidify their new relationship. Besides, she was no tease. She wasn't the type to get a man worked up and then leave him hanging. He was such a wonderful son and he deserved a release.

"Mom-," Jace began.

"Shhh, baby, we're just watching the movie." She continued to masturbate his rod through his pants for another minute, picking up speed.

"Oh, Mom! I'm going to-"

"Just watch the movie, Jace."

He began bucking his hips frantically while sliding his hand all over her ass, exploring her. Moments later he tensed and released a guttural moan. She felt a wet spot spread around the flannel crotch of his pants and smiled to herself. What a good boy, cumming like that for his Mother.

"Uh... Mom, that was-."

"The movie, Jace," she cut him off. "Just watch the movie."

They finished watching in silence and when the credits came on Sandra took the remote and shut off the TV.

She leaned up to give him a kiss and, remaining close to his face, said, "Goodnight, my boy. Just remember, I'm always here for you."

She stood and left him on the couch, a wide-eyed expression on his face. Oh, the thoughts that must be rushing through that young man's head.

She entered her room and quickly removed her shirt before sliding under her sheets, now wearing only the lacy, red panties. The events of the past 90 minutes replaying in her mind. I did it! She couldn't deny how happy she was. Or, for that matter, how horny she was. Her finger tips began to gently rub across her chest.

A few minutes later, she heard Jace enter his own room, next to hers.

She couldn't believe how well her plan had worked! How wonderful it had been to be close to Jace again. To give him pleasure - the pleasure he deserved! She began to play with her breasts, getting herself even more worked up. She loved how it felt to massage them and pinch her sensitive nipples.

Her right hand slid over her belly to her crotch and she began to rub herself through her panties, giving herself permission to let her mind wonder. Then she slid her panties down, the panties that Jace should have slid down, he should have been the one to take them off, not her. Yes! She was sure that if he'd tried, she would have let him. Feeling that truth drove her into a frenzy.

As her fingers slipped inside she moaned under her breath, fighting to keep quiet, knowing that her son was just on the other side of a paper-thin wall.

"Ohh, ohh, Ohhhh, mmmmmm!"

A whirlwind of thoughts and images flew through her mind as she released the tension she'd held for months. The feeling of Jace's hands on her body, and his cock in her own, the fun she'd had all those years ago, being a seductress. Yes, that was what she was - a seductress! And now I can be one again.

Her orgasm built slowly, then came all at once as that dirty word popped into her mind. That forbidden word that had always burned deep within her fantasies. Incest. The thought of it put her over the edge and her finish exploded through her body. She managed to stay quiet. At least until the end, when her final moan echoed through the small house.


She rose for work the next day in a giddy mood and took her time preparing her morning routine, thoroughly enjoying her shower and the process of creating her outfit. Jace had already left for his early-morning class so she had the house to herself as she sat, sipping her tea while having her first cigarette. Smiling to herself, she couldn't remember the last time she'd begun a day in such a pleasant mood.

Throughout her shift at the mall, she enthusiastically helped women find outfits and loved the looks on their faces as they checked themselves out in the mirror wearing their new dresses and blouses. What a joy it was to help those women feel beautiful, the way a woman should! Sandra had a permanent smile painted on her face.

Several of her coworkers remarked on the change in her personality.

"Sandra, what's gotten into you? It's been forever since I've seen you like this!" They'd say, sharing her happiness.

"Oh, I'm just having a good day," she'd responded.

"Did you meet someone?" They'd teased, knowing that she had been single for a while.

"Maybe," she'd blushed, hoping the ladies wouldn't pry further.

Back at home, she made a simple dinner which she shared with Jace while he took a break from his schoolwork. The conversation flowed naturally as they shared the highlights of their day. After finishing, they continued to chat about life for twenty minutes before she left him to keep studying.

Later that night she showered and rubbed lotion into her entire body before slipping on a pair of skimpy, black panties and a dark-colored, silk kimono. She tied it tightly around her waist, ensuring that her breasts were well-covered. After brushing her damp hair she went and sat on the couch, flicking on the television.

Again, she waited.

It didn't take more than ten minutes before Jace had come and sat next to her.

"So, are we going to watch another movie tonight, Mom?"

"I don't know, honey, I'm a bit tired tonight. I might go to bed early."

He affectionately pushed her damp hair behind her ear and trailed his finger down her arm. "Are you sure, Mom? How about a short movie?"

She rolled her eyes, grinning. "Alright, Mister. One short movie. But would you pour me a glass of wine first?"

"Sure, Mom."

"And one for yourself."

Jace sprang up and made for the kitchen, returning after a few minutes with two wine glasses, each containing a full-bodied red.

"Mmmm, thank you, sweetie." She pecked him on the cheek as he sat next to her. Then she extended her legs to rest on the coffee table and lit a cigarette before leaning against him, just like the previous night.

Jace changed the TV to the movie channel. An old 1960s war movie was on and was already part-way over. They watched in silence for a few minutes as Sandra enjoyed her cigarette, sensually exhaling before leaning forward to ash it in the tray on the table by gently tapping her finger on it's top. She liked the way her black painted nails looked against the white paper. When she extinguished it she leaned back to find that Jace had extended his right arm and wrapped it around her.

Already so confident? She snuggled up close to him.

Before long his right hand slid down from her shoulder and landed on her side. A minute later, he had begun exploring. First, up and onto her hip, then down onto the bare skin of her leg. He gently trailed his finger up and down, barely touching her.

She loved the sensation of being touched and relished the tingles it gave her. After taking a sip of wine she lay down in his lap, using his legs as a pillow, giving him better access to continue his explorations.

"Mmmm, Jace, that feels wonderful."

Emboldened, his fingers hooked the bottom of her kimono on their next trip upwards, sliding it up her legs and over her hip, bringing her butt and thin panty strap into view. To her surprise, he didn't grab at her cheek. He just grazed it with all four fingertips as they traveled back down, as if he was admiring her. She smiled, she had raised such a respectful boy.

His touches were beginning to get to her, though, and she tried not to think about the hard shaft that she could feel against the side of her face.

Ever the explorer, Jace moved his hand to his Mother's belly, resting it still for a minute before slipping it underneath the flap of her kimono and onto her bare stomach.

Sandra inhaled sharply as his fingers began to trace a large circle on her sensitive skin. She was suddenly acutely aware of her bare breasts only inches from her son's exploring hand.

Soon, Jace began to draw a long line up and down her midriff rather than a circle. At the low point, his hand bumped into the kimono knot,loosening it ever-so-slightly with each bump. And at the high point, his fingers would trail up to her sternum, dangerously close to her firm boobs.

The fear that he would suddenly reach for a breast excited Sandra. What if he does it? Gropes me? Would I stop him? Of course she would stop him! She couldn't let him fondle her like that. What they had done last night had been wonderful and she certainly wanted to be closer to Jace. But she didn't want things to go too far too fast. Her hyper-sensitive breasts had always been her weak point and she was afraid she would lose control if he began touching them. Even so, the proximity of his hand excited her and her chest was soon covered in goosebumps.

As his finger tips were beginning to climb her inner swells, she reluctantly took his wrist in her hand and asked, "What do you think you're doing, Jace?"

