
Demonic Godhood

I died but that wasn't the end. Now my soul was dragged into another planet in an entirely new universe one which was dominated by magic. But this world is young and needed someone to watch over it, someone to fill it with life and with one to destroy it and recreate again. This world needed Gods. And I was one the many souls that was sent to this world to be reborn as gods. But we gods were not invincible. Now an unfathomable war rages on between the new gods for supremacy and survival. And my first worshippers are dragons.

Drakonos_Drake · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

It was dark....

So dark.....

But then there was light.

I did not possessed eyes yet I was able to see. Hundreds and thousands bright lights all around me.I did not possessed limbs yet I felt whole.

I could feel that I was one the these fellow lights but unlike the others I was dim and gloomy. Then suddenly a large planet appeared before us, It was beautiful much like earth but it seemed larger as if it was the size of jupiter.

I instinctively knew that the universe where this planet resides in was different then the one I came from and I knew that the very laws of reality were different in this universe. How did I knew those things I had no idea but one thing was sure that if I knew it then so did my fellow lights. Although I call them fellow I felt no sense of belonging with them and im sure they felt the same for me.

What are we.

What am I?

Who am I??

What purpose do I have here?

What purpose do my fellow lights have here?

Then suddenly one word came into my mind


I am a god and the lights all around me are gods as well. We are chosen from different universes to watch over this world or you could say 'To Rule It'.

Who alloted us this task was beyond my comprehension. While I was busy with my thoughts I suddenly realised that I was able to move and I saw all my fellow gods could move too. But they were not moving around mindlessly but rather they were heading towards the planet.

I did not wanted to be left behind so I decided to move towards the planet too.

The skies of this earth like planet were bright and it appeared as if hundred of thousands of meteors were descending to obliterate it. But that wasn't the case as upon landing the bright orbs didn't explode or anything rather they stood still for a while before moving to inspect their surrounding.

I finally landed at a clearing in a forest and im sure that none of my fellows gods landed anywhere near my location.

Upon landing I felt that I didn't had any limbs or any other kind of sensory organs but I could still see and hear everything around me. I could move freely but apparently I could not rise more then 10 meters above the ground. After I was done with my inspection I felt that the world around me was empty although it possessed trees and vegetation but some amount of small insects and animals but none were truly sentient and intelligent. The creatures of this world looked like the one's on earth but some were totally alien to me. I could sense that the creatures of this world could not see me nor they could touch me and apparently I could not touch them.

As I was busy experimenting but trying to slap a rabbit like creature a deep desire rose within me, It was a desire of creation. A creation that would adore me, respect me...and Worship me. As this desire rose within me I could feel a spark of primordial energy inside me that was capable of shaping anything and make it alive.

This news should have made me happy but no all it did was making me concerned. I could feel that I need something to worship me as if not being worshipped would make me go insane, the thought of not being worshipped was like eating only minimum food to survive as without it I would survive but I would never be able to truly live.

But shouldn't it be a good thing that now I could create someone to worship me?

The answer is yes but no because for example if I create a race like humans they'll probably fight amongst each other or they would abandon me if they find a god who could grant them more favours then I could. Not only humans but any other humanoid race although being intelligent would need a lot of resources to survive in hard conditions and they'll probably would get into conflict with creations of other gods. I could also not create something illogical like a flying goat that shoots lazer as this world although magical still has rules that not even gods can violate.

I could feel the the primordial energy inside me was limited and it felt as if it was lesser then my fellow gods that would explain my dim glow.

So I needed to create something that was intelligent, loyal and could survive on its own without me baby sitting it.

I channeled all of my primordial energy into the ground infront of me and in a spark of fire and electricity a new creature stood before me. It had a lizard like head and body with a long tail, with its hind legs being lizard like and in the place of front legs there were two appendages like the ones birds have when they are newly hatched. Undoubtedly they were wings but they couldn't be used to fly yet as the feathers were not fully developed. The little creature was covered with tiny snake like green scales with 4 little feathers sticking out on its neck like a crown. I somehow knew that this creation of mine was a female.

I just made a wyvern like creature with feathered wings instead of bat like one's. Not only that but I gave my creation the capability of digesting the toughest of minerals and vegetation as well as glands that could secrete a fluid that would combust in air, basically the ability to breathe fire but it couldn't be used yet as the creature was young. It also couldn't hunt anything except small insects as it was only 15 cm long head to tail.

She opened her crocodile like eyes which shone with unnatural intelligence.

She could see me and I could sense a great amount of love and devotion radiating from her towards me. As much as I wanted to admire my creation I couldn't as I had used up all of my primordial energy and felt that I would faint any moment and wouldn't wake up for a long time.

My creation looked at me with worry and I spoke directly into her mind.

'You are Tiamat, The first of the dragons'

'I am your father , Survive and thrive for me my child'

I knew she understood me and then my vison went went dark.