
Devil of the Circuit

All Aurora had ever wanted was one chance at the seat of the Sanctum. The chance arrives, but the challenge she faces surpasses all. She must bring back the Devil from the Circuit. ~*~*~*~ Her agency is about to get sealed. She has debts to pay but no case in hand. Private investigator Jennifer Singhal is about to give up when the opportunity knocks. She must investigate the mysterious disappearances happening in the Trove Desert, and close the case for good. ~*~*~*~ If only things were that easy. World is more vast than Jennifer ever knew. The path to the seat that Aurora covets goes through slaughter. And when their paths cross, with sparks fly stories they never knew had existed.

RegisCrown · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Out of Control

As the door was pulled open, greens widened slightly before amusement dawned in them. "You are here!"

Standing in the doorway, Jennifer looked at the grinning redhead. This woman was as tricky as she was beautiful.

"Please come in", Laura moved aside as Jennifer stepped in and looked around warily. Here she was!

"When you dashed off yesterday, I was heartbroken", Laura continued in a forlorn manner as she accompanied Jennifer into the living room.

"I came too strong, sorry abou—

"You were expecting me", Jennifer interrupted her with a statement. Clearly something was amiss.

At that Laura passed a confused look to Jennifer who maintained the eye contact. And after a faceoff that lasted 30 seconds, Laura's mask of sincerity dropped off as she grinned insidiously.

"And here I thought we were going to play pretend a little longer, Miss detective", she smirked while Jennifer frowned.

"How did you know?" That was all she could ask, as Laura made herself comfortable on the chaise.

Laura leaned back and gave her onceover, "You have been snooping around me for the past two weeks, so you must've come to know that I'm not so simple". While Laura leveled her with a look, Jennifer started to think over where did she fail?

"Oh!" Laura exclaimed suddenly pulling Jennifer out of her thoughts before she got up and walked away, only to return few minutes later with a glass of juice.

"In the excitement, I forgot my manners. Please have it", As Laura took a step closer, Jennifer inadvertently stepped back.

She had been determined to act as the bait but her sixth sense was protesting against the idea now. She couldn't place a finger on it, but something was weird.

"Ok!" Laura nodded, placed the glass on the table and went back to the seat she was occupying.

Jennifer stood rooted to her spot, her fingers clamped around the beaded bracelet adorning her wrist. The plan had been simple- she was going to apologize to Laura, act like an enamored fool and once Laura would get on with her schemes, she would…

"By the way, that handsome friend of yours is lying passed out in my garden".


Jennifer felt her heart beat escalating as the severity of situation dawned on her. No wonder her spine was tingling.

"In contrast to your calm exterior, your heart's being honest" Laura remarked with a grin and Jennifer decided to make a run for it. This woman is nuts!

However before she could make it to the door, her body froze up as it refused to comply with her will.

And no sooner then, she turned on her heels, retraced her steps and found herself standing in the exact spot where she had been- in front of Laura.

"Sit" Laura commanded as Jennifer frowned, "I refuse!"

But her body moved nonetheless, as she took measured steps towards Laura and gently sat down by her side.

This again?!

Jennifer tried to get up but to no avail. Her body felt disconnected from her brain.

"It's futile. It's already surprising that you could evade my 'charm' but no way can a human override my 'Total control'

Jennifer gave Laura a strange look. Was she high?!

And Laura laughed out loud, "I'm not. But you might want to worry about your situation".

The browns widened aghast. Did she read her mind?

Laura got up then, shaking her head in amusement. "I walked over to you at the bar precisely because I knew who you were. Must I say your acting almost convinced me that you were enthralled", Laura applauded, before her eyes darkened.

"It would've been fortunate for you if that were the case"

And a chill skirted down Jennifer's spine at the implication. Laura's smile felt more vicious than poison in that moment.

"You thought you will put on a little act, record me and then expose me. It wouldn't faze me really but I hate it when pests don't know their place", and her voice dropped towards the end, as she leaned in towards Jennifer and took a whiff.

"Truly invigorating! As I had felt earlier, you are brimming with vitality!" Laura pulled back as Jennifer flinched at the outburst.

"Did I scare you?" Laura asked pitifully as she traced a calloused finger across her captive's jaw.

Jennifer only glared, biting back her retort while her eyes moved to the watch on her wrist.

"As I was saying, it's unfortunate that you cannot be charmed nonetheless it's only right that you reimburse me for the troubles"

'Reimbursement?' Jennifer furrowed her eyes in confusion as Laura sat by her side and commanded, "Sit on my lap"

"I would never!!" Jennifer burst out aghast while she got up and quietly placed herself in Laura's lap.

Her eyes grew wide in horror as she struggled again to defy the force controlling her body but it failed once again. As Laura smirked at Jennifer, she couldn't stomach the shame of her own actions.

"You should not have come seeking me, o li'l lamb. Because once I am done with you, neither your vitality nor your pride will remain. I'll crush you. Now kiss me"

"What?" Jennifer mouthed shocked before she moved her mouth closer to Laura's. Her face paled as she squeezed her eyes shut and kissed her. Laura opened her mouth then and tried to pry open the other's lips but she resisted and bit down on Laura's lips.

"You twat!" Laura growled in response as she pulled back and glared at the blackhead who smirked in satisfaction.

"Two can play the game sweetheart!" Laura mirrored her smile and gave out a command, "Stick out your tongue and put it in my mouth".

Disgusted, Jennifer tried to clamp down on her mouth but it opened of its own volition as she stuck out her tongue and moved in towards Laura.


And in that moment of desperation, the bead in her bracelet sparkled as she bit down on her tongue and a scream hurtled out of Laura's throat as she pushed Jennifer off her.

Falling on her back, Jennifer lifted her body up as she wiped the blood on her mouth with the back off her hand.

Laura looked down at the human, her eyes glowing while her hand clenched onto her chest tightly. "What the f*** did you do? How did you override my control?!" Laura shouted jumping off her seat as she kicked Jennifer on her stomach.

Jennifer rolled over from the impact as she clutched her stomach. It was as if cement bricks were smashed into her!

She tried to get up once again and in the process peeked at Laura.


'Her eyes are glowing!!' Jennifer stared bewildered.

Laura fisted her fingers as her eyes glowed. She had experienced the 'jerk' because 'total control' was overridden. But why?! This wench was just some human and—

As peculiar as those eyes were, she needed to get away while she still could. And while that psycho was distracted, she might as well make her escape. She had gotten up and was inching away when a malicious roar echoed from behind.

"Human trash!!"

And with that, Laura flung the hockey stick and bashed it right into the side of Jennifer's head as she crumpled onto the floor and her consciousness drifted away.

Apologies for the erratic updates as I am still understanding my way through the plot. Rest assured, I will continue with the updates every 2-3 days so I hope that any readers out there will stay.

Thank you!

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