"Just touching, Mom. Like last night."

"Last night was special."

"Is tonight special?"

"Yes... but not like last night."

She guided his hand out of her kimono and back onto her hip. He quickly slid it onto her still-uncovered rump. That was okay with her. He could explore down there.

Before long, the movie ended.

"Let's watch another," Jace suggested.

"No, honey, the deal was one movie," Sandra said, sitting up. Her loose kimono falling open as her hard, right nipple slipped into the view. "Oops," she giggled, covering up and quickly cinching the rope belt tighter.

"Common, Mom, just one more."

"Honey, I couldn't possibly make it through another. I need to sleep."

"Then let's watch it in your bed on my tablet. That way you can fall asleep if you get too tired."

In her bed? That seemed a bit dangerous. But he had suggested it so boldly. "Honey, I'll just end up falling asleep on your shoulder, then you'll be stuck there all night."

"Oh, Mom. I don't mind if you fall asleep."


"No, not at all. We'll be much comfier there, anyways."

Sandra thought. It was risky, but it would certainly be comfortable to lay in bed with him. She would need to make sure things stayed under control. "Alright, give me a few minutes and then come to my room."

She left him, going to the bathroom to brush her teeth and splash a bit of water on her face. I can manage this. I can stay in control.

She lay in her bed and called Jace, who quickly came and joined her with his tablet, which he set up on the mattress between them. He now wore only his pajama bottoms, having left his shirt in his own room. Sandra admired his muscles as he joined her in bed.

He quickly chose and clicked on another older movie. This time a long drama set in the mid-west. She loved those old "feel-good" movies.

"Let's get under the covers, I want you to be comfy while we watch," he suggested.

He pulled back the covers and they both climbed under, leaving the sheet rolled down to their waists.

She immediately nestled against him as his left arm snaked around her to squeeze her against him. How wonderful it was to be in bed with a man again! She smiled and rested her head on his strong chest. She wondered if Maria and Tyson ever laid like this. Of course, they do, silly!

Sandra noticed the bulge form in Jace's pajama pants, not far from where her hand rested on his belly. She had a sudden urge to reach out and squeeze it, just like last night. But she controlled herself. There was a difference between touching on the couch and touching in bed.

She cuddled a bit further against him, now letting her bosom press against his chest. Her robe had, once again, ended up loosened and her breasts were in danger of spilling out. It's okay, they're still covered.

She really was comfortable and was asleep within a few more minutes.


She woke up some time later, feeling refreshed. She knew the movie was still playing because she could hear it before opening her eyes.

She kept them closed and continued to enjoy the sensations she was feeling all over her body. Jace was rubbing her low back, it felt wonderful. He must have flipped her robe up again because his hand was on her bare skin.

Then she felt his other hand slide across her belly and up toward her chest. Her bare chest!

Jace hadn't flipped her robe up at the bottom, he had untied it! He had it wide open, the little sneak!

His fingers continued over her lower ribs and climbed the swell of her left breast before cupping her entire tit. Oh, it felt exquisite! To be fondled, groped, caressed! His thumb and first finger pinched her already-hard nipple casually, making her wonder how long he'd been playing with her like this. Could it have been a whole hour?

She knew she needed to stop him, to scold him for playing with her sleeping body. But she didn't want to. Let him touch me! Let him appreciate me! This was what she'd craved. This was what she'd earned.

Then his left hand slid lower, right onto her bare cheek. His fingers toyed with the strap of her thong for a few seconds before authoritatively pressing into her crack and gripping the top half of her buttocks. He couldn't reach farther than that.

She was truly growing horny now, being so brazenly treated like this. As he continued to pinch and toy with her nipples, she knew she'd lose control soon and would be unable to stop him. I'll just let him play a bit more, then I'll put an end to this. She slid her hand across his chest and moaned approvingly.

She felt him tug upward on her and she rolled closer to him, almost on top of him, giving him better access to her ass. I'm just getting a bit comfier, she thought to herself. I'm not encouraging him.

His left hand came back up off of her ass and began rubbing her low back once again, while his right left her tit and slid down to her hip. Good, back in the safe zone. He knew not to take advantage of his sleeping Mother. What a good son.

Suddenly his left hand dipped down again, but this time it went into her panties. His fingers were sliding down her bare crack! And going lower, too. Down, down they went, sliding across her little anus until they were right between her legs, barely reaching her pussy lips, reaching as far as he could, to his limit.

Oh God, this was too much! Too dangerous. She had to stop him. She would stop him. In just a moment. She would just let him keep wiggling his fingers like that for a moment longer. It felt so good to feel herself being touched down there after so long, getting wetter as he toyed with her.

Suddenly he reached even lower, having better access. Had he sat up to be able to slide his hand farther between her legs? No, she had moved! She had opened up her legs and climbed up the bed, closer to him, letting him access her. Oh, no! I'm losing control!


Part 6

His fingers, slick with her juice, dipped inside of her.

Loving the feeling of fullness, she moaned out loud and spread her legs wider. The rest of her control totally vanished.

She was accepting it now. Willing it. Wanting it. This is okay. I touched him last night. Now he can touch me. It's only fair.

His right hand lifted upward on her hip and she obediently swung her leg over his torso, straddling him. Finally, she opened her eyes and looked at his handsome face, his desire evident. She brought her lips down to his, kissing him deeply. Their tongues instantly clashing, fighting to get into the other's mouth.

His fingers left. She felt momentarily empty, wanting nothing more than to be filled again. But he was only trying to remove her panties. His fingers would be back soon.

Yes! Undress me, unwrap your Mother! She helped him drag her thong down her thighs, then lifted her knees off of the mattress one at a time to kick it away.

Now fully available, she straddled him again, feeling one of his hands return to her lower lips and press inside while the other pushed his pajama pants down to his knees.

She pulled her robe apart, then hooked her left hand behind his head, mashing her tits into his face. He took them into his mouth, loving them. The sensation of being sucked fired electricity all the way to her toes. Had she ever, in her life, been this horny?

His fingers left her again. No! Bring them back. Pleeeaseee, they felt so good. Suddenly they returned to her, filling her so wonderfully full, even more full than before. Feeling so much thicker. How were they so deep? No, something was different. Both of his hands were on her hips, holding her tight. Then what was inside? Oh, no! It couldn't be his- Yes, it was! But she couldn't let him do that! She would pull off of him! She would tell him to stop!

She opened her mouth and desperately cried, "yes, fuck meee!!!"

Fuck me, take me! Finally, it was real. She was committing true incest. Her son's cock scratched the deep, dark itch that she had been carrying all these years. Finally she was having the incestuous fuck that had owned her fantasies. It's true. It's really true. It's real. It can be done.

Sandra held herself above him, letting him fuck up into her. Yes, you can have me! Show me your need! She relished the feeling of his hunger.

Unable to withstand the pleasures of his Mother's womanhood, he came quickly, gushing his spunk into her, filling her up as she fell against his chest, panting and moaning his name. Her own satisfaction had not come from the orgasm she'd had, but from her sense of his desire for her. His frantic thrusts had communicated everything she had wanted to know.

