
Detective Devil

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7 Chs

murder of Bhargav parents

Bhargav, along with his assistant Rahim, who was Shadow's assistant, went to the city with all the cobra tattoos for three days, but he did not find the man whom Bhargav was looking for. Finally, he reached Mirzapur, where a secret killer gang by the name of Cobra Gang was hiding. Now it was not Bhargav but Shadow and Shadow's assistant Rahim arrived with them.

Its location was in the underground floor of a big building and above it was KISSAN PRODUCTIONS COLONY. No one can doubt that the office of Cobra Killer Group will be under this building. It took about 1 day for Shadow to find that location.

Finally Shadow reached that place, it was not easy to reach, he met one of their members on the pretext of giving him a contract for murder.

When that member saw the photo of the target, he could not control himself because Bhargav was giving his own betel nut by taking his own photo. The man saw that the photo was of the youngest billionaire Bhargav who was the CEO of NK TECHNOLOGY. Seeing all this, the man there took away

But as soon as Bhargav reached inside, he was shocked to see that the name of that group was strange but they had modern technology systems, all the work was automatic with the help of an AI.

After reaching the office of Cobra Gang, Shadow started searching for that man. He found that man. He had a tattoo at the same place on his hand. Shadow saw that there were 10 members at that place. Shadow scanned that place with a ray ray. When he found out about it, he saw that there was an auto laser gun fitted in the walls, which was being controlled by someone. Shadow felt that he would not be able to escape from here easily. If he took any reverse step, he suddenly dropped a poison ball down. As soon as the poison ball fell, it immediately turned into poisonous smoke due to which all the members there immediately became unconscious. Bhargava had the best time, he immediately kidnapped the boss and escaped.

Bhargav immediately took him to a deserted place. After some time, when he regained consciousness, he saw that a man was standing in the shoot of Black Shadow and another man was standing behind him,

Bhargav angrily hit him with two or three punches on his face, showed him the gun and threatened him and said, "What is your name?"

Cobra Killer Boss - said angrily, you can ask whatever you want but you will not get any answer, M

Shadow - Oho sorry Mr Dev Shinha but I know everything about people like you and you don't know who I am.

Dev Sinha was shocked to hear his name and when he saw that there was no one else in front of him, Shadow, seeing him he suddenly said, Shadow piosion king, how are you here?

Shadow said angrily to Jade, "What all have I lost because of you? I lost my memory along with my family but something else had to happen and I remembered everything about the accident 4 years ago and I have spent 20 years searching for you. You may not even remember who I am, but you will remember IPS Bikram Sisodia.

As soon as he heard this name, a strange fear appeared on his face. Shadow said, "Why did you kill Vikram and his family, but perhaps their son survived? Will you tell me the truth, otherwise I have many painful stories."

Dev Sinha said laughingly - As soon as I know about you, poison king, you will make me find out everything. I didn't even know, but I will tell you whom I am afraid of, but for that you will have to show your face and tell me your name. Look how much you have grown,

Bhargav removed his mask and said, my name is Bhargav, now tell me the truth as to what happened?

The boss of Dev Cobra Killer said laughingly - I don't know whether you survived Bhargav but you lost your memory. Come on, I will tell you everything about who was in your family and where they went missing but people kept calling me Cobra Man.

Cobra Man started telling – ips Bikram

IPS Vikram, whose name used to make the condition of big goons and even corrupt politicians worse, was a very honest officer who was against corruption, his only aim was to make the country corruption free. His wife Vaishali runs a free education center. which was run by your real mom in which she used to educate poor children. She had a 6 year old son Bhargav who was very talented like his dad. He was you.

A happy family and suddenly due to some Mr. Vikram got transferred because Mr. Vikram had known the secret of some corrupt leaders and he got the transfer notice directly from the Home Minister and from there the whole life of Bhargava changed.

Mr Vikram came home at night and left for Vijayawada from the new city of Hyderabad the next morning. He thought of traveling by the by road and left with his wife Vaishali, however, Bhargav was very close to Ramu Kaka so he was very close to Ramu Kaka. He started coming along in another car as the route was long and it was late in the night.

