
Demonic Finger: 100% Gene Drop Rate

[Six-winged Divine Bird killed, eat flesh of beast to gain zero to ten percent increase in Evolution Progress.] [Flesh of Mythic Beast Six-winged Divine Bird eaten. Evolution Progress increased by 2000% ] [Complete Gene Structure(Genome) found; Six-wings gene.] [Installing Six-wings gene into the Cybergenetic pool, please wait…] On the brink of life and death, Lucifer's last hope was the demonic finger of unknown origin. Would he become a mindless killing machine like the others before him or strip off all limitations and step into a world of endless mutation, evolution and slaughter?

Typhlix · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
55 Chs

Bloody Strike

Sensing the significant amount of danger, the beast roared like a primordial beast, it's body quivered violently as it swayed its body sideways but the bullet seem to have seen through the movements of the beast as it pierced towards its heart.


The bullet slammed heavily at the creature. Foul rotten flesh and maggot infested fluid splattered everywhere with a squirt. The lab equipments were suddenly weres suddenly deemed useless as the toxic fluids from the creature burn numerous holes through them with sizzling sounds.

The beast staggered backwards from the force with a wierd groan vibrating from its throat. It has actually managed to shift its body, avoiding getting hit by the heart and instead it was its shoulder part that been hit.

Lucifer's face paled at this sight. His proficiency in gun welding is still too low having just one level in sniping is not nearly enough to handle the creature.

While he could predict the next movement the creature will make, his cells aren't advanced enough to enable him the ability to kill a creature of this level.

All he could right now is to run. If he had been thinking that there was a slim chance of killing this beast, his hope had been dashed simply because he has just used his last bullet!

The beasts' speed is above three levels way faster than Lucifer and Lucifer's strength which could create hole in the ground was no where the strength of the beast that could disintegrate the ground which is also above three levels of strength gene enhancement.

Moreover, it also has high levels of intuition as it could also sense danger! It was just too strong for Lucifer at his current level to handle therefore, the only option for him to do now was to flee this place. Since he had gotten what he wanted, there was no need to fight the creature to death.

Lucifer's back collided heavily with the wall of the lab, creating a human dent on it. He could hear his bones rattle as his vision blurred. He didn't take time to recover when a shadow punched towards him with intense speed.

With a pale expression, he immediately dropped to the ground, the claw strike missing him by only a centimeter.


The entire wall section above his head which was connected to the door shattered into multiple splinters. This time, the creature was using its entire strength as it had been fully angered by Lucifer's attack.

With an impassive expression, he bolstered the revolver and a blade appeared on his hands. Suddenly, the cross in his eyes expanded, filling up to half of his entire eyes. He was overloading the transformed cells in his eyes to enhance the function of his bullet time!

Not caring that his legs hadn't recovered he stomped his feet and pierced the blade through the chin of the beast that was directly above him.

Sensing the danger about to befall it, the creature trembled angrily. But it had just launched attack one tenth of a second ago. Therefore, it couldn't dodge such an attack which was perfectly timed for it to be unable to parry it at such close range.

The beast tried to move its head sideways but it realised that the danger followed it as though it had eyes! Lucifer seen to be able to predict every move the creature makes and adjust his bakde accordingly to deal the most vicious and fatal blow to its body.

Even its reaction speed which was above three levels couldn't help it as Lucifer was incredibly close, used the perfect timing and also overloaded his cells for this single attack.

Suddenly, the wind around the beast exploded as it released a blast of force. This force immediately increases its reaction speed by a notch and in slow motion, it's head began to move sideways, even faster than the upward thrust of Lucifer's blade that was about to stab at his skull from its chin.

Lucifer's thought process rapidly chunned and after the intense calculation, he came to a conclusion that at the current speed his hand was moving, his blade would only be able to pierce an inch into its chin before the creature broke free from the situation.

Gritting his teeth, Lucifer didn't hesitate as the cells within his right left went berserk and then exploded. Immerse force traveled along his arm.

His fingers which were grasping tightly against the handle of the blade released as he focused all of the force in a single finger and the lightly tapped the bottom of the blade with his index finger.


The force of ten thousand cells exploding traveled along the blade's body and its thick handle instantly deformed! It's blade released piercing sounds as it broke through sound barrier, stabbing into the skull of the creature in one fell swoop!


The force jolted the head of the creature upwards as toxic fluids along with green blood splattered in all direction.

In its reflex, the creature had actually swing its left arm towards Lucifer's waist. Having used this newly found technique of his more than three times, Lucifer was thoroughly exhausted he couldn't even see nit sense the attack coming towards him!

Bt abusing the cells in his eyes, his vision has turned blurry and in that instant a short duration of blindnwss overwhelmed him.

Sensing the change in the wind, Lucifer managed to shift his shoulder to avoid his heart been struck.


Lucifer's body was akin to a missile launched violently across the air. With seven bang sounds, he crashed into seven walls, finally crashing into the metal gate he had opened before, deforming it to fiem his own shape before he the dropped or the ground, spasming like a headless chicken.

Lucifer groaned loudly in pain as blood pooled from his chest to the ground.

Four bloody claw marks could be visible on his chest. Just above the numerous stab and bullet wounds he had been inflicted worth previously, which were starting to heal.

His defense which he had absolute confidence in had actually been ripped apart like paper before the creature!