
Descendant of Bird and Beast (HP)

soul reincarnated into Harry Potter as op character and destroys the game between dumbledore and Voldemort

MAG666 · Película
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7 Chs

First flight and an angry snake

(Leo's Pov)

After finally getting out of defense against the dark arts I was excited to finally go to my first flying lesson. Who wouldn't be though? Flying without being inside of an airplane. That is just one of many of mankind's greatest dreams. I would be lying if I told anyone that I wasn't just a bit nervous though. One of the books I had read before starting Hogwarts while taking a break from learning new spells was about the history of broom flight. And let me tell you there are a lot of failed flights throughout history. From test flights to getting hit by airplanes. There are too many deaths from accidents while on a broom to be completely comfortable getting on one for the first time. Anyway, as I was walking to class with Harry following closely, I remembered that it was in this flying lesson that Harry would become the new seeker for his house team. Once I remembered that I began to wonder if there was a way for me to also join using this chance to get onto the team also. Lost in thought I didn't realize that we had arrived at the courtyard that the flying lesson would take place in. We walked up to the group of Gryffindor students standing next to a line of brooms and waited for the teacher to arrive. When madam Hootch finally arrived, and the class started my anxiety calmed down and I was finally able to relax. Just like in the story Harry and Malfoy where the only ones to get it to rise withing the first two times of calling their brooms. I did manage to get it up on my third try but I was content because there were some students that went able to for more than five minutes. Also like in the story Nevil had a hard time in this class also. I would have helped but we were told not to bring our wands to this class due to it being dangerous enough without messing around with magic to distract us. When madam Hootch left to take Nevil to the infirmary Malfoy took his remembrall. Unlike in the story though this time it wasn't just Harry that confronted Malfoy I also flew up alongside him. When Malfoy through the remembrall me and harry both went after it. Let me tell you it is an extremely strange feeling flying through the air on a broom. The feeling is almost like flying on a remote-control toy, but your mind is the remote. you want to go forward lean forward and thing of going want to go faster think of speeding up other than that its basically just lean into the turns. It definitely takes a little getting used to it, but it also wasn't as hard as I had expected. Me and Harry both flew after the orb, but he managed to get to it right before me. When we landed, we were welcomed by some excited Gryffindor students. The calibration was cut short though when professor Mcgonagall showed up and told the both of us to fallow her. While Harry was worried about us being in trouble I was hoping that by her calling us both that there was a chance of me being on the team also.

short chapter today im also trying to change writing styles to see wich one works best for me so the next few chapters are probably all going to be shorter and then i will probably ask wich chapteres read the best so i can start trying to type them in that style

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