
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Mad_verse · Película
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Unreal World

Red Devil was so excited that he almost jumped up. He didn't know how to describe his mood. Although he had always respected Ivan and devoted himself to protecting Ivan's safety, he was still somewhat estranged from Ivan because he was a mutant, whereas Ivan was not. They were two different kinds of people.

But now, everything has changed. With Ivan's awakening of the X gene, he had officially become a member of the mutants. They were now of the same kind, brothers, friends, and partners working together to master their abilities.

"Okay, get ready; it's time to go. This time, the harvest is significant," Ivan said as he removed the metal glove from his hand. The reality gem was still attached to the metal glove, and Ivan pressed a button on the back, causing the metal glove to transform into a cube, encapsulating the reality gem within it.

It must be acknowledged that Ivan, with his extraordinary mind, had designed many advanced gadgets over the years, and this metal glove was a remarkable piece of cutting-edge technology.

Ivan quickly packed his belongings, retrieved his backpack, and was about to leave without caring about the compressed ether particles or equipment.

This left the Red Devil puzzled. Although Ivan had absorbed a portion of the ether particles earlier, it was less than one-tenth of what remained. It seemed wasteful to leave them behind.

"Dr. Ivan, don't we want these Ether particles?" the Red Devil asked, pointing at the ether ion.

"No" Ivan glanced at the ether particle fluid and tossed the metal box containing the reality gem in his hand twice before saying, "The most precious item here is this gem. Those fluids are just derivatives of the gem. As long as the gem is intact, they can produce as much fluid as needed."

"But even so, these fluids are rare treasures. Wouldn't it be a shame to abandon them here?" the Red Devil persisted.

"The gem we possess now is more valuable than you can imagine. If people discover it's in my possession, they might stop at nothing to take it from me. By leaving this fluid behind, I can divert their attention. They'll believe the treasure is with someone else, and I'll remain safe," Ivan explained.

The Red Devil suddenly understood. "I see, that's a clever plan. It shifts the blame onto someone else while protecting the real treasure. But what about the space energy-emitting device left here? Won't people notice it and find any flaws?"

"Hmm!" Ivan snorted in annoyance. "Do you think I'd overlook such a simple matter? These devices come with self-destruct mechanisms. Within three days at most, they'll run out of energy. Once activated, a highly corrosive liquid inside will dissolve them, leaving no trace."

The Red Devil praised Ivan's foresight. "Master Ivan, you truly think of everything. But I can't help but wonder who'll be unlucky enough to be blamed for this in the future. They'll deserve a moment of silence."

As Ivan and the Red Devil passed through the space gate and returned to Earth, Kerry and the others, who had been anxiously waiting, breathed sighs of relief. If anything had happened to Ivan, they wouldn't have known what to do.

"Kerry, instruct the staff to shut down the equipment. No one should mention today's events," Ivan ordered immediately.

Kerry, without needing Ivan's instructions, had already begun the process. The space gate, previously emitting a soft blue light, vanished, and the staff left the area.

"Master Ivan, when the space gate was opened this time, it would have produced spatial energy fluctuations, right? Is there a risk of discovery? Should we abandon this location?" Kerry inquired, recalling the time he had assisted the Red Devil in enhancing his abilities.

Ivan shook his head. "No need to worry. I had anticipated this from the start. Remember the special materials we used when constructing this place? Those materials can isolate spatial fluctuations and ensure we remain undetected."

Kerry breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to abandon this place anymore than Ivan did. Constructing it had been a significant investment, and wasting it would be unfortunate.

"Um, Master Ivan, judging by your demeanor, you must have gained a lot this time. I'm curious about the treasure you acquired. Can you…" Kerry hesitated, struggling to find the right words.

Ivan looked around and replied, "There are too many people here. First, tidy up this place, and then I'll head to the basement. I'll show you the treasures we've obtained this time."

The Red Devil used his space abilities to transport Ivan directly to the manor outside London. In a secret underground laboratory, Ivan opened the metal box, took out the reality gem, and began preliminary testing with the assistance of experimental equipment.

