
24. The Strongest Beings

[A/N: I started a new fanfiction... Well, it is just a side project. It is a Fairy Tail fic with SHAZAM as the MC (Original Shazam... Jebediah of Canaan,

Mamaragan... Not Billy Batson.) It is a No Harem Fic...

If you are interested you can check it out. It is called...

"The Ancient Warlock"]


In the end, both of us ended up missing class but I still explained the reason for our absence to our homeroom teacher and Arfon vouched for us. 

"Sorry for dragging you into this mess." I said to Clara, who vigorously shook her head.

"No, it's not your fault. If I didn't walk into them, we wouldn't have gotten into trouble." She walked ahead and stopped right before me.

"Shisui Seere, I 'Clara Isis Gaap' thank you on behalf of the Gaap pillar for punishing the devil who insulted my pillar." She said doing a perfect bow. 

"It's alright." No need to drag the issue any longer. So I dismissed her with a wave of my hand. 

After that, we roamed around the school campus as Clara was giving me a tour. 

"So, are you going to attend tonight's party?" Clara suddenly asked, making me look towards her.

To be perfectly honest, I had forgotten about the party. I was so immersed in my 'little' projects that I haven't been making much contact with the other pillars. And I need to change that.

As for the party, it's to celebrate the birthday of Millicas Gremory, the son of Devil King 'Sirzechs Lucifer' and the strongest queen 'Grayfia Lucifuge.' 

Just the fact alone that he is the child of two of the strongest devils of the underworld screams 'Potential.' If he is trained properly, he will rise to become one of the strongest devils within the underworld. Not to mention I have already heard that he is a genius. 

"I almost forgot about that… but yes, I am." I replied while continuing my walk.

"Great!" She exclaimed. And if I am right, she is hoping that we would go together.

"Are you going to attend?" I asked and she instantly nodded.

"Yes I am going! So… umm… Do you mind if we go together?" Called it! Well not surprising, considering I made Zephyrdor apologize to her. So she looks at me like some sort of a hero.

"Hmm… I don't see a problem with it. So why not?" Only Layla would go with me because both my parents have something important to do. So having Clara tag along, shouldn't matter.

"Great! I wouldn't have been able to talk with two of the strongest devils of the underworld without having someone with me!" And she lost my respect with just a single sentence. 

"I will finally get to meet my idol Lady 'Grayfia Lucifuge' and Lord 'Sirzechs Lucifer.' I have never met them, so I am very excited." She kept blabbering. "I always dreamt of being as strong as Lady Grayfia not to mention I will meet the most handsome devil in the underworld, Lord Sirzechs!"

At this point, she is straight-up being annoying. And Sirzechs, the most handsome man within the underworld? I don't think so. I have seen far more handsome devils. But I don't think she would listen to me even if I said otherwise. After all…

Fangirls can be scary.

I can say this from my previous life experience.

"Some say that Lord Sirzechs can even go toe-to-toe with Shiva." She said with starry eyes.

"Okay, now that's bullsh*t!" Now that's something I cannot accept. 

Sirzechs is ranked as the seventh strongest being in the world. There are five more beings above him who can kill him with ease, even before he reaches Shiva. Shiva never went all out against anyone, even against the top ten who challenged him for his throne.

Even Indra, Thor, and the others need not use their full strength to defeat Sirzechs. So there is no way Shiva needs to use his full power to defeat Sirzechs.

By no means am I saying that Sirzechs is weak. He is anything but weak. But that doesn't change the fact that the difference between Shiva and Sirzechs's strength is equal to the difference between heaven and hell. There is no competition at all.

"I don't know who told you that, but it's completely false. Lord Lucifer is strong but he is nowhere near as strong as Lord Shiva. And if what I know is true… then even if all nine of the top ten went against Shiva… He 'might' still win. Then there is his third eye, which is said to be able to destroy any and everything." I huffed "If you don't believe me, you can ask Lord Lucifer when we meet him." 

She seemed to be lost in thought… but after a while, she agreed. Not to the fact that Shiva is stronger, but she agreed to ask Sirzechs. 

Now the current list of top ten is not correct, at least not completely. There are still beings who are strong enough to defeat some of those on the list of top ten. But those said people never showcased their strength to anyone. So, almost no one knows about them.

But why do I know about them? Simple… It was part of the knowledge I received.

Now there are beings which I know for sure are one par with the top ten. Like Egyptian God Ra, The three Greek Fates, and Solomon… Yes, Solomon is somehow alive… but I do not know where he is or how he is alive. After all, the knowledge I received is not perfect. I just received bits of important knowledge but nowhere enough.

Egyptian gods almost never appear and Ra is said to have been dead. But I don't think so after all if a God dies their divinity is lost forever. And Ra's sun divinity can be still felt in Egypt.

But something that I want to know is… Why is someone as powerful as Ra hiding? Not just Ra, but every Egyptian God. The location of  Set, Anubis, Osiris are unknown as well.

The last time an Egyptian God who was seen was Set and that was centuries ago. Some of the gods were forgotten as time went on. 

Like the Irish gods. Other than Lugh, there is no known Celtic god. Well… there are. But other than Lugh, no one else was seen. 

Again, why? No one knows.

Is it because of people losing faith in them that they vanished? 

It would have been the case if Lugh wasn't present. By the logic of the faith system, someone like Danu should have been present and been a part of the top ten. But he isn't, so that totally cancels out the 'faith' theory.

Now the three 'Fate' sisters. Many know about them, but despite them being ridiculously strong. The reason they are not a part of the top ten is because their powers prevent them from meddling with others. They can only act when someone tries to go against fate. 

Now I am someone who is going against fate. So why am I not being attacked by the three fates? That's because a god can only directly affect beings of their religion. 

Let's take an example. There is a person who is a Hindu, and there are two gods of death, Yama and Hades. When that said person dies, his soul would go to Yama and not Hades. Because the person belonged to Hinduism. Similarly, if a Greek person dies, his soul would go to Hades and not Yama.

Just like that, even if the three sisters were to detect me being an anomaly, they cannot do anything to me, neither can they inform anyone else. Their powers prevent them from meddling with beings who are not Greek, neither can they do anything that will change the fate of even a single person, unless it threatens the safety of the 'Threads of Fate.'

So the 'Fate' sisters are not my worry.

The one I worry about is… Solomon. That guy has been known to put his nose where it doesn't belong throughout history. Mostly for his own entertainment… which ends up causing chaos on a global scale for others. Simply put… he is Merlin… But a hundred times worse.

He has had countless wives,concubines, and children. Most of them are dead but a few of them are alive. And that makes me question… How strong are Solomon's children? Do they have the same magical affinity as him? Are they as smart as him?

I have to find Solomon and his children. And I must find out their motives. And if necessary… I will have to kill them.

Thinking about the strongest beings in the world, I didn't even realize that we had almost reached the gate.

"So Shisui, I will be waiting for you tonight. And I had a great time talking with you today. See ya~" She said and ran towards the gate.

"Clara." I called her name, and she turned around. "I had a great time being with you as well." This statement made her eyes go wide, with a massive blush appearing on her face. She shyly nodded and ran as fast as she could.

Little girls… So easy to manipulate.

[A/N: Thnx Geir.

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And check out my new fic 'The Ancient Warlock']