
Demonic Finger: 100% Gene Drop Rate

[Six-winged Divine Bird killed, eat flesh of beast to gain zero to ten percent increase in Evolution Progress.] [Flesh of Mythic Beast Six-winged Divine Bird eaten. Evolution Progress increased by 2000% ] [Complete Gene Structure(Genome) found; Six-wings gene.] [Installing Six-wings gene into the Cybergenetic pool, please wait…] On the brink of life and death, Lucifer's last hope was the demonic finger of unknown origin. Would he become a mindless killing machine like the others before him or strip off all limitations and step into a world of endless mutation, evolution and slaughter?

Typhlix · Fantasía
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55 Chs

The Roar

Thinking about this, the previous Lucifer would never have even dreamt about coming here even if you held a gun to his head. But now he was contemplating if he should risk it or not.

"Since I have already gotten this far. Why is there a need to hesitate?"

He tiptoed carefully to the next room but ultimately couldn't find anything.

After checking this segment of the passage way, it remained the other segment. But the only problem was the mutant.

The mutant stood dead still at the center of the passageway. If Luci wanted to check the other labs, he would need to cross past the monster.

Gritting his teeth, he moved forwards without fear. He held his breath and moved carefully past the monster. The stinking rotten odour from the creature tickled past his face, making Lucifer's gave turn green from the choking smell.

Quickly passing by, he recovered from the smell and walked with a slight limp. His leg hadn't recovered yet. It seems it would take a while before he recovers.

When he got to the last laboratory, Lucifer's enhanced vision lit up as various colors filled his line of sight.

There was a bunch of medical equipment and four pods that were probably used for experiments. Two of the pods had been crushed.

There were liquid-delivery tubes on the pods. They were attached to a transparent container that only had stains of the neon-like liquid left.

Lucifer looked backwards. When he realized that the monster was still not moving, he heaved a sigh of relief

He felt like he was walking on the edge of a knife; danger seemed imminent. Although Lucifer was no coward, he could feel cold sweat breaking out from all areas of his body. That was the innate reaction of any weak creature in the presence of a strong one.

Lucifer knew that being too nervous would affect his ability to make good decisions quickly at stressful moments. Therefore, he forcefully surpresses his fear and continued looking through the lab.

The red blood colour shining on the floor was blood. Lucifer knew that all too well and some other items such as the pods were radiating dull yellowish nuclear toxic colour. It seems this was the place the monster had escaped from.

His eyes then peeled from that direction to a locked cabinet. There, a faint sparkling color emanated from the edges of the cabinet. Lucifer knee for certain that this might be what he came here for.

But the b, his expression turned somber. The cabinet was locked which would require him to use force. Force against metal makes noise which in turn will attract the attention of the creature! If he wasn't fast enough, he might be clawed to death by the creature.

Lucifer gritted his teeth. He had already gotten this far, there was no turning back now.


Under his forceful grasp, the aluminum cabinet broke into pieces as the content of the locker was produced.

"Five seconds."

Lucifer's fave was expressionless when he only saw thick piles of paper. Without hesitation. He threw them off but was then blocked by another layer off restriction. A thick wall of steel.

Lucifer couldn't help but curse out loud. But his movements weren't slow. With a shinnnnng sound, he withdrew the alloyed knife and using his entire strength, he sliced apart the steel restriction.

"Two seconds."

Finally, he withdrew his hands and brought out a very old but thick book. Lucifer didn't open it to know that what he wanted was placed inside that book.

He didn't have the luxury of time in the first place.

"One second."

On cue, a shadow stood at the entrance of the lab, the sharp claw of its feet easily gripped at the ground as it leapt at Lucifer. It's speed was so fast its afteimages elongated towards Lucifer.

The air crackled like thunder as the creature slammed its muscular arm down at Lucifer as if he was an ant. The air flow changed abruptly as an immense pressure was being generated by that strike!

The fierce exerted by the hand, suffocated Lucifer! That strike was beyond anything he had ever seen!

As the rotting stench filled his nostrils, Lucifer activated [Light Feet]. In that instant, the muscles in his thigh expanded rapidly, massive veins twisted around his thigh as the cells within his left leg went into overdrive, frantically bouncing against each other, generating power and heat.

The berserk cells seem to have reached their limit and with multiple muffled popping sounds , the cells exploded violently, creating a massive burst of power that surged out from the bottom of his foot as he slammed it forcibly against the cabinet before him.

The cabinet instantly deformed under his feet, creating spider web shaped cracks that spread over the wall it was mounted to.

Lucifer's body jerked backwards with an astonishing amount of speed, successfully evading the attack, all he could see was a blur

The monster's claws missed him by a few millimeters, the strong wind blowing his hair into a mess.


When the monster's palm hit the ground, there was a huge boom and a dent was created in the ground. Dust rose to the air, giving form to the colorless shockwave that rippled through the atmosphere.

With the speed he was moving at, all Lucifer could see was a blur. Immediately, he agitated the cells in his eyes. The small black pupil expanded, covering the entirety of his eyes, after which, a white cross-shape mark appeared at the center of his black eyes.

Suddenly, everything seem to have slowed down before him. The revolver had appeared in his hands at some point, it's large barrel pointing straight at the creature. He pulled the trigger.


Like thunder through the night sky, sparks of flames erupted from the revolver as the huge bullet exited the barrel and pierced through sound barrier with a roar carrying with it a massive power to blast through all things.