
Demonic Finger: 100% Gene Drop Rate

[Six-winged Divine Bird killed, eat flesh of beast to gain zero to ten percent increase in Evolution Progress.] [Flesh of Mythic Beast Six-winged Divine Bird eaten. Evolution Progress increased by 2000% ] [Complete Gene Structure(Genome) found; Six-wings gene.] [Installing Six-wings gene into the Cybergenetic pool, please wait…] On the brink of life and death, Lucifer's last hope was the demonic finger of unknown origin. Would he become a mindless killing machine like the others before him or strip off all limitations and step into a world of endless mutation, evolution and slaughter?

Typhlix · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
55 Chs


"What the hell is going on, Bayne?"

A cold but oddly soothing voice rang out. From within the edge of the alley, a young woman with a short blue shirt which was cut at the top and buttom, revealing her collars and her belly, walked out.

A smaller half of her ample breasts and much of her slender waist could be seen. She didn't seem to have much else underneath her crop top.

Her tight blue jean wasn't much different as it showed silk-white tender legs.

She had a pair of large, beautiful but dead-cold blue eyes which extenuated her erotic red lips with a strangely attractive dark color at the upper lip.

This was an extremely beautiful young lady, and from her outer appearance, she didn't seem to have reached eighteen years of age yet. Under the harsh conditions of the new age, women often looked much older than their actual age, but she was different as she appeared even younger than she looks.

Perceiving who it was, Bayne's eyes lit up but lookin at the situation, he groaned internally, this might not leave a favorable impression on Cailey, the most talented recruit within the base.

Different from the others, she had undergone her first evolution about half a year ago, becoming a Genetic soldier in the process, faster than regular recruits who were still at 40 percent evolution process.

Currently, there was a rumor going round that she was at the verge of undergoing her second evolution and with the corpse of the vile wolves she has killed during the beast wave three days ago, there was a chance the rumor might actually be true. Moreover, she is the granddaughter to tbe Base Master!

Arguably, her words carry some weight within the base.

"Nothing much, we are just teaching this chicken-shit a lesson." Bayne chuckled while removing his gaze from Lucifer's neck with slight confusion before withdrawing backwards.

He turned towards Cailey and a slightly lecherous smile appeared on his dark skinned face. "You shouldn't pity cowards like this. He deserve to have died ten times over for fleeing during the beast wave."

"Since you are not the Base Master, i don't think you possess the authority to punish people as you see fit "

Cailey gave Bayne a indifferent gaze. This made Bayne's face freeze, and then rapidly turned dark as he cursed in his heart 'B*tch, just wait until that old granny of yours dies, I will make you pay while name!'

Just the thought made Bayne swallow while licking his lips. Seeing Cailey's intense cold eyes brought him back and immediately, he took his boys and left the alley in a hurry.

Cailey didn't bother with him and turned her gaze towards the bloodied Lucifer. There wasn't a trace of emotions on her face, making her look like an untouchable ice queen that was above mortal stain.

"The Base Master would like to have a word with you, Lucifer." Her voice was cold as her expressionless hazel-eyes. Nothing most likely would shake her emotionless expression. In one way, she was similar to Lucifer except she was more talented than he was.

While Lucifer and the rest would need to kill and eat the flesh of at least twenty to thirty level-1 savage beast to evolve, she would require at most ten. That was the difference between genius with pure genes and unclogged blood vessels.

Lucifer coughed out blood and gastric fluid. Wiping the blood off his lips, he struggled to his feet.

His shirt had a few holes in them, revealing the white bandages underneath. Seeing this, Cailey's brows knitted to a frown.

"You can't see the Base Master in this state, it's best you freshen up before the meet. You have ten minutes."

There wasn't much to be said. Lucifer knew his situation better than anyone. Cailey was right, he couldn't meet the Task Master in this condition.

Lucifer nodded his head. He took a side glance at Cailey as he said. "I didn't think the Base master would be interested in me."

Cailey cold eyes remained on him and she said nothing. Lucifer chuckled inside. 'That failed horribly' It would be hard to extract information from her

Ten minutes later.

Cailey led Lucifer to the Main Outpost, where the base master resided. On the way, neither said a word to each other. Lucifer wasn't interested in having small talks with her either.

What was running through his mind was the excuse he was going to give to the Post Master.

He hadn't even decided when Cailey halted in front of a wooden door. Lucifer unconsciously halted his steps too.

"Enter." Cailey's cold voice commanded.

Lucifer nodded his head and after a deep inhale, he exhaled while opening the door, he entered.


The door closed behind him and Lucifer was now placed face to face before the Base Master.

This was the first time he had seen her. And as the rumor had stated, she was an old lady but there was strangely not a single wrinkle on her face but her eyes were deep and meaningful.

But what attract led Lucifer's attention were the six other people present. Particularly three individuals that were very popular within the base.

Captain Osborn, Super Soldier Blain and Super Soldier Lana were seated by the sides while the base was seated at the desk.

Lucifer's eyes stopped when he saw Blain stating at him meaningfully. The agreement they made was not to inform anyone about the trade. While Lucifer didn't see a need for it, he decided to keep his promise but that would put him in a rough spot.

Luci then glanced at the three other people present, they were also recruits like him. Although he wasn't with any of them, he recognized them as recruits within the base since they looked at least a year older than him.

The base master suddenly spoke. "Lucifer Dawn, Oliver Deck, Violet Pawn and Michael Bruce weren't present nor were they active in the battle to defend the base from the beasts' intrusion. We are here to discuss their punishments."

Hearing her voice, the four people including Luci lowered their heads. The three lowered their heads in shame, but Lucifer lowered his head to think of an excuse.