
Did you say the Demon Lord was a...?

In his first life, Daron was a nerd, in his second life he was an explorer, now in his third, he wanted to be powerful. However, he'll have to deal with being born as an F- ranked monster, the horned rabbit, but that's fine because the Demon King in his last life was a Horned Rabbit. If you like or dislike something, write a comment or review, so I can learn from it.

Yobyoby18 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

AS 1: Regal Bladesmanship

There once was a kingdom, ruled by a benevolent royal family. However, the king was old and so it was time to pass the crown to his only son. This son was a genius, master of politics, finances, and everything else a king might need to rule well... except military prowess.

The royal family had carved this kingdom with their own flesh and blood, fighting on the frontlines with their soldiers. But with all the countries surrounding them either being vassal states or bogged down with generation-long treaties, there hadn't been any wars in a long time, now was the age of peace and prosperity. So the prince had no qualms with his lack of strength, after all, he had his royal guard to protect him.

But nothing lasts for long, one night an assassin snuck into his room and was only a few seconds away from killing him when his guards arrived. So the prince, scared for his life, sought out the Sword Saint and asked him.

"Please! Make me a sword style that will allow me to protect myself until my guards arrive!"

The Sword Saint had lived a long time, many had asked to be his disciple, to gift them a sword style that will conquer their foes, but not once had anyone asked him to make a style like this! A style for a non-fighter! Maybe that was why he accepted.

One year later the Sword Saint returned and gifted him the style. The style was a built to protect yourself, not just by blocking and parrying, but also by attacking, to deter your attacker from being on the offensive, so despite being for defense, it was quite deadly. Its name was Regal Bladesmanship. Called such as it could be adapted for anything from a dagger to a greatsword, though it was best used with a longsword.

Even after the prince would die, even after the kingdom fell, this style would live on for centuries.

sorry for just dropping off the map, I'm being forced to help my dad, simultaneously move, and clear out our dumpster of a basement. so I might not be uploading regularly but I didn't want to leave you guys with nothing, so I decided I had to at least upload something so here's an 'Additional Story' something that explains the background of something in the story that I decided I wanted to go further into detail, though this hasn't appeared yet.

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