
Different Sex Stories

Sex Stories From Different Sites. Short And Sometimes A Lil Bit Long Sex Stories... I haven't read all the stories so, i don't know if they contain NTR or not. if you find NTR, please mention it in the title comment so that people who don't like it can avoid it. Thanks! :) Enjoy all these stories...:) You can use these as a fap material, no one's gonna judge you ;) Ps: Cover Pic? Well, that's the cover of some manga on nhen*ai so, yeah just use Google scan...=_=))

AlmightyTRX · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Eye Of The Applicator [Last Part *9]

Part 9

I wondered if Mom would come back out and join me for a cup of tea, but when she didn't, I went down to my room as well. Though dismayed, I was able to accept that the fun was not going to continue with Mom. There would be no more "playing" with her.


I also fell asleep early. However, I woke up a few hours later, thirsty. I decided to head upstairs and get a glass of water.

Quietly, I left my room and walked toward the stairs. I could hear Dad snoring loudly through that vent. He was in for a Sunday hangover, for sure. I felt bad for Mom having to sleep next to that.

The living room was completely dark as I passed through it and entered the kitchen. As silently as I could, I got a glass and filled it with water from the tap, leaning on the counter as I sipped. The room was dim, only illuminated by a bit of light from the streetlamps.

"Can't sleep?" Mom's soft voice startled me.

I turned and saw her leaning against the door frame. I hadn't heard her bedroom door open... She must have already been in the dark living room while I walked right past her, probably laying down on the couch.

"Just thirsty," I said.

Mom entered the kitchen, walking slowly toward me. Her face carried a serious expression as her eyes studied me.

Mom had undone the buns in her still-wavy hair, which now lay loose on her shoulders. She was wearing a long, red nightgown which hung well below her knees, but clung tightly to her entire body. Her figure was beautifully outlined by the silky fabric, her nipples visibly poking through. No bra? Somehow I just knew that she wasn't wearing panties, either.

I finished the last of my water and Mom took the empty glass out of my hand and set it in the sink. Then she pressed herself against my side, lovingly wrapping her arms around my torso. She brought her face to my cheek and warmly kissed me. The kiss carried an extra degree of affection.

"I owe you an apology," she said.

"You do? For what?" I asked, my heart rate increasing.

"You've been so good to me. And so patient." Mom kissed my cheek again. My cock rose well past half-mast and tented my loose pajamas. After starving all week, any intimacy was incredibly arousing.

I wrapped my hand around Mom and placed it on her low back, the silky material easily gliding across her skin as I gently rubbed up and down. Delight washed over me as I enjoyed the feeling of her body, her shape all too familiar.

"I've made you wait so long. I've been such a tease. Please understand that I just needed time to be ready."

"To be ready for what? Dad's dinner night?"

Mom chuckled and smiled warmly. "Dad's night? Don't be silly, honey. Your father is fast asleep and he won't be waking up for a long time." She looked directly into my eyes, suddenly serious. "This is our night."

"Mom? What are you talking abo-"

She cut me off, pressing her mouth against mine, kissing me with a fervency I had never felt from her. There was a new level of decisiveness in the way her tongue snaked into my mouth. In fact, I had sensed it in everything she was doing - the way she moved, the way she touched me, the way she spoke.

We embraced and necked passionately in the dark kitchen. After a full two minutes, we were both hungrily mouthing the other, seemingly trying to make up for the past week.

So Mom wasn't cutting me off, after all? I decided that it was best to stop trying to understand and just accept whatever happened.

"Take me downstairs, baby," she whispered between kisses, now pecking me lovingly all over my face.

I didn't need to be told twice and lead her slowly by the hand through her living room, and into the basement. She followed me into my bedroom and closed the door behind her.

I went to my bed and clicked on the lamp before grabbing my sketchbook from the desk, beginning to think of which pose I would instruct her to begin with.

"Put your book away," Mom's voice was firm. "We don't need that."

Huh? She didn't want me to draw her?

Mom walked slowly to my bed, letting her fingers sensuously scrape along my belly as she passed me. She leaned forward and pulled her long nightgown upward, sliding it above her knees as she bent her left leg to crawl onto my mattress. Provocatively raising her beautiful rump high in the air, she inched toward my pillows, finally arriving and dropping her upper body to my bed sheet. The side of her face pressed firmly against my bed, she looked back at me and slowly continued to pull her gown further up her thighs, not stopping until the very bottom of her crack became visible.