It was around 9 o'clock in the night, both Mr Vikram and Vaishali were going by car and right behind them was Bhargava and Ramu Kaka's car. Suddenly they saw a person injured in a truck accident on a deserted road. Mr Vikram was a civil servant, so he did something. Without thinking he went straight to that person

As soon as Vikram reached him who was lying in an injured state on a deserted road, the injured man attacked him with a knife in his stomach and stabbed him three times in a row due to which Mr Vikram was completely injured, yet he kill that guy with one punc

But what was it? He immediately moved towards the car and saw about 20 more people get down from one of the trucks along with a man with a mask and Mr Vikram could not understand what happened to him.

Even before he could reach the car, they attacked Mr. Vikram from behind and seeing all this, Vaishali got down from the car and started saving Mr. Vikram, but the strange thing was that no one even attacked him, why so?

Then the man with the mask threw Vaishali away and started killing Vikram with a knife like a killer and he said "Killer Vikram, you ruined everything of mine, first snatched my love and then sealed my dad's company! 7 years because of you." Till I rotted like a prisoner in jail, you have taken away everything from me, I will torture you and die."

Hearing her voice, Vikram said "Vaishali, you run away from here and save Bhargav, I see this man, what happened with the man and Vikram 9 years ago."

Instead of running away, Vaishali said to the man, "You still haven't improved, you never understood me and you have come here not because of Vikram but after serving the punishment for your mistakes. After your dad's death, it was Vikram who performed the last rites. Please leave him." Two."

"How can I leave, if this had not happened then my life would not have become hell today, because of this I lost my dad whom I loved more than anything." While speaking the killer again hit Vikram hard with the knife but meanwhile Ramu Kaka's car arrived. Seeing the car Vaishali said Kaka you take Bhargava and run away from here but before he could say this some shooters shot the driver Ramu. Kaka immediately got down from the car and started running away with Bhargava.

The psycho killer said loudly, "Vaishali, today you are going to lose both your lover and your son together. I feel sorry for you." He said loudly, "Tie this girl in the car so that she also knows what I am." Vikram had fallen on the ground." He had no energy left and was completely drenched in blood.

The killer went close to Vaishali and said, "Look Vaishali, the same person for whom you had left everything is not able to save you today. You know, to let her die, I have got an offer of Rs. 17 crores so that he can come and kill her." Attacked on the head and Vikram was killed there

When Ramu Kaka and Bhargav heard the sound of gunshot, Bhargav immediately started running towards his dad but Ramu Kaka started running with him. Many people were showering bullets on them from behind and then a bullet came and hit Ramu in the leg. The people were slowly coming closer to him. Ramu stood up again and asked Bhargav to run away. Suddenly many bullets started coming from behind. Ramu came and stood in front of Bhargav but both the people were killed in that shootout,

Bhargav said smilingly - You didn't even know that I am alive, wow, what's the matter, but now let me tell you that I will selectively kill all the people behind this and I also know that you are not the real boss of Cobra King. There is someone else who has been hiding behind you for so many years because from the story you told, it seems that the person who killed them was known to them and second point, I also know that the voice transmitter spy system installed in your body is the main one. The man is someone else who keeps listening to everything you say.

Cobra Boss laughed and said, "You are still a child, Bhargav. I thought you were dead but you survived. I could not understand who was killing my men selectively. It was you, but you must have realized that Your mom is not dead yet but you will not be able to recognize her because she has lost her memory. Sorry Bhargava.

Bhargava. Who is that angry man who is the real leader of that gang? What is his name?

Dev Sinha - Sorry Bhargav but I can't tell you because

Suddenly he became silent. Shadow ordered Ray. Ray suddenly said - Master, the temperature of his body is getting high, you go back quickly, it will burst.

And Bhargav turned back and in that moment his body got blasted but Bhargav was very happy to know about his family and he was even more happy that his efforts of four years had paid off and he had got two leads. One killer was known to his dad. And the second his mom was alive?

Will Bhargav be able to find the killer or will he be able to find out what his mom's new identity will be? What condition will his mom be in?

Hello Reader, I, Writer NK, will tell you about Bhargav's JOURNEY, what happened next when he was being followed by the killer to die, he was only 6 years old and how the triangle of his low life started, keep reading further!