They caught their breath. Both recovering at the same time. Without speaking, he kicked his pants off and peeled her robe off her shoulders, rolling her over onto her back. She quickly brought her knees up high, close to her chest and opened herself to him again, now liberated to do so anytime he wanted her. She felt no shame in raising her hips off of the bed and spreading herself wide, lewdly showing him both of her orifaces, wanting him to truly see his Mother.

His mouth hung open as he stared hungrily at the offer before him. Hastily, he leveled his still-hard prick and guided it into her waiting pussy once again. He fucked her slower now, taking his time to enjoy the sensation rather than rushing to a much-needed finish like before.

Sandra hooked her hands around her thighs from the outside and pulled her knees apart for him while rubbing up and down the bottom of each of her legs. She offered him encouragement in the form of moans and coos as he worked her.

"Ooo, yes, baby. Deeper. Go deeper into me. Deeper into your Mother!"

He pulled out part-way through his orgasm, leaving the first three bursts of son-seed painted onto her cervix, while spraying the rest of it all over her holes and belly. She moaned her appreciation as he painted her, giving her a glaze finish along with her cream pie center.

"Mmmmmmm, good job, Darling." She lovingly rubbed his face.

He plugged himself back into her again and collapsed forward, exhausted. Their mouths met and, for a long time, they passionately kissed one another with great tenderness.

She was free now, free to fuck her own family without fear. Free to give herself the way she'd fantasized. Incest was real. She'd always known it. It really could be done. The boundaries she had lived with all these years had only ever been self-imposed, and now they were shattered.

Before finally drifting to sleep in the early morning hours, she thought of her father. How she would catch him gazing at her young body so long ago and how hot it had made her. How distant they had become after she had moved away for college and how she had longed to reconnect with him but never knew how. She knew that she would be giving him a call soon now that she was free to properly repair their relationship.

--- --- ---

--- --- ---

Part 2

I sensed that our day of flirting at the mall was special and that Mom wasn't going to act like that all the time so I didn't try anything with her for the rest of the week. No touching and no flirting. I decided to stick with my plan of starving Mom of attention until she gave me an invitation. It would be good to show her that I could respect her boundaries.

I ended up working on Saturday to make up for my day off, so I wasn't even at home while Dad was out golfing. I stayed downstairs in my room most of the day on Sunday and on Monday I returned from my martial arts class to find my parents both in bed with their door closed. When Mom arrived home from her Tuesday night pottery class I, myself, had already retreated to the my basement bedroom.

During this time I continued doing a lot of chores around the house, especially keeping the kitchen clean. Even if I wasn't getting any action, I still wanted to help out. I didn't like seeing Mom slave away for us and I really felt bad for her after finding out how Dad treated her. A woman like her really did deserve better. However, I didn't touch Mom or give her any compliments at all. No lingering glances, comments, light touches, nothing. When Mom decided that she wanted the attention, all she had to do was invite it.

An entire week passed like this, as if Mom and I were totally back to a "normal" relationship.

The following Wednesday night I awoke just after midnight to hear faint voices coming from that vent again. I didn't need to get the ladder and spy on them. I already knew everything. I couldn't tell what they said, only the tone of voice. Mom was upset and frustrated. Dad was apathetic and distant. Same as ever. I went back to sleep.

And Mom's invitation came the following evening.

I was in my room doodling while Mom prepared dinner. When it was ready she came downstairs to get me, knocking on my door and popping her head inside. "Dinner's ready, Tyson," she softly said.

"Okay, Mom I'll come right up," I said. I happened to glance up at her and saw that she was wearing one of the outfits from our day at the mall - the high-waisted burgundy skirt. I couldn't stop myself and my eyes lingered on her legs and then hips for a few extra moments.

Mom caught me and smiled, turning slowly and casually walking away. Her hands slowly slid up the back of her thighs and over her butt as if she knew I was still looking at her. "There's no rush, honey," she said.

I didn't dare let myself think that she'd worn that skirt just for me. Until I saw how she behaved at dinner.

Part way through the meal, Mom got up to retrieve another beer for Dad. It would be his fourth. He was in the middle of some rant and paying very little attention to the two of us. When she walked behind me, she let her hand brush across my shoulder as she passed me, twirling my hair for a moment and then sliding off of the opposite shoulder. She set the beer down in front of Dad and then looked over at me. She didn't smile, her eyes just bore into mine for a moment. Then I felt her foot against my shin. It slid up to my knee and then back down again. She pulled her foot away and it was over. It was quick, but I knew what it meant. I was allowed to try something.

I acted normal until dinner was over and Dad had gone to the living room to finish another beer and play with his phone. Then I helped Mom clear off the table. I watched her for a few seconds as she started to do the dishes. Dad couldn't see us from where he sat on the couch and I realized that I now had the chance I'd been waiting for.

Remembering how hot she'd gotten the last time I'd touched her near Dad, I decided to test my theory.

I put my hands on her shoulders, rubbing them affectionately.

"Let me help you, Mom."

"Oh, thanks, honey. You're so sweet."

My hands kept rubbing but now dropped to her sides and low back. She stopped scrubbing the pot and looked forward out the window.

I put my hands on her sides, dropping them down to rest on the swells of her hips. Then I brought my face close to her and kissed her cheek, then her neck.

"Your father-," she began to say. Her soft voice didn't travel far.

"Is in the living room," I finished, needing to whisper to keep my voice from traveling.

"He might come back."

"He might."

My hands slid from her hips onto her ass, kneading it in my palms, squeezing it possessively. God, it felt good. Mom had a wonderfully meaty bottom.

"So you should stop," she told me, as she pushed her rear end toward my greedy hands.

I started to bunch the skirt up in my palms, dragging it up the backs of her legs. The only noise in the house was coming from the six second video clips Dad was mindlessly absorbing and his occasional snort of laughter.

"You should stop," she repeated, beginning to breath heavier. "What if he comes in?"

"If he walks into this kitchen," I began to whisper, "he'll see me appreciating his wife." I kissed her neck. "And maybe he'll finally realize what he's missing."

"Yeah," she grinded her hips in a little circle. "What he ignores..."

I dug my fingers into her crack, pushing the tight skirt fabric between her cheeks.

"You're not supposed to be touching me like this," she pushed her ass backward against me, encouraging me to grope her harder. "It's wrong. It's against the rules."

I lifted her skirt higher. Her cheeks were about to come into view.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked.

She said nothing, only breathing harder.

I slid my right hand below the hem of her skirt and placed it on her cheek. I could feel the edge of her panties. With my left I held her skirt up, now having bunched it up completely into my fist.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked again.


Her legs widened and my right hand slid deeper between her legs, right onto her crotch, cupping her sex. She sucked in her breath as I pressed upward against her, rubbing her. She started to gyrate her hips as my middle finger depressed the soaking panties against her clit. I began rubbing in small circles but increasing the pressure with time.

There was no more need for talking after that. The intensity of the moment was enough to get Mom off.

I brought my left hand up to her mouth, covering it just in time, muffling her first loud moan. She bit down on me as she came, falling forward onto the counter.

As she recovered, she appeared to be flustered - unsure whether to stay with me in the kitchen or leave and face her husband, but needing to do something.

