

Born with a silver spoon only for that to get snatched from him, Denwen is forced to face the harsh reality of life as even with a talentless body he discovers something no one could fathom allowing him rise through the ranks quicker than anyone else. Betrayal, heartbreak and other soul crushing experiences chisels Denwen into a seasoned warrior as he stands above all others

Praiz_Official · Fantasía
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61 Chs


The Hell Bull's had never ever revealed their strength in all totality before but they were a strong underworld force to be reckoned with especially in this part of the empire. There was a reason why no one had ever successfully eliminated them this was because they knew their limits, they knew where and when to hit that would bring them the close to no impact that was why they had never done anything to attract the wrath of the empire. They were majorly made up of lowly miscreants who found it impossible to break through from stage two as they go about causing issues, but their main power comes from their leaders especially the head who was a sly gamma ranked spatial mage. She was strong enough to keep her people out of the reach of the enemy and she was one of the major contributors in the bloody ceremony that occurred some weeks back as she had received a major power boost. The hell bulls were truly the kings of the underworld as although people tend to under estimate them but the would hit back as hard as a cornered bull that was shown the red cape. Another thing that made them feared was that people knew that the leader of the Hell Bulls was strong but no one knew just how strong thus they choose to avoid conflicts with them. Smaller gangs tend to make connection with them as they offer protection like no other as it would only take the brave to cross path with them.

"Angus, I see you have returned" she said as she closed her book and dropped it on the arm of the throne

"Yes, my lady" he said as he bent over in respect

She stood up and begun stretching as her tail wagged as she bent left and right to relieve herself


She jumped down from the high throne that was about twelve feet in height as she kicked Angus in the head making him collide with the door creating a little dent on it "You bastard, you still dare show your face to me" She said as she picked him up from the ground and punched him in the stomach with so much force that a cracking sound was heard "Looks like you guys have started to slack on your roles, maybe it would be better if you end up like him" she pointed to one of the heads on the wall which he recognized instantly as the one he had burnt a few days back when they were almost eliminated by an unknown person while they were trying to deal with some brats "And you even used it" she said as she slapped him sending him flying "maybe your soul would have more use than you do" saying this her eyes began to transform turning dark red as though it could pierce through anything

"I got information" Angus said as he knew he had to do something right now in order to save his life

"Are you that desperate" she said as the red color of her eyes intensified as waves of heat began to come out of them "you have five seconds make that count"

"There is an early beta ranked individual in the town" he shouted as he remembered his experience from that day, how could he not when that force was engrained in his mind. Hearing this, the heat waves began to slowly recede as her eyes began to cool down "you mean to tell me that there was someone of that level there"

"Yes mistress" he said with a sigh of relief

"Fuck, this just threw a screw in our plans" she said as she began to pace about

"I thought the mayor promised not to cooperate with us mistress" the huge man that had been standing still all these while spoke.

"Not like he had a choice, Damian, Cliff is just a mere stage five mage I had him in my palms right from the beginning" she said as she walked around. She snapped her fingers causing her book to appear in her hands. Stretching out her hand, space began to warp as a door materialized,

"Call a meeting for the six horns, we would have to review our plans" she said as Damian nodded, turning to Angus "Take whatever you need and get rid of that brat that humiliated the Bulls, show him what hell is like, as for me I would have a would with Cliff" she said as she stepped into the door disappearing along with it.

Hearing what the mistress had said Angus lips curled up in a smile 'Just you wait boy I will get back at you a thousand times'



Denwen smiled as he saw this prompt as a blue box appear, this shocked him as the last time it was white. A month had passed since he began this training with old man kop with Roy as they both watched their strength grow daily just through meditation and channeling their mana. With the system granting him a more visual representation of his body, as though he was looking through a monitor, he was able to channel his mana properly and at this moment the energy ball that was once empty with little mana flowing in and out was almost full. Roy's growth wasn't anything to scoff at either as he also received pointers from his teachers at home and with resources as well. This bothered them as they felt he wanted to use it to breakthrough although they felt he wasn't ready. A person's body only becomes ready for their first breakthrough at the age of nine naturally unless one is able to use very lethal processes to help aid them which in most cases means death. It was a well-known idea to the public that one could use this method as it was a little bit less lethal but one would have to be a great teacher to kick start this properly without making the origin of the poor child explode. So, when Roy kept asking for such resources to aid him it made them worry as a day came when his father asked his teacher to accompany him in secret and find out what was going on. When it was discovered that it was old man Kop, he was invited to the Cliff's household to be the official tutor which he turned down and asked that he be left in peace to train his students otherwise he was going to stop. This threat was enough to make them back off as even though Duke Cliff felt the aura of a late stage 2 mage as thought he could subdue him and force him but that would be detrimental to his son as a little mistake and he can watch his origin go bye bye. But in all actuality, Duke Cliff didn't have the power to force Kop.


This was the prompt that appeared after he clicked on it, he opened his eyes and noticed old man Kop sitting on a recliner watching them meditate and saw Roy meditating as well as he was sweating.

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