
011- Happy birthday.

When I walked into the big mall. I started a shopping spree, buying everything I could get my hands on from foodstuffs to sport wears and other sports stuffs to casual clothes, shoes, face caps, skin treatments materials basically everything I could get my hands on.

At the end of all the shopping I felt so relieved but the exhilarating feeling came with a very high price of me watching my account balance dwindle by a fairly large amount. When I was done I brought everything home with the help of a transit bus that surprisingly was still operating this late. When I got home I saw Alana at the front of the house and immediately she saw me she walked up to me.

"Where did you go" she asked.

"I had to grab somethings" I replied feigning anger.

Ignoring the fact that I came back in a bus she hugged me tightly for a while, both of us silent.

"I'm sorry den I was just very stressed, I truly didn't mean it" she said.

I wasn't angry at her anymore even before I left the house but I knew things shouldn't always go like this, those words were seriously hurtful even more than i thought they would and if it was someone else not her i might have hurt them, so I replied her.

" I guess you could always say hurtful words to me and get away by hugging me" I said sarcastically.

" cmon den please just forgive me, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" she said holding my hands.

Finally I flashed a smile and I hugged her back.

" Guess what" I asked

" what"

" I wasn't angry at you, you're a woman that's how you guys are, my mum was like that to my dad, most women are like that"

" like what! Shut up" she said Finally laughing

" what's with the bus" she added

"Guess what" I said again

" just fucking talk already"

"We're going to be moving alot inside and I don't think we'll starve tonight"

Denim you bought all these she replied from the bus, this is alot where did you get money.

The bus driver who couldn't wait anymore started taking everything out from his bus. We joined him and we packed everything out of the bus. I paid him and he drove away.

" I guess I didn't tell you I was broke did I"

" Alicia!" She screamed at the top of her voice and the poor girl ran out with a stick thinking she was in danger.

" where are they" Alicia asked pointing her stick around.

" where are who" we both asked.

" then why the fuck would you scream my name like that"

" would you all SHUT UP and go to bed already" some neighbors came out and screamed at us with a sleepy voice and we quickly grabbed our things and went inside.

That night we didn't sleep. I shared alot of goodies and we ate good food, we just kept talking and talking, laughing. I also set up the Hitachi plasma tv that I just purchased taking away the old box and we watched a bit of tv with both girls admiring the tv.

By 8am in the morning we heard a loud bang outside our door and we all woke up, we had all slept off in the living while playing. When we opened the door we saw the cops.

" We got a call that you guys caused alot of disturbance yesterday"

"Oh shit" I mumbled

" the police man walked in searched for a while and when it was getting longer I snapped at him, hey sir you're here because you heard a public disturbance call right? Then why are you snooping about our property without a search warrant, you got a problem or something" I asked basically because I knew the man was doing it because he saw a black guy around, American cops had always been like that even back in the 90s.

" Yeah I thought the same too, with all due respect sir you're not here to search and all even though I haven't got a problem with that" Alana added.

" uhm you'll be fined for minor public disturbance" he replied with a disdainful expression but I couldn't even give a fuck money was not my problem.

Later in the afternoon we settled everything and we all went back home and Alicia went to work even though we convinced her not to, she decided to stay there for a while. So me and Alana was left at home alone, we cooked, ate, watched tv show, played around and chatted seriously at times.

Days passed by like that but I kept training myself and drilling Myself every day with the right nutrition and alot of protein to get a proper footballing height. I wasn't scared about being too short as my dad stood at 6'7 a basketballer height and even if I somehow become short I could train myself to play like messi. I also started accumulating money with my future knowledge tho there wasn't alot I could remember from the 90s after a while I totally acquired Lincoln Law Firm, Uncle g was surprised but at the same time he was happy as he felt that i knew what I was doing. I placed him at the ceo position to work things out as he was very used to the firm.

May 25th 1999

After walking out from my room after a call from uncle g to wish me happy birthday a burst of confetti 🎊 was showered on my head.

" Happy birthday den" both girls screamed taking me into a warm hug. When I was done freshening up I ate from the nice celebratory menu before we went out and I enjoyed myself. Alana paid for everything and in the evening I got my gifts.

Alana gave me a Cartier glass and Alicia bought me some sneakers and uncle g who came around the house gave me a nice Rolex wristwatch and after all the celebration. We sat together at the sitting room after Uncle g had left.

"Denim I really want to say thank you for everything, you've been very helpful to us" Alicia said.

" Yeah, you've really been so good to us and I'm really happy we met you" Alana added.

" c'mon girls that's not needed among us, we're couples remember?"I replied

" ah gross" Alicia screamed

" Bro shut up" Alana added

We all laughed out but somehow the atmosphere became awkward as everyone had different thoughts in their minds and just like that the day passed.