Knowing my role in our new dynamic, I gave Mom instructions. She needed me to be decisive for her. "Go to the living room and kiss Dad on the cheek," I whispered. "Tell him you're going to bed early. Then have a shower, put on something comfortable, and go to sleep. I'll take care of the kitchen. You don't need to be neglected ever again, Mom." I kissed her lips, silently.

She stared at me in wonder, then obeyed, walking out into the living room. I heard the audible smooch sound as she kissed my father's cheek and her telling him she was going to bed early, then their bedroom door closing and the shower starting a minute later.

I made sure to smell and lick clean my fingers before finishing the dishes. I had a taste and I wanted more.

I went right down to my room after that. Laying in bed, I remembered the feeling of my Mom's body as I got her off. This business with Mom was really making me feel like a man. It's funny how even after a boy grows up, his Mother still has more lessons to teach him. I smiled as I dozed off.


I had been sleeping for only a couple of hours when I awoke to a soft knock on my door. I wondered if it was my imagination, until a moment later when the door slowly opened. I could barely make out Mom's dark silhouette as she entered and quietly shut the door behind her, turning the knob as it closed so that the latch wouldn't make a sound. She approached my bed and sat on the edge, resting her hand on my thigh above the sheet.

I turned on my dim, bedside lamp to see my Mother wearing a short white robe tied tightly around her waist. There wasn't a speck of makeup on her face and her hair hung loosely on her shoulders, still damp from her shower. She looked natural.


"Shhhh." She trailed her finger tips along my leg silently for a minute. There was an oddly determined look on her face. She was nervous and pushing herself. I said nothing and we simply sat together in comfortable silence.

Eventually, she gently spoke. "You took a big risk today in the kitchen."

"Yeah?" I left my response open to see where this was going.

"Mhmmmm," she laid her hand flat on my thigh, dipping her fingers inside. "Your father could have seen what you were doing to me."

"Yeah, he could have."

"Yes... and how bad you were being... and how bad you were making me be."

Then I started to understand her new game. I knew she got off on the danger, but I didn't expect to ignite this much fire in her. Wow!

"He could have caught me touching you," I said. Now resting my hand on her thigh.

She bit her lip.

I continued. "He could have seen me touching his wife."

"He could have seen that she was encouraging it," Mom said, now breathing harder.

"That she was... spreading her legs for another man," I risked going too far, but was instead rewarded.

"Oooo, yes, for another man. For you!" Mom's hips started to squirm and she leaned her face close to mine. I guess she liked my phrasing. She whispered sensually, "he would have seen how sneaky she was being, letting her boy secretly get frisky with her."

My hand slid higher up her thigh as I responded. "He would have seen what he's missing out on." Then I took another risk. "What he's going to lose."

She caught her breath and spoke after a few moments, continuing to lean toward me. "Yes, what his son is... taking away from him."

The intensity of the moment was overwhelming. Our mouths came together like magnets and our tongues began dancing, fiercely mashing together. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to me, feeling her damp hair on my face and chest. Her hand slid up my body, briefly passing over my cock, the first time her hand had felt it. She grabbed my face in both hands as we made out.

I grabbed the knot of her robe, wanting it open, wanting to see and feel the body beneath it. Now's your chance! Get her out of that fucking robe!

Suddenly she pushed my hands away from her, breaking the kiss and sitting up straight. Still breathing heavy and flushed red.

"No, honey. Get your sketchbook first." Her voice was frantic.


"Draw me, baby. I need you to draw me. You must."

What? After everything we just did here and in the kitchen, she was going to stop me now? She wanted me to draw her again? I wasn't sure what game she was playing but I was willing to go along if it meant getting that damn knot untied.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed my sketchbook off the desk. Walking proudly in front of my Mother in my undershorts, my obvious erection throbbing. Mom openly looked at it, curiosity in her eyes. I wondered how many cocks she'd actually seen.

She stood at the end of my bed while I began to draw. I had no intention of spending much time on this sketch, just enough to satisfy whatever thrill it gave Mom so that we could get back to business.

She posed in a demure fashion, standing straight and looking at me with a downcast gaze. I focused my sketching on her robe and body, really making sure to capture the curves of her hips and bust. God, she had a wonderful bust.

"Tell me how you want me," she husked.

So she wanted some more orders? I could do that.

"Kneel on the end of my bed. Keep your legs together and put your hands on your knees. Look away from me."

She obeyed and I drew for no more than three minutes. I had no intention of taking my time tonight.

"Twist toward me and lean on your right hand. Let your left leg dangle off the bed."

Again, she obeyed, like a human puppet. My eyes roamed over her body, observing and noting every detail, every curve, every shadow.

Her right hand began to toy listlessly with her robe's belt while I drew, gently tugging at it but not hard enough to open the knot. What was she doing?

Then I remembered that I was in charge. That she liked me taking the lead, even bossing her around.

I tried to keep my voice level. "Take off your robe."

She froze, no longer toying with the knot. "Oh, honey. I don't think I can do that..."

"Stand up." I kept my voice normal, but firm.

She stood, her hands returning to the rope belt, knowing what command was coming, but needing me to say it anyways. She looked at me, patiently anticipating my voice.

I waited for nearly ten seconds, then calmly spoke. "Untie it."

She hesitated for a few seconds.

"I shouldn't."

She needed a bit more coaxing. Was she thinking of what my Dad was doing with other women? For other women? I returned to my phrasing from earlier.

"Untie it, Mom. For me."

"For you?"

"Yeah, Mom. Untie it. Take it off, for me. For... another man."

That did it. She slowly pulled the knot apart and let her robe spread open. Her bare midriff came into view. A pair of black lace panties covered her crotch. The robe parted further around her breasts which were supported by a thin mesh bra. Her hard nipples were clearly visible though the thin material.

She allowed the robe to fall from her shoulders into a pool on the floor behind her feet. I could have cum just from the sight of her.

We both breathed heavily as I admired her body. I had never seen her so exposed, revealing so much white, creamy skin. Even at the beach, she wore modest one-piece bathing suits.

I stood up to go to her.

"No, sweetie" she raised a hand to stop me. "Draw."

Returning to my seat, I gathered the book and looked at her. She waited expectantly, appearing vulnerable and unsure of herself.

"Mom," I began, gathering my previous confidence. "We need to do a drawing that shows off your toned legs. Twist to the side and look at me, with one leg behind the other."

She did as I told her and I began to draw. Again, spending no more than three minutes on her form and focusing on her lower body. My hand was shaking as I began to work. With my cock throbbing under the book it was hard to draw in this surreal situation.

"Now sit on the end of the bed and lean toward me. We need to draw your upper body, Mom. Your breasts."

"We do? My... breasts?" She trailed her fingers slowly through the valley in the center of her chest.

"Yes, Mom. It's important."

Again, she obeyed, though a bit more shyly. She was nervous to display her upper body so blatantly.

We were sitting so close together that I could smell her. For this drawing, I focused on her chest and shoulders and included the sultry look on her face.


Part 7

I couldn't take much more of this. "Last one, Mom. Lay across my bed on your stomach, I'm going to draw your backside now."

She obeyed again, this time quicker. She wasn't so nervous to show me her ass.