Ivan had been busy in the laboratory for nearly an hour when the laboratory door suddenly swung open, revealing Kerry's entrance. He spotted the gem Ivan was experimenting with on the bench, emitting its captivating colors and aura. The reality gem possessed an irresistible allure.

"It's exquisite, isn't it?" Ivan commented. "This gem is on par with Hydra's Cosmic Cube in terms of grade, but its use is different. I prefer this gem because it suits my purposes better."

Ivan provided a general explanation of the gem's function and continued, "Next, I'll need some time to study this gem. Guard the entrance for me, and don't allow anyone in without my permission. I don't want to be disturbed. As for food, Kerry, you can bring it to the door, and I'll eat when I'm hungry."

The Red Devil dutifully followed Ivan's orders. After everyone left, Ivan proceeded to the innermost chamber of the treasure room. Inside, there was a bed and a chair. Ivan removed his shoes, sat on the bed, and glanced at the wall clock, which read 12:30 AM.

Ivan retrieved the Reality Gem and held it in his hand. With a gentle mental nudge, the gem erupted in a crimson glow, enveloping Ivan. He closed his eyes slowly.


Ivan found himself in an environment filled with old-fashioned buildings and a traditional school setting. It was an alley near the school, a place often used for settling personal disputes among students. Few people frequented this area, making it ideal for such encounters.

As Ivan contemplated the simulated world created by the Reality Gem, he heard a commotion nearby—a cacophony of shouts, pleas, and roars, followed by an eerie silence, with only occasional moans. Not far ahead, more than a dozen teenagers lay on the ground, moaning and injured, but without any visible blood or life-threatening injuries.

Among them, the only one standing—apparently responsible for incapacitating the others—rushed towards Ivan, exclaiming, "Boss, I took care of all of them, How did I do?"

Ivan observed the enthusiastic young man before him, amused. This must be Wang Chao, the protagonist of this Dragon and Snake fantasy world, he thought.

Despite his enhanced mutant abilities, Ivan recognized his limitations—he lacked formal training and combat skills. Chinese martial arts seemed like the perfect solution, and he had created this world to learn from the best.

Examining Wang Chao, who had taken down over a dozen peers without breaking a sweat, Ivan pretended to sigh dramatically. "Ah, there always seem to be villains out to get me! Luckily, I've prepared well. With a super expert like you, Xiaochao, as my bodyguard, we can handle any number of enemies. Just close the door and let Xiaochao deal with them."

Wang Chao's expression turned incredulous, and he nearly burst out with questions. Close the door and let me handle them? Am I a guard dog or something?

Suppressing his annoyance, Wang Chao chose to respond with flattery, "Boss, what should we do with these people? Should I teach them a lesson?"

Ivan strolled among the incapacitated teens, causing them to wince and groan. He then replied with a feigned sense of compassion, "Let's show some mercy. After all, I'm a kind-hearted person."

Wang Chao couldn't help but roll his eyes. Kind-hearted? He thought. This guy must be joking.

Ivan's primary goal in this world was to learn Chinese martial arts, and the best way to do that was to learn from the best. Since this world was constructed based on Ivan's wishes, he could define his role.

In this fantasy world, Ivan arranged to be Wang Chao's childhood friend and playmate, although he was often sick and didn't practice martial arts. His real-world pursuits in scientific research had left him with insufficient time to train physically. However, this world was perfect for acquiring the skills he desired.

Despite his lack of combat prowess, Wang Chao never underestimated Ivan. He affectionately referred to him as "Boss" because Ivan was exceptionally intelligent in this world. While he couldn't match Wang Chao in martial arts, he excelled in coming up with creative ideas and techniques. Ivan was determined to develop the perfect martial arts style for Wang Chao.

After Wang Chao's new training regimen, his progress was remarkable. Most of his strength and skills could be attributed to Ivan's guidance. Wang Chao had no reservations about calling Ivan "Boss" because of his vital role in his development.