My heart beat out of my fucking chest as the implications of what she was doing dawned on me. I dove onto the bed, shoving my pajama pants to my ankles to free my ready member.

Mom was nearly laying flat on my bed, only keeping her hips slightly raised above the mattress as her butt slowly swayed back-and-forth, beckoning me.

Each of my hands landed on a one of her curvy globes. Bringing my face to her legs and beginning to kiss the back of her thighs, I began to slide her gown even higher, up over her meaty bottom. Mom cooed her approval as my mouth climbed toward it's target.

She inched her knees farther apart, widening her legs and truly displaying herself to me. As I continued to kiss my way up her thighs, I came face-to-face with both of my Mother's holes, blatantly exhibited in the dim light. Could anything have been sexier than Mom trusting me with the sight of her most intimate places?

I stared at the astonishing view before me for only a moment before losing myself to carnal passion and diving face-first into her exquisite muff. With my face now pressed firmly against her nether region, I greedily inhaled deeply of her scent before beginning to tongue her.

She continued to moan and whimper as I serviced her, particularly loving the way my hands snaked under her gown to grope each of her bare tits. She would grow louder each time I pressed my tongue against her clit, but when I wormed it through her fleshy lips and into her vagina, she urgently shoved her hips backward against my face. Mom wanted to be filled.

Before long, she had soaked my entire face so that when I finally pulled it away, her intoxicating aroma continued to fill my nostrils with each breath.

Feeling my tongue leave her, Mom groaned and rose up onto her knees, chasing my face. Never before had she appeared so available to me, so blatantly ready to rut.

Her face still twisted to the side, she watched as I scurried into position behind her, setting my rigid cock along her ass and sawing it through her slippery crack.

"Rub it," she panted.

I squeezed her glorious cheeks around my thick shaft. They were easily meaty enough to completely envelope me as I continued my fucking motion, now within the fleshy tunnel I had created.

"Rub it on me."

I humped harder, the bottom of my rod scrubbing Mom's backdoor. So wet and soft, so good.

"No, baby, rub it... where you're not supposed to!" Her voice had grown frantic.

Realization dawned. I released her cheeks and pulled my shaft back before grasping its base in my left hand and guiding it forward to nestle within her lips. My head sliced far enough forward to hit her clit. Mom inhaled sharply before releasing a long moan. Her hips followed me as I slid backward, fighting to maintain contact.

Both her mouth and eyes opened wide as she felt my manhood in such a dangerous place. Honestly, with her soaking wet orifice practically begging me inside, it was incredibly difficult to resist the urge to simply line myself up and impaled her. But, somehow I knew that it would be wrong. As hard as it was, I had to wait.

Mom's face took a frightened expression against my sheets as she looked back and watched the action between her legs. From her unique viewpoint, she saw her own body writhing in need and following my cock forward and back as I sawed against her. She twisted her upper body to the side and her left hand shot back, finding and gripping my right wrist as if it was a life preserver. Her nails dug into my skin as she squeezed with all her might. My right hand gripped her wrist too, locking our arms together as we looked into each other's eyes. Mom was equal parts afraid and horny as her mind battled her body.

"You... you wouldn't abandon me, would you?" Mom's voice was pleading.

Then it hit me. Of course, Mom hadn't been holding out real sex because it was incest. We were already way past that. She was holding out to protect herself. She had probably saved herself for marriage, then given herself to Dad only to be abandoned sexually. He had gone for years barely touching her and had even cheated on her. The pain must have been devastating for such a tender woman, with so much love to give. Now she was on the verge of giving herself to another man, me. She was afraid of the same thing happening, the same pain returning. Mom was starving for basic emotional commitment.

"Never, Mom. I would never abandon you."

"You promise?" Her hips made a tiny hooking motion, moving forward then back, catching my cockhead with the entrance of her womanhood with a wink of her hips, scooping my helmet into her vagina. Her movements were surprisingly deft. Even now, Mom didn't cease to amaze me.

"Yes, I promise. I won't leave you. Not ever!" I offered my deepest reassurances.

"Ooooohhhh, please forgive me, babyyy," she moaned, pushing backward against my pole, popping me past her resistance and quickly getting two inches inside of her.