I spent an extra minute on this sketch, making sure I captured perfectly the way her panties curved around her cheeks and disappeared into her crack.

When I was finished I told her to come sit with me and look. By now, I understood how our our implicit deal worked. She got to look at the drawings I did of her and I got to explore.

She crawled on her knees and sat on the bed beside me while I handed her the book.

Mom immediately seemed to undergo the usual transformation that my sketches have on her. She smiled broadly, clearly pleased. She beamed the way a woman should, knowing that she is appreciated.

I sat behind her, immediately putting my hands on her skin, absorbed in it, fascinated by my Mother's exposed body. I brought my face to her hair, inhaling deeply as I began to kiss her neck and shoulders.

"Oh, sweetie, that feels so good." She leaned back against me slightly.

I brought my hands around her, sliding them up her bare thighs and over her stomach.

"You know... sometimes if a woman feels appreciated, she might let a man get a bit frisky."


"Yeah, baby. She might let a man play a little bit. But just a little."

She set the book down and leaned backward against me. I fell backward against my pillows as she slid up the mattress to sit between my legs, facing away from me, and leaned back into my chest. I brought my arms around her and pulled her close. I was overwhelmed in her feel, her scent, the ocean of soft, white skin pressed against me. My hands roamed across her arms and torso. So much body against me. She leaned back and rested her head on my shoulder, thrusting her chest upward.

The next moment my hands were sliding up and over her breasts, capturing them firmly over her bra while she turned her face and our mouths met. Even through the bra, her hard nipples dug into my palms. I brought my hands back around her, unsnapping her bra and tearing it off of her, revealing her beautiful Mom-tits. My hands returned to cup them, squeezing and playing with her big nipples as she dug her tongue into my mouth.

"So..." she whispered. "Are you going to play?" She nudged my right hand downward, off of her tit.

Mom began gyrating her hips. I guess our encounter in the kitchen only served to get her warmed up because she was seriously horny, her wanton action betraying her lust.

I slid my hand down, past the slight pout of her tummy, and over her mound, cupping and pressing against her. She went wild grinding herself against my hand.

"Yes! Play, sweetie. Play with me."

I hooked my thumb over the waistband of her panties and pushed them down, digging my fingers underneath and diving into the wet forest of fur and bare lips.

Mom sucked in her breath and then began mewing and moaning rapidly into my ear as I hooked my middle finger inside of her. I followed with my index finger shortly after, taking my time to work her tight pussy open with two of my digits. Mom's eyes spread wide and her jaw silently fell open.

"Gentle," Mom panted. "It's been a while." From her tightness and the intensity of her voice, I knew in that moment that it had been a long time since Dad had properly touched her.

I worked her for two minutes, massaging her left tit with one hand and fingering her with the other until her legs began shaking and she lifted her hips off the bed, trying to impale herself deeper on my hand.

"That's it, Mom, take it. Fuck it!" I hissed into her ear, driving her wild.

Mom had what was obviously a much-needed release.

At this point, I was barely containing myself from exploding in my shorts as my cock rubbed against my orgasming Mother's back. But, I had other plans than wetting myself like the day in the kitchen.

I lifted Mom, while sliding my body downward, plopping her on my lap, above my cock so that her meaty butt mushed against my belly and my cock sprang up between her legs. Then I quickly flipped it out from under my waistband and let it spring against her soaking panties, immediately beginning to grind it on her.

Her tone immediately changed as she realized our proximity to the forbidden edge and she fearfully snapped her legs together, squeezing my shaft between two smooth, creamy thighs and against the heat of her womanhood. "Baby, this... this is too much. You can't put it there!" Her voice now contained fear. Was she having a moment of doubt?

There was no doubt on my end as I tasted how close I was to my prize. I started bucking and fucking her thighs, wanting nothing more than to return to my birthplace.

Somehow my dickhead slipped under the fabric and on my next upward thrust I felt moisture and skin. Holy shit! I was rubbing against her bare lips! As I slid my hands back down her sides, I caught the straps of her lacy panties and slid them down her thighs to her knees. Finally exposing her lightly-haired pussy for the first time. Get inside her! This is your chance!

"Oh God, baby, you need to st- stop!" Mom begged me, while gyrating her own hips in rhythm with mine.

Returning my hands to her hips, I lifted her slightly on one of my backstrokes, no more than an inch. When she came back down my cock parted her entrance, truly threatening to penetrate into her.

Mom's body froze as she desperately gasped, "no, you can't pu- put it there!"

She seemed to return to sobriety in that moment of truth, knowing that I was intent on only one thing and that her ability to stop me was vanishing rapidly. Only moments remained for her to save us from diving into the true depravity of an incestuous fuck.

"I need it, Mom! Let me... appreciate you!"

"No, not there," she pulled away, grabbing my organ. Her tight grip felt incredible. Then she spun around, kneeling between my legs.

"But you can put it here." In the nick of time she engulfed my shaft to the back of her mouth. Her thick, wet lips slurping their way nearly to my base while her warm slug of a tongue twisted and spiraled its way around and around my head. Wow, Mom could suck!

After the best two seconds of my life, I exploded in what was, by far, my most intense nut. My jizz machine gunned into the back of her throat until it began to ooze out around my rod. Mom swallowed it all, savoring each drop while she licked me clean.

She crawled up next to me and whispered, "you earned some play time, and I love having you appreciate me, but I can never let you... inside me. Not there." She kissed me once more on the cheek. "Goodnight."

She picked up her robe and slipped out of my room. Again, all I could do was admire her butt as she walked away. How the hell was I going to fuck this woman?

Mom acted utterly normal the next morning. No suggestive glances, touching, or comments. If you were standing in our kitchen watching the three of us eat breakfast, you would have had no idea what we'd done just a few hours earlier.


So that was it. I had broken through. Mom seemed much more open to me now. Over the next week we seemed to be constantly lightly flirting and I always made sure to touch her when Dad was nearby, but not paying attention.

I would often feel her toe gently poking and nudging my leg under the dinner table, then later that night, I would help her do the dishes while taking every chance to graze my fingertips across her backside. Although, I didn't try anything too aggressive. Instead, I elected to take my time letting the tension build.

Mom deserved an Oscar for the performance she was giving. One moment, she'd be in the kitchen provocatively swaying her hips for me and the next she'd pass into the living room and give my Dad a drink and kiss on the cheek. The guy had no idea what was going on under the roof of his own house.

After an entire week of this new dynamic, I decided to see if she'd let me go a bit further. Since it had already been established as normal for me to be lightly touching her, I only needed to let my hands begin to wander a bit more. I began to give her butt little squeezes, or let my fingers slide across the sides of her breasts when I hugged her goodnight.

Once or twice I tried getting my hand under her skirt again but she would always bat my hand away with a grin.

"Don't get too crazy," she would say quietly.

Once I tried to undo a couple of her blouse's buttons while sitting with her on the couch and having tea. She pushed my hand away a tad coldly.

"Be good now," she said.

It seemed like Mom was okay with flirting and lightly touching, but she was obviously drawing the line there. Just like before, despite how far we'd already gone, Mom had let the pendulum swing back a ways before drawing a line in the sand. She was establishing her boundaries a little bit behind where I'd already managed to get.

