
Devil hero

oh damn, I guess I died And reincarnated in MHA Well, I guess I’m gonna become the number one hero and stop all for one kind of suck I don’t have an overpowered quirk but I’ll least I have two. of them and they’re extremely strong

7_night · Cómic
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16 Chs

chapter 14 meeting the main cast

I started walking towards my designated exam area, scanning the crowd to see if I recognized anyone. I spotted a few familiar faces like Mineta, the invisible girl Hagakure, and Sero, the tape guy. The tension in the air was palpable, and everyone was on edge, waiting for the exam to begin.

The moment Present Mic's voice boomed through the speakers, signaling the start of the exam, I sprang into action. I darted forward, using my enhanced strength to punch through the robots effortlessly. Each strike sent metal and wires flying as I carved a path through the mechanical foes. I kept my eyes peeled for other candidates, noting their quirks and strategies.

As I decimated another robot, I noticed a black-haired boy grappling with a particularly large one. A huge piece of debris was teetering precariously above him, ready to crash down. Without thinking, I used my telekinesis to halt its descent. The boy, unaware of my intervention, was still bracing himself for impact.

Before he could react, I destroyed the robot, sending it crashing to the ground in a heap of sparking wires and twisted metal. "Are you okay?" I asked, turning to see who I had saved. To my surprise, it was Kirishima, before he dyed his hair red.

"Yes, sorry man. If it wasn't for you, I would've been in serious trouble. This is seriously unmanly," Kirishima said, his frustration evident in his voice. "If I fail and don't become a hero, I would never be a man."

I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "But you are a man," I interrupted. "The fact that you're here, trying to become a hero, is manly. A hero risks his life for other people. Just the fact that you're trying to become one is manly."

Kirishima's eyes widened at my words. His initial shock gave way to a determined expression. "Thanks, man. I needed that," he said, his voice steadier.

I nodded and smiled. "No problem. Just keep pushing forward."

As I turned to leave, Kirishima called out, "Hey, what's your name?"

"Junpei," I replied over my shoulder.

"Thanks, Junpei. I owe you one," he said, giving me a thumbs-up.

I continued to destroy robots, moving with purpose and precision. I could hear the sounds of battle all around me—explosions, metal clashing, and the shouts of other examinees. The adrenaline was pumping, and I felt more alive than ever.

A few minutes later, I noticed another examinee struggling with a robot. This time it was a girl with long hair and glasses, her quirk seemingly ineffective against the mechanical foe. I quickly intervened, using my telekinesis to dismantle the robot piece by piece. The girl looked at me in awe, clearly relieved.

"Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, catching her breath.

"Don't mention it. Just keep going," I said, giving her a reassuring nod before moving on.

As the exam progressed, I kept an eye out for other candidates who might need help, stepping in whenever I could. Each time, I offered words of encouragement, knowing how important it was to keep everyone's safe in this exam

Suddenly, a loud explosion echoed through the area, drawing everyone's attention. I looked up to see the zero-point robot walking towards us

The other candidates started running, but I sprinted towards the zero-pointer robot. I heard large explosions from other areas—those must have been the zero-pointers, too. The thought of who might have destroyed them made me smirk. I focused, using 70% of my strength to punch the air, causing a massive shockwave that obliterated the robot completely.

"Well, that was easy," I muttered as the exam concluded. I began walking towards the exit when I heard a voice calling out, "Hey, you!"

I turned to see Kirishima running towards me. "Oh, it's you. You were incredible! You destroyed that zero-pointer with ease."

"Thanks. By the way, my name is Takahashi Junpei."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Eijiro Kirishima."

"Well, Kirishima, I was about to meet some friends who also took the exam. Do you wanna come?"

Kirishima looked a bit hesitant. "Are you sure? Just inviting me like this?"

"Yes, let's go."