I felt her delightful tightness tugging on me, like a million tiny tongues drawing me into her as I sunk deeper. I now understood clearly that it had needed to be her who first crossed the forbidden boundary. That was the only way. It could have only happened when she was ready.

"Be gentle with me." Her final permission arrived at last.

Warmth. Nothing but maternal warmth engulfed my being as I fully slid into Mom. Lost in the softness of her body, the flesh of her ass against my hips and her back against my chest as I collapsed forward, I fucked into her. Drunk on beautiful incest, we rutted without thought, letting our bodies do as they pleased.

Watching my shiny shaft move in and out of her, each time momentarily gripped by her nether lips as I drew back, was a surreal sight.

"Ahh, ahh, ahhh, ohh, oooohhhhh!" Mom panted with each thrust.

Mom's already soaked pussy seemed to get even wetter as we fucked, using our grips on each other's arms to thrust ourselves together. Mom loved finally being filled and stretched and was pushing backward toward me almost as much as I thrust into her. It was beautiful to watch her fully surrender to her body's needs as she fought to get me deeper into her.

This was it, what I had worked for - motherfucking. Terrifying and thrilling. I understood that this was simply the best pussy a man could have - his own Mother's.

Finally I let go of her arm to grip her hips with both hands. Mom brought her left hand back to the mattress beside her face, steadying herself.

Slowing my thrusts, I began to drill deeper into her. I wanted to press as far as I could, to be in Mom's core. Sinking to my hilt, I lay on top of her, flattening her on the mattress. Then I pounded her without pulling back out, simply hammering my already-buried cock against her.

Mom's moans turned to primal grunts. "Ohh, uh, uh ,uh, yessssssss, like that, like that!"

I came soon after, my orgasm almost painful in its intensity. "Uhh, ohh, Mommmmm!" I groaned as I poured myself into her.

I fell on top of her after fully spending everything I had. To her delight, I continued giving her firm but short thrusts before softening and slipping out of her. Any worry I had that she would regret what we'd done vanished as she continued to moan warmly and cup my hands over her breasts.

Mom and I lay together, cuddled into a ball and whispering for a short while while we recovered. Then I rolled her onto her back and pulled her gown fully off of her. As I crawled on top, she took my newly-hard cock in hand and guided it inside as she wrapped her legs around me. She drew me inside with a devilish grin on her face, her trepidation now gone.

After sinking in, I pulled back and pushed forward again, my tool quickly soaked in her juices.

I was enthralled by the sight of her lips as they spread and wrapped around my head. Every crinkle of skin, pubic hair, smell, freckle, was special to me as I admired her most private region, the region that so few people had ever been allowed to see.

"Appreciate me, baby. Appreciate your Mother," she whispered to me as I slid back and forth in the channel that had birthed me.

And I did appreciate her. I fucked her faster and faster. Her moans grew in volume as we shagged.

We came at the same time, her fingernails digging into my back and her legs pulling me tightly into her.

"Give it to me, sweetie, give it all to your Mother..." she whimpered into my ear as I spermed her.

Our second fuck of the night had lasted much longer than the first, but not as long as the third.

Laying with her after I had spent everything I had, I knew that this wouldn't simply end. Something unstoppable had begun. From this moment forward, my Mother would always be available to me, and I to her. Any other woman that I would bed during my lifetime would always be second to Mom, whom I could never abandon. Our incestuous bond would forever hold me to my oath.

Mom and I lay awake, talking and stroking each other before finally sleeping lightly for two hours. In the early morning, Mom quietly returned to her marriage bed.


I tried my best to play it cool over the next few days but I simply couldn't stop grinning. I had sex with my Mom! I was permanently giddy as memories of that night flooded my mind. She hadn't been my first lay. I had dated a couple girls back in High School. But they were young and silly, nothing compared to Mom. Coupling with a real woman was on another level.

I couldn't wait to do it again and, as it turned out, I didn't have to wait long.

The following Wednesday morning Mom was already dressed and done up when I found her having breakfast with Dad in the kitchen. She said that she was going out soon for a morning coffee with a new friend. The thing was, she had chosen to wear that same burgundy skirt again. The one she knew that I loved.

The three of us followed our usual morning routine, eating toast and making a bit of small talk before Dad left for work.

As soon as he was out the door, Mom stood and brought the dishes to the sink where she began to wash them while looking out the front window.

"Come help me with these dishes," she said to me, glancing backward over her shoulder and wiggling her butt suggestively.

