
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Mad_verse · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
179 Chs

Confronting Thanos

Authors Note-

You can read up to 20 chapters ahead on my Patreon - Mad_verse [ Your support will help me in continuing this fic]


A super space battleship housed Thanos on its throne, staring blankly at the barrier before him. The Space Walker's image appeared, and the Children of Thanos behind him dared not utter a sound.

Chasing the Space Walker for nearly half a month, Thanos and the others engaged in numerous battles. Wins and losses were exchanged, but despite Thanos holding an advantage, they couldn't secure victory, leaving them bewildered.

Despite attempts to gather intel on the elusive Black Shadow mercenary group, details still needed to be made clearer. The group's mysterious nature, seldom appearing before ordinary people, heightened their formidable reputation, deterring investigation.

His Generals couldn't shake the heart-pounding fear when recalling the opponent's strength. The four leaders, each matching or surpassing them, especially the self-proclaimed Apocalypse, managed to stand against Thanos. Even in defeat, the honor endured. Without Thanos personally entering the fray, the combined forces of the team might not overcome the opponent.

Turning abruptly to Ebony Maw, Thanos questioned, "It's been a while. Have you uncovered any information about the Black Shadow Mercenary Group?"

Ebony Maw broke out in cold sweat, kneeling swiftly, "Father, forgive me. I've checked multiple times, but this Black Shadow Mercenary Group seemingly emerged from nowhere, leaving no detailed information."

Thanos expressed dissatisfaction, intensifying fear.

"I've never heard of this mercenary group before. Surprisingly powerful. I'm intrigued. No useful information at all?"

Despite Thanos' tone, Ebony Maw sensed no blame, sighing in relief. "Not entirely true. According to the collected information, the Black Shadow Mercenary Group surfaced over a decade ago. Despite their charisma, they've been involved in many matters that require resolution. The figure they push to the forefront is Stakar Oogard."

Ebony Maw presented Stakar Oogard's image on the screen—a tough-looking character. "Originally a Ravager Legion leader, Stakar offended numerous dark forces in the universe, leading to relentless pursuits. The appearance of the shadow mercenary group coincided with his plight, suggesting a possible connection to the person who was targeted back then."

The image of Ivan reappeared, though Ebony Maw was unaware of Ivan's use of nano-robots for disguise during interstellar travels. "Stakar survived by joining the Black Shadow Mercenary Group. He takes on various tasks for them. The group operates covertly, with members donning black suits to conceal their identities. To prevent leaks, their suits have self-destruction devices. Those we've defeated had their energy sealed in battle suits, leaving no trace even for Darkseid's demons." It's a mix of mockery and admiration in Ebony Maw's final statement.

"The origin of the Black Shadow Mercenary Group seems impossible to uncover," Thanos remarked, his face growing even more unsightly.

"Well... I have some speculations, but I'm not sure..." Ebony Maw hesitated to speak.

"Just spit it out. Don't hold back if you have something to say," Thanos, in a sour mood after the nearly month-long pursuit, urged impatiently.

"Though I couldn't find their origins, the abilities displayed by the members of the Shadow Mercenary Group triggered a thought in my mind."

"What is it?"

"Father, do you recall our focus on Earth? The Time and Space Gems are guarded by Asgard, especially with Odin's strength. There are other Supreme Mages, so we know Earth holds one of the two infinity stones, yet we can't get them. On Earth, a unique group known as mutants believe they are genetic mutations, exhibiting various magical abilities—fire, ice, strong winds, lightning, and more. Don't you find the abilities used by these shadow mercenaries remarkably similar to theirs?"

"Earth?" Thanos pondered, and with Ebony Maw prompt, memories resurfaced. "Come to think of it, something peculiar is indeed happening. According to Skrull reports, a hidden force influences and steers many events on Earth. Even with Skrull capabilities, they can't pinpoint the mastermind. This is quite remarkable."

Ebony Maw nodded, concurring with Thanos," Skrulls can genetically simulate all life. Despite their bad reputation, their ability to infiltrate without detection is commendable. It appears that Earth is more complex than we thought."

