
Sang Model

Selena looked on with a stunning face at a very handsome teenager nearby. The man's body was towering in front of her. The foreign man wears a blue cloth on his right shoulder, he appears to be bending his back while holding his left leg which she has kicked. 

Selena feels sorry for what she did just now. She immediately ducked down and apologized, "I'm sorry, senior. I didn't mean it, I-I guess..."

Not finished Selena apologized to the teenage boy, moments later and then from her side, a woman's voice was heard loudly yelling at her. 

A girl, wearing a high school blazer, appears to be walking hastily towards Selena and the man who gets kicked, the look on the girl's face looking anxious as she asks, "Lucas, are you okay?"

The man called Lucas then straightened his back which was bent. The pain in his knee slowly began to not hurt anymore. He was just about to reprimand his junior before he was then startled by one of his friends who pushed that student to the ground. 

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