A moment later, I was behind her, my hands already kneading her wonderful ass and beginning to slide her skirt upward.

"Mmmmm," Mom murmured. "We'll have to get these dishes washed quickly. I don't want you to be late for work."

"Forget work," I nearly yelled as I pushed my shorts downward, my cock springing up. I brought my right hand to her front while my left finished hoisting her skirt over her ass.

My fingers found her crotch and I dug them under the fabric, pulling her lacy panties to the side and cupping her sex. She was wet already and my middle finger easily slipped inside.

"Oooooo," Mom moaned, gripping the counter top and pushing her butt backward toward me. "Quickly," she panted.

What was the rush? I didn't understand until I realized that Dad was still standing in the driveway, fumbling with his keys as he tried to enter his truck.

Knowing what she wanted, I yanked her panties down. She bent forward, giving me access, and I quickly positioned myself before shoving all the way into her.

"Ohhhhhh, yes!" Mom moaned, permitting herself to be loud as she looked at her husband outside.

It was a surreal moment, watching my father start up his truck and drive away as I was balls-deep in his wife, but it seemed to drive Mom absolutely wild as she frantically jerked forward and back against me.

"Fu- fuck me!" Mom grunted. I had never heard her use that word before. "Fuccckkkk," she wailed, like the word was being yanked out of her. For all I knew, it was the first time she'd ever said it.

I really started pounding her then, her thick juices leaving my rod slippery enough that I easily slid in and out. I roughly groped her with my left hand while bringing my right in front of her face. Quickly she sucked my middle finger into her lips, cleaning her own flavor off of it.

"Ohhh, ohh, ohh, OHHHH, YESSSS!!!" Mom came hard a moment later, her cries filling the entire house.

I gave her three more deep thrusts before spunking her. As Mom collapsed forward, panting heavily, over the counter, I slipped out of her and backed away. A long string of my sticky sploodge momentarily connected my shiny rod to Mom before stretching and breaking apart. More spilled out of Mom's used hole and splatted into a slimy pool on the tile floor. The rest of what didn't stay inside of her began to run down her inner thighs.

Mom brought her hand between her legs, cupping herself and trying to contain what juice hadn't already run out. Then she pulled her panties back up, blocking anything else from excreting itself, licked off of her fingers, and straightened her skirt. She didn't bother going to the bathroom to clean up.

And like that, we said goodbye, me going to work and her leaving to see her friend. She seemed to love going out with my gunk drying on her crotch and legs. It was almost like she was happy to be in public with my mark on her. She had put a lot of thought into her decision to let me in, and she would now own it proudly.

Curious, I had asked her who this new friend was but she had only winked and told me I'd already met her once.


Mom and I really found a new dynamic after that, always finding time to squeeze in a quick romp here and there. A couple more times over the next month Mom snuck down to my room again where we could really enjoy each other. But she always had to get back upstairs to her own bed early, before Dad woke up.

And, of course, Saturdays were ours. As soon as Dad drove away, we'd be at each other. Often not stopping until we heard him arrive back home hours later.

She seemed to like the sneaking around, really getting off on it. It made her hot to fuck me while Dad was home, knowing how close the danger of being caught in the act was. But to tell the truth, the excitement of taking that risk wore off pretty fast for me. I wanted us to have the freedom to do as we pleased. Fuck when we wanted, rut all night, then wake up beside each other.

Within weeks I had pulled the trigger and moved out. With plenty of money saved up, I could afford to rent a decent, one-bedroom apartment and, for once in my life, I didn't live in a basement. I wasn't far from home either. Mom could visit easily on the weekends, or weekday evenings. Often, she would come over and pose in my living room while I drew her. That was one tradition we would never lose.

I'll never forget how proud I was the first time I called Dad to tell him that Mom was going to stay the night at my place. Of course, he didn't know that she'd be sleeping in my bed with me, but it was so satisfying to know that she had chosen me over him. There was something about the way he'd said, "alright, son, you two enjoy yourselves" that made me wonder if he knew more than he let on.

I always wondered why my folks never got a divorce. I guess separation just wasn't socially acceptable in their generation. Given everything that happened between Mom and I, I figured she wouldn't care about what others thought, but she's funny like that. Or maybe she just didn't want to lose the house, the cozy home she'd decorated and built. My Mother and I were similar that way. Once we get our hands on something important to us, we never let it go.


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