On one hand, it was frustrating. But on the other, I enjoyed the challenge of trying to get into her pants. She wasn't going to give herself up too easily, and that only made me want her more. Maybe Mom wanted to see how hard I was willing to work for it, to find out what she was really worth. She had given me a taste and then said, "let's see what else you've got."

Well I certainly wasn't giving up. I was just going to have to try harder.

I knew Mom got off on the danger of having Dad nearby, but I also suspected that him being home would prevent her from taking things too far. So I figured my best plan was to wait until he left for his golf game on Saturday. Unfortunately, it rained all day and he cancelled his game. Drat!

But I had waited long enough and needed to do something. I came upstairs after spending Saturday morning in my room to find Mom in the kitchen. Dad was out back bumming around in the garage but he had been coming in and out of the house all day.

"Morning, sleepy head," she greeted me with a smile. She was preparing a salad for her lunch.

"Hey, Mom," I said, kissing her cheek and leaning on the counter opposite her to admire her while she cut up some vegetables. She was wearing a green house dress, buttoned all the way up her front, with a yellow apron. The apron was tied tightly behind her waist, slimming her dress to hug her form perfectly. Her hips flared out beautifully.

We chatted about small things for a few minutes. Despite everything we'd already done, I suddenly felt nervous. I can't believe my own Mom was giving me butterflies, like I was back in grade-school with a crush. I took a deep breath to calm myself and approached her, beginning to play lightly with her hair.

"I was thinking, Mom, we should go shopping again this afternoon."

"I don't know, honey, I think I bought enough clothing on the other trip to last me a while."

"But you can never have enough new outfits."

"That's true, but I don't feel like going out today. Maybe another time." She gave no reaction to me touching her hair and now grazing my fingers down her back.

"What about a cup of tea in the living room?"

"No, I'm okay, honey. I had two cups this morning."

Why was she giving me such a hard time? Did she enjoy torturing me?

Just then Dad came into the kitchen. Mom batted my hands off of her a moment before he came around the corner. He loudly dragged a chair back from the table and plopped himself down.

"Christ, the weather is ugly out there today. I was going to break par this afternoon, for sure." Dad's mood was like a dark aura that filled the room, obviously upset at missing his weekly stress relief. "Grab me something to drink, Mar."

Mom leaned on the counter and simply looked at him, not bothering to mask her disdain. Then she took a beer from the fridge, opened it, and set it in front of him before turning to me.

"You know, maybe I could use a cup of tea," Mom quietly said. She untied her apron and hung it on the stove handle before walking out of the kitchen.

I chatted with Dad a bit while the water boiled, trying unsuccessfully to cheer him up. "Don't worry, Dad, the weather will be better next weekend," I said, crossing my fingers that I was right.

He snorted and pulled out his phone. In no time he was hypnotized by some video.

Mom was flipping through a fashion magazine as I entered the living room with the tray. I had poured two cups of green tea and included a brownie with a small fork for her, as well. I noticed that the top two buttons on the front of her dress had been undone as I sat down on the same couch as her, leaving some space between us.

"What are you looking at, Mom?" I asked her. She had stopped flipping and was looking at a photo of a woman about her age wearing a bright red dress.

"Oh, just looking for some inspiration for the next shopping trip."

"Yeah? Well, you'd look great in that," I told her.

She grinned, "I would?"

"Totally, you have great hips, like hers but a little nicer." I kept my voice down so Dad wouldn't hear.

Mom slid a little closer to me. "What about this one?" She flipped to another page a little further back. It showed a woman in a thin, gray, low-cut sweater. The woman was large-breasted and the sweater clung tightly to her curves.

"That could definitely be your style, Mom," I said. Then continued in a whisper, "especially with your tits."

She poked me teasingly. "Behave yourself."

"But I think a brighter color would suit you better. Maybe light blue?"

"Wow, I had no idea you had such a good eye for fashion. I'll have to bring you to the mall again soon."

Progress. I was on track. Now just keep pressing forward.

She continued flipping as we began to sip our tea. She stopped once or twice more to point out various outfits or styles and I continued subtly complimenting her within my responses. Before long, we had slid a couple more inches closer together.

At one point, Mom's hand had dropped to the hem of her dress and she began to play with it in her fingertips. After another minute, she started to ball it up and tug it slightly up her leg. Was she being deliberately provocative? I stared as her creamy, white thigh meat began to come into view.

"How does it look?" She asked, grinning.

I looked up suddenly. She was pointing at another photo.

"Beautiful," I said, my hand moving out and resting on her bare leg. She didn't push it away. Instead, she turned the page to reveal a photo of a couple sitting on the patio of a cafe in some European town.

"Mmm," she hummed, "do you think they're on a date?"

"For sure, Mom. It looks like she dressed up for him." The woman was wearing a tight black dress that stopped only half-way down her thighs.

"You don't think she's showing too much leg?" Mom asked.

"No way, she knows that she has gorgeous legs and she's showing them off. Isn't she, Mom?"

Mom chuckled. "Maybe she is."

Dad's voice boomed out of the kitchen then, "we got anything to eat around here?"

"Yes, dear. Leftovers in the fridge," Mom kept her voice monotone.

I left my hand on her thigh as she kept flipping. We could hear Dad in the kitchen. He was walking around, loudly opening and closing cupboards as he prepared a plate of food. He pushed a few buttons on the microwave and it fired up.

Mom put the magazine down and picked up another. As she begin turning pages I started to let my hand slide further up her thigh, now curling my fingers to grip her inner leg. She paid me no notice. How far could I go? I had to keep in mind that Dad was liable to walk out of the kitchen any moment.

Emboldened, I whispered to her, "do you know why you've been such a good drawing model, Mom?"

She looked at me with a questioning look, as if to say, "what exactly are you trying to do?" while at the same time already knowing, and being willing to play along.

"It's your skin, Mom. It's so smooth."

"... My skin?"

"Yeah, Mom. Your legs don't have a single blemish on them." I began to draw tiny circles on her inner thigh.

The microwave beeped it's finish and Dad opened and shut it's door before sitting at the table again.

"Oh, give me a break. My skin is far from perfect," Mom said.

"No way, Mom. It is perfect. The backs, too." I wrapped my hand totally around her inner leg and began rubbing the bottom of her leg.

"I bet you spend a lot of time taking care of this skin, don't you?"

She didn't answer, just continued breathing slowly, allowing me to explore.

I kept pushing, going further up her leg, soon having my finger tips only inches from her panties. I hesitated then, worried of going too far and scaring Mom off again. Mom suddenly grabbed my wrist. Damn, I was so close!

But to my surprise, rather than shoving it away, Mom drew it farther up her dress, right against her crotch! I immediately cupped her and pressed hard. Mom released my wrist and continued to peruse her magazine as if she was all alone on the couch, gently squeezing her legs together to trap my hand.

Mom really was like a locked treasure chest. Hard to crack, but suddenly the right combination would open her right up.

I rubbed up and down against her, watching as she tried to keep her face straight.

Bringing my face near hers, I whispered, "is this for me?"

Mom only squirmed against my hand.

"Hmm?" I reiterated my question.

