
Demonic Godhood

I died but that wasn't the end. Now my soul was dragged into another planet in an entirely new universe one which was dominated by magic. But this world is young and needed someone to watch over it, someone to fill it with life and with one to destroy it and recreate again. This world needed Gods. And I was one the many souls that was sent to this world to be reborn as gods. But we gods were not invincible. Now an unfathomable war rages on between the new gods for supremacy and survival. And my first worshippers are dragons.

Drakonos_Drake · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

Gobbo finally returned from his mission but the news he brought was quite concerning.

The orc god Azog and God of goat men Baal both knew about the partnership between goblins and dragons but they were not aware of Kharak and his scarabs.

The orcs and goat men all have discovered the technology to smith bronze weapons and a combined force of 5000 goats and orcs are preparing for an invasion from the eastern fort. Baal openly mocked Gobbo and didn't even hide his malicious intent as if he already knew the outcome. Im sure both Azog and Baal don't know the full numbers of dragons and they have only witnessed a few 70-100 year old dragons and currently not aware of the older and stronger dragons but still the power of young adult dragons is not something one can laugh at.

The reason for their insolence was something else, Both Azog and baal have discovered the ability to possess one of their created creature to form an Avatar.

An avatar is created when a god possess its faithful worshipper. An avatar can't be created hastily as a mortal's body need to be adjusted to divine energy for a long period of time otherwise it will explode like we saw in the case of pig god. When an avatar is successful created the god who created it can use its divine energy to directly influence the material world like casting fireballs and other stuff. An avatar also changes its shape to the liking of the god inhabiting it and also possesses incredible brute strength and can regenerate directly using divine energy. But an avatar has to be used carefully as chanelling to much divine energy can damage the avatar so they have cooldown time in which the avatar's body repairs itself. So they are also balanced no broken stuff.

A weird feeling washed over me out of nowhere it was something I have never felt before. It was a sense of loss. Then the red Dragons from Draconic council who I have named Dagon came rushing on top of Mt.Draconia and barged into our meeting.

"Father Azog has slain a dragon". Dagon grieved


Now I know what it feels like to lose a worshipper. Since the first time since creation a dragon has fallen.

Both Kharak and Gobbo were also didn't expecting this, we all rushed down to the main temple of our pantheon. A large crowd of dragons was already gathered. All the members of draconic council as well as Tiamat was present.

On the center of the crowd a body of a dragon was laid down who appeared to be 120 years old. A large metallic spear about the length of 3 meters was sticking out of its chest. I could could feel the divine energy radiating from the spear clearly it was an enchanted weapon.

All the dragons bowed when they spotted me. Apparently after learning about the intentions of the orcs and goat men this dragon couldn't tolerate the idea of someone challenging the dragons even after witnessing their majesty. The orcs and goat men had hurt his pride as a dragon without even being aware of it so he flew towards their encampment with the intention of burning it down. He managed to kill over 150 orcs with his fire but eventually he was struck down by the avatar of Azog who threw the large spear directly piercing his heart. Even after getting his heart pierced the dragon still managed to fly here and report his deed before succumbing to his wounds.

Dragons are strong but are by no means invincible. As long as a dragon's heart remains intack the flow of blood and nutrients continues allowing the dragon to eventually regenerate. But when the heart stops then no blood flow and no blood flow means no nutrient transfer which means no regeneration. The only way to kill a dragon is to stop its heart.

The reason for this dragon's death was his pride. Come to think of it, majority of my dragons have not faced a worthy enemy in their entire life which has caused them to develop a sense of invincibility. Although I also grieve the loss of my child but thus tragedy will also serve as a reminder to dragons that they are not invincible. (Not yet atleast >:3)

"Father what shall we do", Asked the old black dragon who's named Bhamut. This tragedy is the result of a dragon's own stupidity, Even with his intelligence he still let his pride get better of them and due to his arrogance he lost his life. The dragons must realise their mistake themselves as I can't take all the decisions regarding the lide of every individual dragon.

" The draconic council will decide it themselves how to deal with this situation I will not interfere."

All the elder dragons did not expected me to say this.

"But father this the first time since the dawn of creation that one of our kind has fallen, We need your guidance." Spoke Tiamat.

"More will fall if you don't learn from this, You and the draconic council will decide how to deal with those puny gods on your own, I will not interfere."

With that I left leaving all the dragons confused.

My children must learn from their mistakes and better themselves, If somehow I disappeared how will they survive. They must learn to utilise their strongest ability which is the ability to grow stronger with time. The dragon who died was still weak if Tiamat who is an elder was in his place, She would have decimated the entire army along with the avatars.

Dragons must understand that they are weak when young and they only grow stronger with time and with enough time they'll grow strong enough to challange the very gods.