Outside, I met up with Izuku and Akari. They were standing with a few others—Ochaco, Iida, and Shinso. I was surprised when I saw. Shinso I expected Iida But not him

"Hey, guys! I brought a friend along," I said.

Izuku grinned. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I got enough points to enter U.A."

"Well, I'm pretty sure it's the same for all of us," Akari added. "How about we all go for dinner? It's on me."

The rest of the group cheered, and we headed off together,

I immediately regretted my decision. Akari and I ordered too much food, and it hurt my wallet. But I ignored the pain and focused on the people in front of me.

"So, guys, I guess we should introduce ourselves," I said. "My name is Takahashi Junpei."

Next was Akari. "My name is Akari Tatsuma."

After we introduced ourselves, the rest followed suit.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya."

"Ochaco Uraraka."

"Tenya Iida."

"Eijiro Kirishima."

"And lastly, Hitoshi Shinso."

"Wait, Iida, isn't that a famous hero family?" I asked.

Everyone at the table was shocked. Then they looked at Iida.

"No wonder your name was familiar," Izuku said.

Sighing, Iida explained, "I didn't want to tell anyone because I didn't want to be treated differently. Yes, my family is the Iida family, the engine heroes," he said proudly.

Everyone was surprised. "Wow, I'm a big fan of Ingenium." Kirishima said

"Yes, Ingenium is my older brother," he said with a huge smile on his face.

"Well, since you're from that family, I guess you have an engine quirk," Shinso added.

"Yes, obviously I have it, but I just realized I don't know your quirks."

Shinso flinched at that. "I guess we should go in the same order as earlier."

"My quirk is called Devil. It gives me the strength of the devil, telekinesis, and a bunch of other stuff," I explained.

Next was Akari. "My quirk is called Blade Dragon. It gives me the strength of a dragon, fire breath, and the ability to create blades out of my body."

"My quirk enhances my physical abilities," Izuku responded in a low tone. Everyone found it strange that he didn't say the name of his quirk, but they ignored it.

"My quirk is called Zero Gravity. Anything I touch with my five fingers loses its gravity," Ochaco said.

"My quirk, Engine, gives me engines in my legs that enhance my speed," Iida added.

"My quirk is called Hardening. It hardens my body," Kirishima shared.

When it came to Shinso's turn, he didn't respond. "Is there something wrong?" Izuku asked.

"Well, you guys might not like the sound of my quirk."

"Don't worry about it. Nothing you'll say will change our opinion about you," I assured him.

After hearing that, Shinso gathered his courage and told us his quirk. "My quirk is called Brainwashing."

The table was silent until Kirishima spoke. "Your quirk is amazing."

Shinso was stunned.

"With all you guys freaked out about my quirk, I literally have a quirk called Devil. Do you think your brainwashing sounds more terrifying than mine?" I said.

After hearing that, he was silent again. "Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Well, everyone who heard about my quirk called it a quirk that belongs to a villain."

"Well, that's stupid," I said.

Shinso was shocked again. "What do you mean?"

"I mean your quirk is the most suitable for a hero. All of us will cause some Property damage When we fight with villains, but you, on the other hand, the problem is over as soon as you show up."

Shinso was so happy to hear that he almost cried, but he stopped himself. "Thank you, guys."

"By the way, Izuku," I started, "back in the exam you said that you never thought you'd be capable of passing. But from what I saw you doing and the type of quirk you have, it doesn't make sense."

Izuku flinched, but he decided to tell the truth. "Well, basically, until a couple of months ago, I was quirkless."

The rest of the table, except for Akari and me, were shocked. "What do you mean by that?" Iida asked.

"Well, I was an extremely late bloomer. I only awakened my quirk a couple of months ago," Izuku explained.

"You should have seen everyone's faces when we heard about that," I added. "His mother was so happy she cried a river."

"You shouldn't see something like that," Izuku said with a red face,

We spent the rest of the meal sharing stories and getting to know each other better. By the end of the night, we were all laughing and joking like old friends