
Demonic Godhood

I died but that wasn't the end. Now my soul was dragged into another planet in an entirely new universe one which was dominated by magic. But this world is young and needed someone to watch over it, someone to fill it with life and with one to destroy it and recreate again. This world needed Gods. And I was one the many souls that was sent to this world to be reborn as gods. But we gods were not invincible. Now an unfathomable war rages on between the new gods for supremacy and survival. And my first worshippers are dragons.

Drakonos_Drake · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

Its been 40 years since the pig god threatened me and in all these years i've some what figured out that the gods can't directly interfere with the mortal world and can only do so through their followers.

The divine energy that we gods posses comes directly from the prayer of our worshippers. This divine energy can only be used on our followers and we can't use it on any other object and creature that doesn't worship us, so this energy can't be used to directly attack but it can be channeled into our followers to heal their wounds, boost physical capabilities and most importantly grant them supernatural abilities.

What are supernatural abilities you may wonder?

Well I actually don't know myself as I have never seen some mortal creature possessing one but one of my dragons which I sent on a scouting mission near pig men territory reported seeing a 6 feet tall pig men is shamanistic robes casting a fire ball from its hands to light a bonfire. Since dragons are sensitive to divine energy, he also sensed large amount of divine energy radiating from the shaman pig men.

Not only that but while scouting he saw a large force of 400 pig men who stood 5 feet tall each carrying stone axes and clubs wearing pig skin which gave them small amount of armor. 40 years have already gone by and I have come to a conclusion that we can't win against these swine as in another 60 years their forces would triple.

Although a regular pig men has no chance against an adult dragon but the dragons also don't have unlimited bile for their fire breath and they cant fly for too long and would have to eventually land. The pig men could swarm the dragons like ants.

There are only two options now either we attack them now or abandon this lair but It would be troublesome if we accidently migrated into another god's territory.

And one interesting fact is that my dragons are absolutely immune to divine energy which means I can't use it to boost their abilities maybe this a result of high concentration of primordial energy which I used during their creation rendering them immune to the effects of any lesser form of energy. But this also means that any sort of magical attacks like the pig men shaman's fire ball would have less effect on them and dragons are also naturally highly resistant to heat and cold.

Time is running out, I Currently have Tiamat, 6 adult dragons, 6 juveniles and another 6 hatchlings as Tiamat layed another batch of eggs. The juveniles and hatchlings are not capable of battle but the adults have all reached the length of 7 meters and stand 2.8 meters tall, whereas Tiamat the first dragon who's now 140 years old is now 8.8 meters long and 3 meters tall. All the adult dragons are colorful and have a long feathery crest going down their neck but Tiamat has started growing small bone spurs on her back which continued down her tail, they were small and not so prevalent.

All the adult dragons along with me and Tiamat gathered together in a chamber deep inside the lair which the dragons dug out to make a primitive meeting hall.

"Father the swine grow in number we must act now", spoke a black dragon with his head bent down in a respectful position.

" I agree we should swoop in now and burn them all down before they grow more powerful", a blue dragon also supported the black one.

"We shouldn't act rashly my brothers and sister, The pig god might have other blessed pig men like the shaman. We should utilize the remaining 60 years to grow larger", a yellow dragon expressed his concern.

"If We wait longer brother!, the swine will overwhelm us in 60 years. This area is rich in mineral deposits which is vital for us to grow stronger scales, we can't afford to lose it", a red dragon interrupted the yellow one.

" Silence ", Tiamat growled and all the dragons were silent." Let father decide as we are few in numbers and this lone choice might decide the fate of our race so we must leave it to our creator". Tiamat added and all the dragons looked at me. I was no longer the same dim orb as before as now I was a floating snake what was 3 meters long with red eyes and golden scales. I don't know why my appearance changed but I feel more comfortable in my new form and feel a closer connection to my dragons and all the dragons refer to me as their father and Tiamat is referred to as their mother.

This was a tough decision even though after 60 years all my dragons would grow even more powerful and I would have more adult dragons but I couldn't take the chance.

"My children tonight we shall purge the filthy swine, We shall burn their puny huts while they sleep and all the world shall know the wrath of Dragons!!!", I hissed in snake like voice. All the dragons roared upon hearing this and rushed out towards the entrance of our lair and took flight with Tiamat in the front and the remaining 6 followed in a V shaped formation. I also floated through the air along side Tiamat as I was not longer restricted to just 10 meters above the ground because I became stronger due to more worshipers. After flying for 10 minutes we reached the main settlement of the pig men. It had wooden walls and about 200 small huts with a single giant hut in the center which appeared like a temple. The pig god was sitting on top of the giant hut in a throne like structure.

The pig god spotted us and immediately flew towards us but the dragons ignored him and descended towards the settlement leaving me and him in the air.

" What's the meaning of this you quacking little snake", the pig god fumed in rage and I answer him smugly

"You said you'll attack me after a 100 years but that doesn't prevent me from attacking you."

Shouting and squealing of pig men echoed around the surrounding forest as the pig god looked towards his settlement in horror.

The dragons opened their mouth and then came torrents of fire burning away everything in their path.

"Oh NOOOOOOOo!!!" screamed the pig god,

"Oh YEESsssssss!!!" I let out the last laugh.

The pig men shall meet their end tonight.