
Devil of the Circuit

All Aurora had ever wanted was one chance at the seat of the Sanctum. The chance arrives, but the challenge she faces surpasses all. She must bring back the Devil from the Circuit. ~*~*~*~ Her agency is about to get sealed. She has debts to pay but no case in hand. Private investigator Jennifer Singhal is about to give up when the opportunity knocks. She must investigate the mysterious disappearances happening in the Trove Desert, and close the case for good. ~*~*~*~ If only things were that easy. World is more vast than Jennifer ever knew. The path to the seat that Aurora covets goes through slaughter. And when their paths cross, with sparks fly stories they never knew had existed.

RegisCrown · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Strange things

Set against the backdrop of a full moon on a dark night, there stretched an endless field of flowers- a kind of whites that sparkled as if a million stars had descended from the sky. While they swayed with the breeze, a beautiful yet sharp melody echoed as among the fields fluttered a white robe, and a white veil.


A voice reckoning to get closer, the distance decreased as silent footsteps now grew hasty.


The figure in white moved, seemingly getting closer, outline of their silhouette now distinct.


And the veil swayed slightly to reveal a small scar running across the side of a white jaw.


The footsteps came to a sudden halt as a sparkle obstructed their vision. They looked down at the shining bead, before looking up dumbfounded. Everything was now shrouded by fog and the figure in white was starting to disappear.


They extended their hands, their pace increasing while the white clad figure disappeared into the mist.


"DON'T LEAVE!!" and with a shriek, a figure shot out from the bed, their hand extended forward.

"Hey, you are alright!" a hand patted calmly as they gently pushed back the person and adjusted their pillow.

"Bad dream?" The man asked as they helped the person drink water

"Weird dream!" Jennifer replied leaning her head back, while she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Anyway, where is…" she started to ask before her eyes went over to the iv drip on her hand.

"What happened?" She asked, finally.

"I stormed in 15 minutes after, as you had instructed and there you were lying unconscious in a pool of blood. And so I brought you here", Nick explained as he gently caressed her forehead. "It was quite an injury. You were out cold for 3 days, thankfully there is no internal damage".

Jennifer smiled slightly. "Was there anyone else there?"

"Matt was passed out there but he came to pretty soon. He is coming over to see you" Nick replied as Jennifer sighed in relief and then went on to ask, "And what about her?"

Nick only shook his head as he asked, "So what exactly happened?"

Jennifer looked at the ceiling as she started to recount the events. "When I walked in, she was already aware of who I was and then something felt off so I decided to run and then—

Jennifer stopped, her brows furrowing in confusion. Then what?

She closed her eyes to focus but kept on drawing a blank. "And then….she hit me from behind. I..can't seem to recollect certain things that happened", she finished worried.

Nick nodded in understanding, "That was a hard blow. You'll recall soon enough".

Jennifer nodded in agreement while Nick started to get up, "I'll see you later".

And as he walked out of the room, Matt stepped inside and walked over to her. Seeing him reminded Jennifer of his pending salary and her pending installments and she gave out a resigned sigh. This case was a bust.

"I am sorry Matt. I-

"Mrs Haworth deposited the fees yesterday", Matt beat her to it.

She stopped and gave him a baffled look and as he smiled, she quickly took up her phone and checked the messages.

There it was!

Brimming with happiness, Jennifer did a quick few swipes and Matt's phone beeped. And as he checked his phone, his eyes widened.

"What about your installments?" He asked well aware of the financial slump she was in.

She shrugged in response, "I'm sure something will come by so don't worry about me. And yes, thank you for sticking by me all this time".

"Its fine", Matt smiled and from behind him, a nurse walked inside with porridge.

And while Jennifer busied herself with the food, Matt excused himself and left.


Celestial Sanctum, Paradise

Today was the beginning of their final year. Aurora and Chris walked towards their designated classroom immersed in idle squabbles.

"So, thought of anything yet?" Chris asked.

"About what?" Aurora quipped back.

"Your future prospects now that council seat is out of the question".

And Aurora shrugged in response, "Wherever life will take me".

"Honestly" Chris pinched the bridge of her nose annoyed, "this nonchalance of yours will be the death of me!"

Aurora chuckled as she patted Chris's back, "Don't lose your life over me .I won't thank you for it".

And Chris gave her a stink eye at that as she entered their classroom. However, when Aurora was about to walk in, a force field appeared and she walked right into it.

"What the— Aurora stepped back, massaging her nose.

And then an announcement was heard.

"Aurora, ward of Goddess Xandria ,report at your classroom within two minutes or there will be penalty"

"I was trying to do exactly that before this wall walked into me", Aurora grumbled to no one.

"I repeat, Aurora report immediately to your class on 111th floor, sky hall, Elites".