"Maybe. If you try."

I rubbed a bit harder. Mom moaned under her breath.

"If he comes in here, he'll see you being bad," I said.

"Yeah? What will he see?"

"He'll see what you're giving me. What I'm going to take."

"Then take it, already," Mom panted.

I pulled her panties to the side and shoved two finger inside of her. She caught her breath hard, biting her lip to stifle a moan.

A second later there was a tiny creak from the other room as Dad stepped toward the kitchen door. Within a moment, Mom shoved my hand away and we separated ourselves on the couch. When Dad walked into the living room Mom was reading an article and I was taking a sip of tea, trying my best to look normal.

Dad sat down on his chair. "Well, don't you two look cozy." Maybe he wasn't so oblivious, after all?

"I need to put in a load of laundry. Thanks for the tea, honey." She stood up from the couch and entered her and Dad's bedroom. Coming out a moment later with a full laundry basket. She stared fervently into my eyes from behind Dad, who, once again, had his face buried in his phone. She went downstairs and, a minute later, I stood up and followed her.

She was standing in front of the washing machine loading it full of clothes as I approached her. She heard me behind her and glanced over her shoulder before bending forward and reaching under her dress to slide her soaked panties down. She stepped out of them and threw them in the washer before shutting the lid and starting the machine. Then she turned around and leaned against it, staring straight at me.

I grabbed her by the hips and lifted her onto the machine, sliding her dress up to her waist. I fell to my knees, my head now perfectly level with her bush, as she wrapped her legs behind my shoulders and grabbed me by the hair.

I dove into her sweet muff and ate her for everything I was worth, the tumbling sounds of the machine hiding her moans. The tension of the previous week broke like a dam gushing over my face as I tongued and licked her, in disbelief of her sweet, sweet taste.

She came quickly, holding my face firmly against her crotch throughout her final throws before pushing me away, panting.

"Get in your room," she demanded, standing.

Of course, I obeyed. She following me inside and closed the door, quickly pushing me onto the bed and fumbling with my jeans.

My cock sprang free and she inhaled it, sucking me even better than she had the previous week. I had flashbacks to the incredible sensation of her mouth draining me as her tongue, once again, snaked around my shaft and her thick, wet lips worked me up and down.

Part 8

Unreal. Just thirty minutes ago I was being shot down in the kitchen and now I was on the verge of firing a load down Mom's throat. Something about Dad showing up really put her into a frenzy. She must really resent him.

Mom grabbed my shaft with her right hand and began jacking me off while swirling her tongue around my head. I couldn't make this last any longer and, with a heavy grunt, nutted hard. Again, Mom swallowed it down, wiping a drop from the corner of her mouth before sucking it off her finger. Fuck...

Standing, Mom straightened her dress and made for the door. "Dinner will be at six o'clock," she said over her shoulder as she left me collapsed on my bed, head spinning.


I knew better than to try something again the next day, or the one after that. At this point, I was learning how Mom worked. Give her some recharge time, let some tension build, then when she's ready, she'll let me know. I kept up the flirting, but didn't go beyond a few light touches here and there.

The following week, there were two separate nights when I heard through the vent that my parents were fighting again.

On Thursday morning, after the second fight, I decided to do an experiment. I needed to see what would happen in order to figure out what made Mom tick.

Mom and Dad were sitting together in silence having coffee and breakfast when I came upstairs.

"Morning," I said, before leaning over to kiss Mom on the corner of her mouth. "You look beautiful today." I smiled widely at her as I rubbed her back for a few moments.

Mom initially appeared surprised that I'd be so brazen in front of Dad, but a moment later a big grin broke out on her face and she beamed with pride. "Thank you, honey," she said.

"Something weird is going on with you lately, boy." Dad said mockingly.

I didn't look at him while I poured my coffee and spread some jam on a piece of toast. "Just giving Mom a compliment, Dad. Don't you think she deserves it?" Then I did look at him, keeping my face neutral and cocking my head to the side.

Mom held her breath, sitting up and suddenly becoming very attentive as Dad and I exchanged glares.

"When did you become such a Momma's boy?" He asked me.

"Is there something wrong with a guy appreciating his Mom?" I managed to keep my voice calm, despite the fear I felt inside. I had never stood up to Dad.

Mom's eyes darted back and forth between the two of us.

Dad appeared genuinely dumbfounded by the situation and let it go, shaking his head. "I've got to get to work. See you two later." He robotically kissed Mom's cheek and stood up.

"Goodbye, Dear," Mom said as he left the kitchen.

Mom casually sipped her coffee, not saying anything to me, while Dad gathered up a few things from around the house and went out the door.

I finished my toast and brought my dishes to the sink. As I watched Dad in the driveway, I felt Mom behind me.

"That was very bold of you." She wrapped her arms around me, groping my package. My cock quickly came to life.

She massaged my hard rod for thirty seconds as, together, we observed Dad get into his truck and start the engine.

Turning, I watched Mom slide to her knees, sliding her hands down my torso and thighs and continuing to look up at me. She hugged my waist, letting the side of her face mash against my cock.

I watched in amazement as she started to mouth me over top of my pajama pants, working her lips around my fabric-covered cylinder. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dad pull out and drive away as Mom finally flipped my waistband down and inhaled my length.

I came less than a minute later. With Mom's prowess, she could make a blowjob go quick when she wanted to. She hungrily drank everything I gave her before standing up and kissing me full on the mouth. "Thank you for being so good to your Mother," she whispered in my ear before leaving me standing alone in the kitchen.

I ended up being late for work, but I couldn't have cared less.


Over the next few weeks, I continued to discreetly flirt with and touch Mom, becoming more brazen with time. She ended up sucking me off a few more times, too. That usually happened when she was mad at Dad for something or after I had gotten her really worked up by touching her while he was in the other room.

One Saturday, after we had done another drawing session in the living room, Mom came and sat beside me. While looking at my drawings, her hand had journeyed to my crotch and found my hardness. After playing with it for a minute, she unclasped my pants and fished it out, her hand continuing to slide up and down my shaft. When she saw me squirming and knew that I was about to shoot my spunk, she said in a scolding tone, "you better not make a mess on this couch, Mister." Then she opened her mouth and covered my head a moment before I detonated. There was something about doing it in her living room that got me extra excited.             

I continued to be amazed at the effort and enthusiasm that she put into pleasuring me. Every blowjob felt absolutely amazing as she swirled her tongue around and around my head. She seemed to love having my thing in her mouth and would greedily engulf my entire shaft repeatedly until I ejaculated down her throat. Then she'd make eye contact with me while proudly swallowing my load. Those were the moments when I really knew that I had a Mother who loved and cared about me. Sometimes a guy needs that.

She snuck down to my bedroom once more, as well, about an hour after I had heard my parents fighting. She posed for me again, telling me to draw her. But this time, after I instructed her to remove her robe, she was topless underneath. I spent fifteen minutes on two studies of her wonderful boobs before she straddled me and pulled my face between them, grinding her snatch against my hardness.

Like the first time, I had desperately tried to slide back far enough to get my tip to probe her entrance. But just as she felt me threatening to penetrate her, she had released a frustrated moan before sliding her groove backward, returning my tip to the safe zone.