Bhargav was just 6 years old and he lost everything, although he had escaped from those psycho killers but he was left with nothing, his dad was murdered, he was saved because of Ramu Kaka. I was just running away alone, the psycho killer's gang was still after him.

Somehow he escaped and crossed the forest, but the real trouble was about to come, he had escaped from the psycho killer.

On the other hand, the psycho killer leader saw his men coming and asked - What happened, you did not bring that boy's body here, you had to kill the entire family together.

One of them said, brother, the job is done, he was shot and he fell down the ditch, we did not find his body, perhaps it might have been washed away with the river

How Garv had reached the city, his clothes were torn, he did not know anyone because his mom and dad had never introduced him to anyone, even he did not know his grandfather because as far as he knew, his Mom and Dad had a love marriage and no one liked it, so he did not know any relative. He knew about Kurnool where he was brought up since childhood but he could not even go there because no one was there. If anything were known about him, it would create new trouble for him.

After a tiring day, he went to the rest hall near a temple and slept. When he woke up, he was sleeping on the footpath. He did not understand anything. He was not alone on the footpath, there were other children there as well. So he had seen such a small child in some orphanage or school only, but for the first time he was lying on the footpath and he could not understand how he came here from near the temple.

It was already evening when a big man came there with a stick in his hand. Seeing him, some children who were sleeping there immediately stood up. Anyone who was not getting up would be beaten with a stick by that man due to which everyone was afraid. The children woke up and Bhargav also got scared after seeing him. Suddenly, taking him near him, he hit a child with a stick and blood started coming out from his head, seeing which Bhargav got scared.

Then a boy standing behind him who was a little older said, Sir, let him go, he has a very high fever. After hearing this, Bhargava's fear changed into sympathy for him that what kind of people were these who had no mercy even on a small child. I had heard from my dad that there are big goons who supply drugs through children or get them to beg. Now Bhargav's condition was also similar. Bhargav was just thinking about all this when a stick fell on his head due to which Bhargav fell. The fear turned into anger as the man caught hold of him and bent down. Bhargav picked up the beer bottle lying nearby and hit him on the head. The man fell down but then Bhargav inserted the broken beer bottle into his stomach.

Seeing this, all the children started looking at him very carefully. Bhargav said something and then he saw that many people were running towards him with knives in their hands. Bhargav did not think of anything except running away from there. He started running from there but his Shakti had just finished speaking and he was hit by a car due to which he fell on the ground and will Bhargav give up his life!

Bhargav had become unconscious. A man who was wearing a shoe got out of the car. He immediately picked up the children and admitted them to the hospital. He had a deep injury on his head.

The doctor said to the man whose name was Vishal Bhardwaj, who was a great detective. The doctor said to him - Sir, the boy was out of danger but maybe he may lose his memory, he will never remember his old memories, maybe this will be a good opportunity for you because the police too. She has come here, if they come to know that you were in a state of intoxication then it will be a problem for you and the media will show it to them again and again. Do you know how many enemies you have?

Vishal said - SORRY Vikas, you are my friend so you are saying this but think about the child who will not remember anything, how will he feel, how will I reunite him with his family.

Doctor Vikas said - My friend, until his family is found, you should consider him as your son and the whole issue between you and your sister-in-law will also end.

Vishal, after listening to him, said that you are very right, but how could his family also be searching for him? Doctor Vikas, after listening to him, said - But I don't think so because according to the report of his body, he was running near him since last night. There was not even a little energy left and perhaps he had not eaten anything since yesterday and his hair had blood of a third person mixed in it, which means something must have gone wrong with his family yesterday or something else.

Vishal, after listening to him, said that this may or may not happen, so don't think like me, Doctor ji, this is my job. Vikas said smilingly - I will definitely tell this to Bhabhi ji. He immediately called Bhabhi ji. Vikas said - Hello Bhabhi ji, you. became a mother

From there Riya said – Why what happened, Vishal is pregnant?

Hearing this from Riya, Vikas started laughing. He couldn't believe himself. Bhabhi ji was enjoying. He said again - No Bhabhi ji, we have an idea, just come to the hospital.

What was going to happen next? Will Bhargav's life really change from today onwards? Keep reading the story of Modern Detective