
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Mad_verse · Película
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179 Chs


Authors Note-

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You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my Patreon - Mad_verse [ Your support will help me in continuing this fic]


At the moment Li Guang slipped into a coma, a distant hidden location suddenly blared with a siren, echoing for dozens of miles. Concealed there were over 20 fighter jets, and a pilot in one of the planes, adorned in a colonel's uniform, swiftly reached for the walkie-talkie, proclaiming,

"Alarm Alert! Shadow Mission Failed, Everyone Take Action Now."

A buzzing hum filled the air as more than 20 planes simultaneously took off, heading in the direction of Ivan. This was a covert operation. Some equipment couldn't be utilized, prompting the installation of trackers on the planes in advance.

The pilot, responsible for flying the aircraft, observed Li Guang being overwhelmed by Ivan. His demeanor changed dramatically, and he stammered, "Dr. Ivan, this is a misunderstanding. Please believe that I truly have no connection to this matter."

"I know it has nothing to do with you, but since you're implicated, consider yourself unlucky. You rest for now. When you wake up, it should all be over."

Following Li Guang's lead, the pilot was pressed by Ivan on his neck, rendering him unconscious. Azazel opened a space wormhole, connecting to the ground below, and threw the two out before assuming the pilot's position to fly the plane.

"Dr. Ivan, with our capabilities, it's quite easy to escape. Why stay and create a scene, risking turning against the Chinese side completely?"

"Humph! I just want to make a scene to show some people that I have my limits, so they don't conspire against me incessantly. As for whether it strains relations with China, don't worry about that. I'm against a few individuals, not China. After this incident, they might face repercussions. The Chinese side will need to explain."

Only then did Red Devil grasp Ivan's plan, finding it peculiar. It was the first time he witnessed Ivan express such determination. In their years in Germany, even when manipulated by the Red Skull multiple times, Ivan remained indifferent, as if life held no sway over him.

This time was different. Red Devil sensed a newfound anger in Ivan, making him seem more human. Red Devil considered it a positive development.

While the Red Devil concentrated on flying the plane, Ivan walked to the side, opened the cabin door, and awaited the arrival of the enemy.

The enemy did not disappoint Ivan, taking only a few minutes. Over 20 fighter jets swooped in, surrounding Ivan's plane.

"The plane must land immediately for inspection, or we will open fire."

Ignoring the enemy's warning, the Red Devil continued to fly, leaving the opposing team captain feeling helpless. Special instructions were given for the mission: no harm to the lives on the plane, only capture alive.

"Everyone, be alert. Prepare Plan B, capture the enemy's aircraft. Be cautious not to cause casualties."

The captain's plan was sound, but he underestimated Ivan's strength. The subsequent events unfolded beyond his expectations.

As Red Devil approached the enemy fighter, it executed a sudden turn. Ivan, with a forceful kick, leaped out of the plane, covering dozens of meters before landing on one of the fighter planes.

Despite the plane's mid-air trajectory, Ivan stood firmly as if rooted to the spot. The plane's fuel tank exploded, catching the pilot off guard, who failed to eject in time and succumbed to the explosion.

"Monster" exclaimed other pilots witnessing the scene. Disregarding the order not to harm anyone, they opened fire simultaneously, bullets raining down.

Unfazed by the onslaught, Ivan navigated the plane, leaped to the second fighter, and detonated it with a few punches. This time, the pilot was prepared and ejected in time, saving their life.

The loss of two fighters left the others in terror. They distanced themselves and resorted to machine gun fire from a safe distance, attempting to defeat Ivan from afar.

The plane Ivan stood on plummeted rapidly, and by this time, the other planes had distanced themselves too far. Even with Ivan's strength, he couldn't bridge the gap, unless he chose to reveal his true capabilities, which, for now, remained concealed.

Ivan's brain development had surpassed 35%, and his mastery of Earth's gravity had reached an impressive depth. Though capable of physical flight without issues, Ivan preferred not to reveal the full extent of his strength.


Flames erupted as the plane crashed and exploded, yet Ivan casually leaped, landing on the ground just before the wreckage.

As Ivan stood up, the onslaught began. Amidst a hail of bullets, he maneuvered like a nimble rabbit, evading the dense barrage effortlessly.

Although unscathed, Ivan's inability to counterattack brought relief to the pilots. It seemed they could prolong Ivan's demise.

Ivan, however, was not one to be cornered. Evading the bullets by leaping behind a boulder, he swiftly retrieved a metal cylinder from his bag and placed it in his hand.

As the planes attacked again, Ivan exposed only the end of the metal cylinder from behind the boulder. A scorching beam shot forth, instantly hitting and exploding one of the planes. The pilot met a swift demise.

"No! Attack, everyone attack! Kill him"

The flight team captain, consumed by vengeance for his fallen comrades, abandoned the capture mission in favor of annihilation.

Cannonballs trailed by flames were unleashed, their roars echoing, but Ivan remained impervious to the explosions.

Ivan skillfully maneuvered through the cannonball onslaught, using the metal cylinder to shoot heat rays and downing planes one after another. The captain was baffled by the cylinder's capabilities, wondering about the energy source and how it endured repeated use.

Little did the captain know that the metal cylinder was a mere facade. Ivan absorbed energy, transforming it into scorching rays, concealing the true nature of his abilities.

"Retreat, everyone retreat!"

With only a handful of planes remaining out of the initial twenty-plus, the flight team captain abandoned the mission entirely, overwhelmed with regret. He pondered the intelligence behind the mission, vowing to question the person responsible upon their return.

Twenty planes arrived; only five escaped. Several pilots were killed on the spot, and wreckage floated in the sky, casting a desolate scene.

Ivan finally relaxed, breathing heavily. The battle took a toll, though he could have prevailed easily by revealing his full strength.

Soon, Red Devil descended, and Ivan leaped into the plane. The aircraft took off, with Ivan settling back in his seat, grabbing a small tracker left by Li Guang. After crushing it, he peered through the glass and said, "Let's go. Head to the sea, submerge the plane and use your space ability to return. Sink the plane and detonate it in the sea."

Following Ivan's instructions, Red Devil steered the plane toward the sea.


In the UK, a gloomy ancient castle stood on a seaside mountain. Enveloped by perpetual darkness and occasional thunderstorms, the eerie surroundings deterred all but the brave from venturing near.

Abruptly, a blue light flashed, and a space wormhole slowly opened. Ivan and the Red Devil emerged, gazing at the castle across the abyss. Ivan raised his hand, addressing his watch, "Queen Red, open the bridge."

"Dr. Ivan, please wait a moment"

With the Red Queen's response, a mechanism at the castle gate extended a flat plate towards them. Within minutes, a bridge over 100 meters long formed.

Ivan and the Red Devil traversed the bridge to the castle. Unique equipment installed by Ivan prevented unauthorized access through space abilities.

As they reached the castle's entrance, the door opened automatically, and Red Queen's voice echoed, "Dr. Ivan, welcome back."

Inside, lights illuminated a surprisingly warm and modern interior. Despite the castle's ancient exterior, Ivan had incorporated advanced technology, managing the castle with a subroutine separated from the Queen, surpassing current technological standards by over a century.

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