
Confession (1)

#diary of a bitch


Well, that turned out to be the longest 11 hours and 30 minutes of my life. I could barely concentrate on work, I even scalded my palm but it didn't matter. I just wanted to see him again, it's been almost a month since the incident, I guessed he didn't want to face me as he was afraid of a repetition of the display of madness that happened in the hospital ward.

LEE-VEE's closed as early as 4pm, I dismissed all the staffs including the cleaner before 5pm and focused on the time. To be honest I was super nervous.

At exactly 5:30, Mr. Gorgeous walked in through the back door, he looked like he hadn't shaved for days, but still cute all the same. He had a casual T-shirt and jeans with a pair of Van's on. Even with that he managed to entrance me in his gorgeousness.

"Hi." He mumbled nervously.

"Hey." I replied awkwardly, still in a daze.

"Can I sit?" He politely asked, snapping me out of my daze.

"Huh....oh sure, this way please." I said in an awkward voice and lead the way to the kitchen.

"So what do I offer you?" I asked as he took a seat near the counter. I went all the way to stand my the sink, I wanted to be as far from him as possible, not because I wanted to, but because I didn't want him to see the level of nervousness I was in. My hands was shaking like crazy.

"I just want you to offer me one thing, a listening ear." His unwavering gaze was making me go wonkers, I could hardly stand properly so I stylishly rested my weight slightly beside the sink.

"O–of course." I said in a high pitched voice that gave him a puzzled look. 'Get it together Vee, you're making a fool out of yourself.' my demon chastised.

I slowly moved closer and sat opposite him. He took a deep breath and started.

"Vee, I'll start by thanking you for agreeing to listen to me, I'm sorry for hurting you and I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgiven me eventually.

I'm not a good person, maybe because I lost my mother at a very early age or because I didn't have sufficient parental love and guidance. I never loved Chloe, I got married to her because I had to. She was the perfect wife and would have made a great mother if things didn't end up the way it did. For me she was like a trophy, a perfect face that cooks my meals and escort me to parties. Plenty saw her as lucky whenever we grace an event together, she was always all smiles like she had the perfect life, the perfect husband. She loved me wholeheartedly, she sacrificed her dreams to be an artist just to be with me, but I never appreciated it, I never loved her as she loved me. I was always too busy with work that we never even had our wedding night.

I got home drunk one fateful night and slept with her under the influence of alcohol, since then, I started avoiding her like a plague. She complained bitterly the few times I managed to come home, but it pissed me off as I thought she was not understanding and being a nagging woman, so the distance grew even wider.

On the day she died, I came back home 2am frustrated and hungry, I called and yelled her name but there was no reply. I went over to the dining to see what she had prepared for me only to find a hastily scribbled note, she had packed her things and left. She had hoped that I'd change but I didn't and she wasn't going to waste her life in a marriage that was fake and filled with sorrow and heart ache. I was furious, how dare she pack out without my permission? I thought she was just being a drama queen and she'd be back by morning, I even went to bed figuring out how I'd punish her once she showed up.

She showed up in the morning, or should I say her corpse showed up. I was shocked, she was burnt beyond recognition. It was an accident she was drinking and driving and drove off a cliff. It was then I realised my mistakes, it was all my fault that she died. I made her miserable, I'm the beast that killed her, me!" He was crying like a baby by the time he finished his story, I was shedding tears too, I tried to console him.

"It wasn't your fault, she made the decision to leave it–"

"Yeah, who pushed her to the wall?, she was willing to leave even if she knew that she was 2 months pregnant, I was going to be a dad, but she had lost all hope that I was going to change." I gasped at the new information, she was pregnant. I didn't know what to think, talk less of say.

"I buried myself in work, but it didn't help. Joey helped a lot back then, but I still couldn't get over the fact that I killed my wife and child with my very own hands. I was at the place we met for the first time when I noticed the commotion you were in. I knew it wasn't my business but I couldn't help myself, I shot at the woman that seemed to be the leader of the gang and went into hiding. I would have killed all of them there and then but I wasn't sure of how skilled and smart they are, plus the face that it was dark. When I saw you run towards the border, I maneuvered my way there as well, until I heard a gunshot and saw you falling. I gunned down 3 of the men and shot at the woman's leg, that was how I was able to take you out of their sight without being trailed.

I didn't know why I saved you until I saw your face, I thought you were Chloe and you came back to me. I promised myself to make up for my mistakes as soon as you regain consciousness. Even after you told me you were Vee Vee Benson, I still couldn't believe you were not my Chloe. I thought you were still angry at me so you decided to hide your identity, so I decided to get married to you. It was after our marriage I got to know you were really Vee Vee, Michael told me. I know it's kind of a lot to take in now but I'll assure you that I fell in love with your personality. How, why and when it happened is what I can't comprehend but trust me Vee, I love you for who you are, not because you look like Chloe, though that was the reason you came into my life in the first place." I couldn't control the tears, I didn't know why I was being a cry baby but I just couldn't stop. He came over to me and hugged me close to him. He wasn't done with his confession yet.

"I have one last confession to make, this time it's not pleasant." His voice sounded grim.


By now you'd probably be tired of my apologies, but I'll still say I'm sorry. I have a lot going on now, plus I'm studying for the most important exam in my life. Unlike many, I'm not a whizkid, I have to brain storm before scoring above average in tests, hence the sloppy super slow updates and all.

Anyways I'd say a big thank you to all my loyal readers, and everyone voting their precious stones for my humble book. I love y'all.


illusionisticcreators' thoughts