"I'm sorry baby, we- we can't do that!" She had reluctantly wailed. "We can't commit incest."

I'm not sure which one of us was more frustrated in that moment.

Instead, she had continued to expertly work her hips forward and back until we both came from the exquisite friction. Both of our stomachs as been thoroughly painted with my jizz as we mashed and slid our torsos together.

I didn't try to get into her again after that. She was being firm with her limits and, all things considered, I was in a pretty good position. Most guys could only dream of getting sucked off once by their Mom, and here I was sneaking around with and getting regular blowjobs from mine. I resolved to enjoy what I had.

For the moment, at least.

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Interlude 2

Sandra didn't like having to work the morning shift. Getting up early was tough for her, being a woman who much preferred the nights to the mornings. She loved staying up late with her thoughts and cigarettes. But lately she'd been staying up late for a different reason.

She shut off her alarm clock and rolled over to kiss her sleeping son. He briefly awoke at the feel of her mouth on his and returned the kiss before falling back into his slumber. Sandra smiled. He didn't have class that day, and, knowing him, he wouldn't stir for another few hours.

Spending the last month with Jace had been so special. The day after their first night together he had returned home from school to find her waiting for him on the couch. She had been bending over one of the arm rests, wearing nothing but a t-shirt which only covered the top half of her tush.

"What took you so long?" She'd asked him, her pussy peaking out and glistening with anticipation.

It hadn't taken him more than three seconds to drop both his book bag and his pants.

Since then they had scarcely missed a day of mating. Sandra smiled as she reminisced on those initial weeks of wild abandon.

She got in her car and left for work, arriving at the mall at 8:30 AM in order to get the store opened up for 9 o'clock.

Fashion wasn't actually a passion for her. Los Elegantes was really just a job, something to pay the bills. She knew today would be long. However, her anticipation for her weekend plans would get her through it.

She had recently gotten into contact with her father and they had made plans to see each other. She would be driving out Saturday morning to see him and she expected to be spending the night. Thinking about how she would wear one of those skimpy skirts got her all tingly. First she would waltz around in front of him, then she would catch him ogling her a few times just like he used to, and then...

The last month of her life had brought a lot of healing to her. It had been so therapeutic to set herself free. Free to do what she wanted. To reconnect with her son. To bond. To mate. She smiled as she pondered how quickly things could change. And how the path forward had always been right there in front of her.

As expected, the morning dragged on. At 1 PM she took her lunch break. And as she began walking to the food court she was met with a pleasant surprise.

"Maria!" she exclaimed, approaching the beautiful woman in the mall hallway. Wow, she's just as pretty as I remember her.

"Oh, Hi Sandra," Maria smiled at her, setting down her armload of shopping bags. The two women hugged lightly. Though they had only met once, there was a natural connection between them, as if they had known each other for years.

"Maria, I was just about to have lunch, please join me! I really want to talk with you."

"Of course, Sandra, I've just finished shopping and I was going to have something to eat, myself."

They each ordered a salad and sat down. Sandra had selected a table away from the crowd, wanting some privacy as she began their conversation.

"Maria, are you not with your son today?"

"No, Tyson normally has to work during the week."

"Oh, what a shame. He is such a sweet boy... and so handsome!" Sandra lightly teased, touching Maria's arm.

Maria blushed. "Yes... yes, he is."

"You two have a beautiful relationship. In fact, your advice was perfect for me. It turned out that all my son, Jace, needed was a bit of inspiration to start noticing me, too." Sandra beamed.

Maria's eyes opened. "You mean... you two have become closer? Oh, Sandra, that's wonderful!"

"Mhmmmm," Sandra hummed. "Much closer."

An awkward tension suddenly arrived, as if the two women were perched on the edge of a precipice. Would they continue forward?

Maria broke the silence. "...Much closer, you say?"

Sandra blushed, too nervous to speak. Until now, her new relationship with Jace had been a secret.

"How close?" Maria pressed.

Sandra took a deep breath. Then spoke, "Maria, can I trust you?"

"Of course," her response came quickly as she perked up. Maria also felt the unspoken bond that the two mothers shared.

Sandra spoke again, a bit reluctantly. "Maria, Jace and I... we've been... doing things. Do you understand?"

Maria looked uncertain, "What have you been doing? Going for walks together? Does he shop with you, too?"

"No, Maria," Sandra chuckled. "We've been doing... naughty things."

Maria's eyes suddenly opened wide as she shyly gazed downward. "Oh, my..."

Sandra voice took a slightly more serious tone, "Do you and your son... do naughty things?"

Maria couldn't meet Sandra's eyes. Her cheeks went strawberry red. "Yes... Yes, we do." Her admission came reluctantly but seemed to take a weight off of her chest.

"I knew it!" Sandra exclaimed, the tension gone. "I could tell by the way he looked at you and touched you. Oh, Maria, isn't it wonderful, feeling him inside of you? Your own son!"

"Inside? Oh, Sandra, we haven't gone that far. But, yes, being... intimate with him has been wonderful. It makes me feel so youthful and sexy."

Sandra looked surprised. "You mean... you haven't actually... done it? He hasn't tried?"

"No, we haven't. I mean... I think about it. I know he wants it. He's been trying. But... I just can't cross that line."

Sandra listened empathetically and took Maria's hand in hers before responding. "You're right. It is a big decision. But, believe me, I am so happy that I took that step with Jace. You musn't deny him, Maria, a sweet boy like Tyson, he deserves it. Don't you think?"

Maria thought for a moment, then spoke. "It's not that I don't think he deserves it. He does. It's just that I don't know if I can bring myself to do it. What would the world think of me? What kind of Mother would I be if I let... incest happen between us?"

"Our world is cruel, Maria. It is quick to judge and slow to understand," Sandra waxed philosophical. "There are a lot of ways to show love, but the truth that I've grown to understand, Darling, is that incest is a pathway to the purest connection that two people can share. It's a beautiful thing. But, unfortunately, our world... our society... it isn't ready to accept that. And that's okay."

Maria listened, her eyes wide.

Sandra continued, driving the nail deeper. "Maria, let me guess, you're having problems with your husband?"

"I... yes. Yes, I am," Maria confessed, emotion in her voice. "How did you know?"

Sandra smirked. "Trust me, I know women. I meet lots of them each week. They come to the store for an escape, looking to feel pretty and appreciated. I can see when the pressures of home life are getting to them, when the pressure of pleasing their husbands is wearing them down. When they've given so much and received so little. All they want is to be noticed."

Maria nodded, listening intently.

"I can read a situation like yours," Sandra continued. "Haven't you lived for your husband long enough? Lived for society long enough? Oh, sweetheart, it's time for you to make yourself happy. Take control of your life, Darling. You deserve it." She finally released Maria's hand.

After a long pause, Maria spoke. "Thank you, Sandra. I think I really needed to hear that."

Sandra had to return to the store then and stood from the table, leaning down to kiss Maria's cheek and thank her once more for joining her for lunch. Before she left, she slipped Maria a card with her number on it. "Don't hesitate to reach out," she said.

Looking back, Sandra saw Maria sitting for several more minutes at their table, peacefully alone with her thoughts.

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