

In a world with "DEVILCRAFT", Lihan, the boy that has a power of consuming the demons essence, helps the silver wolves giving his life on the line.

Daoist77M9rh · Fantasía
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12 Chs


While their talking, the subject went to the silver wolves rank S+. Seia asked if lihan is interested of getting to know them because everyone in Artyum knows them besides him. She say every member of the class S+, syndel, mezara, cane, kaliego, Tolkien, orian, Vincent, kaiser, carmine. They are the strongest silver wolves in this era, the strongest is syndel with her nullification magic. She can only use it once a year, her technique is saved to the higher threat. Orion, the strongest mage, with his destructive techniques he can erase entities with ease. Tolkien the sharpshooter, he hasn't missed any bullets for 20 years now and his eye is peculiar, he has an eagle eye. Vincent and carmine are new, Seia hasn't get enough Intel to them. Kaiser has a teleportation magic, he supports the team, he enhances the abilities turning it to 200%. And she said to lihan that lihan already knows cane but he said he hasn't seen his technique yet. Cassandra the nurse pulls seia's feet to look at her fracture, Seia groaned in pain because Cassandra wasn't being gentle. As Cassandra was bandaging seia's feet, her attention gets to lihan. "Oh! You're awake, you were out for 6 hours." Lihans eyes widens because that was long than before. 

"I need to find Edward!" He forces himself to stand up. 

Lihan felt weak and his body was light like a feather. Cassandra explained that he absorbs a code red demon, making his body can't adapt to much then almost destroyed his body. Lihan grabs his head getting an headache again. He gets the memories of the demons too, witnessing their inhuman behaviours and disgusting crimes. After lihan seeing it all, he grabs a bucket and vomits from disgust. Cassandra rubs his head with a menthol massage making him feel good and relieved. Lihan was now fine, he asked how did Seia fractured his right foot. It wasn't a fracture, it was a sprain, Seia was walking around and didn't see the wet floor sign. Even Seia called herself stupid, someone enters the medical tent and it was Edward. 

"I'm glad that you are awake, I was worried because that wasn't suppose to happen, right?" Edward asked with concern.

Lihan has a new knowledge from his absorbing, he now knows even absorbing has limitations to it's user. Edward takes a sit near lihan and tells him the news, they will be busy from catching up work. They will get piled up missions the devil crimes were increasing. Meanwhile in another place, John and Lucius were having a secret mission investigating town Korra. Lucius gets a calls from his talesman and it was Seia, she said that lihan and Edward are coming to town Korra because another demon had been reported. The crows were watching Lucius and John, the crows are kaisers pets that allows kaiser to see everything from what the crow sees. 

Lucius sees the crows and he gives the birds a tongue out taunting kaiser. Lihan was doing some work out and being guided by cane, cane forces lihan to keep working even he feels the pain. Edward was doing some training outside making holes to the puppets with his sharp wind magic with his spirit owl. Kaliego was inside his office looking at a picture, In it was him younger about 18 years old, now he's 31 and having disappointments from his past. He takes a walk around the base getting some fresh air. Lihan walks passed behind him limping again. He calls Lihan to talk about something, he points to the foot soldiers of silver wolves that were doing drills.

"They are willing to sacrifice their lives for our country and for us."

Lihan hasn't got the point and tilted his head in confusion, kaliego spoke again-

"They aren't powerful like us, they don't have magic or demon powers, they are a good representation of heroes with no powers."

Lihan has gotten the point and agreed, kaliego then said-

"We must do better too, let's not waste their sacrifice for us because they put their trust in us."

Lihan was confused why kaliego is saying this, kaliego took a a deep sigh and spokes gently with a sad tone-

"It was 22 years ago, everyone I knew in my teenage days, the high ranks were...killed, I'm the only one who is alive."

Lihan was sad and symphatizes from what has happened to kaliego. 

"I was once like you, young and energetic but I was agressive and over confident, that day when the dooms day came, high ranked silver wolves and I was there, I was only rank 10, the weakest, we fought the demon king and one by one we were wiped out but we defeated the demon king while losing them all, I was limping because I have a deep wound on my waist, I saw my comrade coughing blood and struggling to breath, I only stayed with him...until he draw his last breath. But that's not all, I continued being a silver wolves, but no matter how hard I try, they aren't grateful and thankful. I sitted on the corner and cried, I made myself vulnerable and weak because I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't cared anything, until I met you and Edward. The two of you were similar to my senior who was selfless and caring. Being a silver wolves is a suicide, lihan...we just don't get that good reward all the time. The world pays us hardships and trials, I swore that I will be matured and selfless while hiding it."

Kaliego gives a headpat to lihan and walks away. After that when lihan was walking Orion covers his mouth and pins him on the wall. 

"Can I have a private talk with you, lihan."

Lihan nodded while being nervous, they talked in a room and orion gave a chair to lihan to sit.

"I lied to them about your little a few years ago..." 

Orion looked at him with cold serious eyes.

"Your father, rake, was smart, he faked the mail and writing it as a donation letter. I have a eye that can see through things, the mission was to kill rake and if he has an offspring, it has to be eliminated too. But I lied and said the rake doesn't have an offspring, because you were a mere child that day. Killing you will make me feel...unhumanly."

Lihan knew they were behind it, but lihan said that he forgives them for doing that. Orion and lihan keeps this between them and will become brothers too.