"Not surprising. Earth was a battleground for many forces, even visited by the gods. Its preservation amid godly trials suggests there are reasons for it. With the appearance of so many powerful individuals, who knows what remnants might linger on Earth? It wouldn't be astonishing if there's something capable of exposing Skrull disguises."

"Father, look! The enemy's spaceship has altered course, heading toward a barren planet. Are they running low on energy, forced to halt the ship?" Black Dwarf interjected, interrupting Thanos and Ebony Throat's conversation.

Thanos observed the Space Walker spacecraft heading for a nearby desolate planet, halting in space without entering the atmosphere. A hatch opened, and a small spacecraft emerged, descending into the atmosphere. Simultaneously, a message reached Thanos: "I'm waiting for you!"

"No, this is a call for a showdown. Something must have occurred on their end. What support might they have acquired to encourage them into thinking they can win? That's why they've chosen to confront us."

An unhappy expression crossed Black Dwarf's face. "Is there any chance they have someone capable of challenging Father? I think this is a death wish."

Black Dwarf held unshakeable confidence in Thanos, believing no one could defeat him. Even Darkseid, as renowned as Thanos, could, at most, stand on equal footing.

Ebony Maw, skeptical of Black Dwarf's intelligence, refrained from voicing it directly to Thanos. "The universe is vast, filled with wonders and powerful beings. Some might even rival Father. Though I believe in Father's strength, facing a siege from numerous powerful beings could pose a considerable challenge, no matter how strong Father is."

Ebony Maw, astute and well-versed in universal secrets, acknowledged that beings more potent than Thanos existed. Some stood in the open, while others operated in the shadows, yet articulating such thoughts in Thanos' presence proved delicate.

"Regardless, since they've extended an invitation, we can't retreat. Join me in seeing this through. After this prolonged pursuit, it's finally coming to an end. Regardless of their cards, we must confront them to devise our plans. Seize this chance to uncover their secrets, at least discern their identity and origin."

Thanos commanded the fleet to stand by as he, accompanied by his Generals, flew towards the desolate planet in a donut-shaped spaceship.

Ivan landed the spacecraft in open space, leading Apocalypse and the other three outside. It was daytime, and the temperature soared to 70 degrees. For an ordinary person, the heat would be lethal in no time.

Yet, Ivan and the others remained unaffected by the temperature, clad in mutant suits incorporating Darwin's survival adaptability. Even without the suits, their physiques wouldn't be significantly impacted.

Standing on a boulder, Ivan gazed at the sky, silently waiting. Apocalypse broke the silence, asking, "Will Thanos come? What if he disregards our invitation and orders an attack on our spaceship directly? That would pose a problem."

"Don't worry. As a cosmic overlord, he still has some decorum. He'll come; otherwise, it would be a joke," Ivan reassured with confidence, inwardly thinking that even if Thanos ordered an attack, the Space Walker, with its powerful queen, could handle it. The powerful queen was no pushover.

"Do you guarantee you can defeat Thanos? If not, we might all perish here."

"No one can claim 100% certainty against Thanos. However, rest assured, even if we're not a match, I can guide you to a safe escape without danger."

"Hope so!" Apocalypse sighed and disappeared.

Ivan didn't wait long for Thanos. Within minutes, the donut spaceship arrived, casting a tractor beam as Thanos descended.

Seeing Ivan, Thanos was a bit surprised. Having battled Apocalypse before, he assumed Apocalypse was their leader. However, Ivan appeared to be the true leader, likely even more potent than Apocalypse.

"A formidable opponent," Thanos sighed internally. Deliberately testing Ivan's strength, he took a deep breath and exerted pressure toward Ivan.

Ivan and the others felt a sudden breathlessness, an illusion of impending doom. Ivan let out a light drink, dispersing Thanos' pressure with a strange wave, dispelling the illusion.

"I expected more from the renowned cosmic overlord. Playing such petty tricks is beneath you," Ivan remarked.

Thanos felt a jolt. The ease with which his pressure was dispelled convinced him that Ivan was a peer in strength, if not stronger.

"You're no better, hiding behind masks. What right do you have to talk about me?" Thanos retorted, noting that Ivan and the others wore mutant suits, covering even their faces. It wasn't unjust to say they were hiding.