

In a world with "DEVILCRAFT", Lihan, the boy that has a power of consuming the demons essence, helps the silver wolves giving his life on the line.

Daoist77M9rh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


It was 5:01 am, lihan and Edward rides a train heading to Korra, a big city with corrupt governors and high crime rates. While riding the train, lihan plays with a random child by making a flower using a paper. Edward was eating a cheese bread quietly and peacefully, he rips a little bit of the bread and offers it to lihan. Lihan ate Edwards offer, it was a long travel that it made them sleep. Edwards talesman vibrates making him wake up. He answers it and it was Lucius, he asked if they're close. Edward said their only on haige station, only 120 km to Korra. Meanwhile on Korra town, Lucius was in a mid call with Edward while John was observing the area. Lucius said to Edward that there are humans helping the devils and they need to stop them too. From the Intel it was said that it's a cult that they were promised to give a everlasting life and power. 

In the train, while Edward was talking, he gets suspicious to the pastor. He has a long hair reaching his neck and his hair color is gray with orange eyes. The pastor was good looking yet a unusual tension is surrounding him. Lucius keeps repeating his Edwards name because he suddenly goes silent. Edward apologizes and he said that they will be careful on the road. John sees a gang that was holding a glass ball that was containing souls. He quickly slaps Lucius's shoulder and points them secretly. The two followed them without getting noticed, meanwhile in the train. Edward was still staring at the pastor, lihan woked up and gets curious to what's Edward staring. Lihan felt a strong surge of devil energy, he looks at the direction of the pastor. The pastor felt shivers and caughts lihan staring at him. Lihan pretended to be dumb, lihan tries to make himself busy but not lowering his guard. 

They've arrived in Korra town, it was full of market place and busy restaurants and others. Lihan hide his given dagger, it has a mark of a silver wolves. Edward tries to call Lucius from where they are now. When Edward looked at his back, lihan wasn't there anymore. Edward was shocked and tries to find him on the in the crowd. Lihan was just staring at the items that were being sold. Lihan calls out Edward but realizes he's alone. Edward grits his teeth from frustration and anger, he can't sense lihans presence anywhere. It's like something is interfering his magic, Edward looks left and right trying to notice someone. From the distance, the preist from before is staring Edward with cold eyes. The preist leaves in order not to get caught or suspected. Lihan was searching for Edward too, he taps people's shoulder assuming it's Edward. 

Lihan got deeper in the Korra town, even lihans talesman wasn't working anymore. Edward was calling him on the talesman but there was no sign. While lihan was walking, he sees a male teenager that sprained his ankle. Lihan inspects the accident and he knows that the teen falls from the stairs. He rushes to help, the teenager didn't seemed in pain, enjoying the pain and was blushing red. Lihan kneels down and checks his ankle, lihan asked if he can walk to the medical somewhere in korra town. The teenager said he can't, the teenager was slim and looked fragile yet has a good pretty face. The teenager introduces himself as "Lynn" he lives here in the Korra town. After that lihan accompanied Lynn back to his home. Lihan tried talking to the talesman and it was still not getting any signal. Edward luckily founds Lucius and John with a civilian outfit. Edward asked if they saw lihan, but there were no traces or familiar faces around. Lucius said they lost there fellow members too in a blink of an eye. 

"Is this some kind of a fucking joke?! What's really happening exactly?!!" Edward was stressed that lihan might get killed.

Lucius and John noticed that something was off. Edward sensed someone is staring at them, Lucius wanted Edward to come and help them and after that they will search for lihan. In the inn they rented they talked about the phenomenon is happening, why did they disappear in the wind? Why were they gone in a split second. Lucius was given a warning fr Orion about a power of moving reality. It was like a puzzle-

"Edward, now imagine this, there's a puzzle and you are standing one of its pieces, the piece was moved into another area and now imagine bending reality with that power, it's harmless but yet irritating and a disavantage."

Edward understood the power, that's why lihan disappeared because he was standing on the area perfectly to get teleported somewhere. Meanwhile Lynn took lihan in a alley way, lihan saw a dead body and the worst part that it was a rank B silver wolves. After Lynn could launch an attack, his face was punched by lihan. Lihan soon goes into a fighting stance, from above two humanoid demons came. The one can manipulate it's bone and the one who eats everything turning it to an energy. Lihan and the two humanoid demons fought, lihan started breaking the bones coming from the first demon. Lihan was teleported infront of the second demon who was about to spit a charged energy. When it bursted towards lihan, he puts his aether energy at his hand and redirects it. Lihans hands were burned and made him feel overwhelmed, the three pressured lihan. The alley wasn't even expanding yet it's like they didn't even moved. This is the doing of Lynn with his devilcraft, he uses it to not let lihan escape from this area. Lihan started to go all out from this situation, he charges with blinding speed. He purposely let's himself caught and gets teleported from where he started his move. In a split second lihan charges towards Lynn before Lynn could react, it was too late. The two demons were far to react and save Lynn and from that very moment, lihan used aether fist and punches Lynn on the stomach sending him crashed to the wall. Lynn liked the pain before getting unconciuos, now it's a fair fight for lihan. Now that there's no teleportation, they made so much damage to the properties. Lihan realized that this is dangerous when people are around. Lihan provokes them to chase after him-

"Come on! Follow me!" After that lihan runs leading the two demons somewhere. The two demons ignored the people around them pushing and kicking them away. Edward notices the crowd were running away in fear. Lucius, John, Edward makes action, Edward exits the inn using the door, while the two breaks the roof and jumps over the roofs-

"They could've have used the door..." as Edward felt bad for the inn owner about the destruction and he lives the scene.

Lihan stopped and sees the preist Infront of him. The two demons stopped too and the preist said "I'll handle it from here, brothers.". Lynn arrives being carried by another teenager named "Kian". Lihan was surrounded and Lynn said "He hurted me and the two, big brother!!".

The preist jokingly said "I thought you're a masochist Lynn? It's rare seeing you get hurt without feeling good." And Lynn said "It was but the second one was late felt, it felt good and turned into a pain that I didn't like!". The preist gets angry to lihan hurting his little brother Lynn. The priest pulls out a hook and hooked lihans soul and pulls it. Soon, the preist's vision turned black and sees a man with red long hair with a malicious presence. "So you're her son?, I can't believe she made another one after lihan." The man smiled and the preist was confused . The preist gets back to his senses and he cancels taking lihans soul. He shouted "Get him, brothers!!!", it was five versus one and before lihan could get any damage, he was saved by mezera. Lihan was strucked by mezera, she joins the fight now. 

"I was sended by kaliego because this mission is a code red threat." Mezera smiles at lihan and prepares to fight. Lucius, John, Edward we're stopped by an unknown giant humanoid lizard demon and rampaged the city. Lucius said to Edward that mezera is with lihan now, they must prioritize the monster first. Edward unleashes his spirit owl and his cloud jumper sword, he tries to attack and slashed the giant monster. It looks like the monster has a strong hide, Lucius hurts it with rising sun and John scares away the civilians, threatening them to kill them if they don't run away immediately. Mezera pulls out a giant shurikken and electric surges flows. Lihan gets ready too, the two goes on a battle stance. The five brothers had second thoughts of fighting. Lynn said "Jiro(the preist)...are we really going all out for this?" 

Jiro said that if they want to live peacefully they will fight for their freedom. The two against five clashes heads on.