
Demonic Finger: 100% Gene Drop Rate

[Six-winged Divine Bird killed, eat flesh of beast to gain zero to ten percent increase in Evolution Progress.] [Flesh of Mythic Beast Six-winged Divine Bird eaten. Evolution Progress increased by 2000% ] [Complete Gene Structure(Genome) found; Six-wings gene.] [Installing Six-wings gene into the Cybergenetic pool, please wait…] On the brink of life and death, Lucifer's last hope was the demonic finger of unknown origin. Would he become a mindless killing machine like the others before him or strip off all limitations and step into a world of endless mutation, evolution and slaughter?

Typhlix · Fantasía
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55 Chs

Battle Between Two Combat Origins!

With pitch-black eyes, Rein bent his body backwards, raised his wrist, and fired!

Lucifer also bent backwards, raised his wrist, and fired the revolver. His movements seemed to be exactly the same as Rein and with the same speed. The only difference was that his hand held a sniper rifle. It seemed like he possessed more than a single level of ability in simple weapon proficiency, allowing him to aim at Lucifer's heart in a flash.

The two individuals seemingly pulled their triggers at the same time!

However, Rein saw the revolver in Lucifer's hand, a weapon that possessed devastating power at close range.

The expression in Lucifer's cross-shaped eye was serene and calm without the slightest disturbance, just like his skill.

The two gunshots sounded at practically the same time, one like a treacherous viper, one like a wild roar! Sparks flew on Lucifer and the Rein's body at the same time, and their bodies involuntarily tumbled backwards. Both sides aimed for the other party's heart during this exchange, and both sides' bullet were, unable to penetrate through the defense. Rein was wearing a thin armour.

However, the tremendous force the bullets carried unavoidably inflicted intense pain on both sides.

"Was I injured?" This thought entered Rein's mind. He subconsciously assessed the condition of his chest and became relieved. There wasn't the empty feeling that would immediately make one collapse! He steadied his mind, and his right hand instinctively made an adjustment, aiming the muzzle of his gun at Lucifer's forehead.

In the Rein's eyes, Lucifer shouldn't be able to walk away from a sniper rifle at such close distance no matter how strong his body was.

He had risked his life to take Lucifer's life.

However, this piece of information didn't bring him any joy, and instead, during that brief moment, his many years of experience didn't bring him the slightest explanation, and instead brought potential danger to his attention.

Lucifer's revolver roared once again, and Rein's head answered by shattering.

The firing rate of a revolver is way higher than that of a sniper rifle. While Rein was busy pulling the bolt, loading the next bullet into his sniper, Lucifer had already pulled the trigger!

Blood pooled down slowly on Lucifer's chest as two bullets stuck tightly close to his heart. The second bullet was a lot more deeper than the first, it directly pierced through his skin but was ultimately stopped before reaching his heart by the bones in his ribs.

Thankfully, his body, skin and bones had been strengthened by the Milky-Ice otherwise he wouldn't have survived the first bullet!

"You fucking bastard!"

In that very second, a rapidly expanding blur of a shadow roared as it headed speedily for Lucifer!

Lucifer had never thought that he wouldn't die. If fact, he had always patiently waited for death to come. He also didn't know why he would suddenly develop this strange change in mood, but this was a feeling that had already accompanied him since more than ten years ago.

It had been long Lucifer had had hope. But, he definitely wouldn't die under this man's hands!

Raising the revolver up, a powerful bang echoed, jolting Lucifer's entire shoulder backwards.

Brian's body suddenly fell down towards the left side like a large tree that had collapsed.

The fiery hailstorm of a bullet missed him by a hair's breadth. He was even faster than Lucifer's sniping ability which showed how incredibly scary be really is.

Brian's right hand extended upwards, and his tightly clenched in his hand thrusted outwards ferociously!

His string of movements was as fast as lightning, and his entire body gave people a type of strange sensation, a feeling of possessing mighty strength.

Lucifer's eyes narrowed and instantly stomped downwards. His legs expanded in size as he also turned into a moving blur.

Suddenly his body spin in mid-air, delivering a round house-kick at Brian's head.


The huge clenched fist and the massive foot collided squarely with each other. A dense ripple of Shockwave spread from their collision.

"Szzz szz szz szz…"

The colorless Shockwave flew all over before landing on a tree nearby, setting destroying it.


A portion of the ground, which had cracks in it exploded into pieces.

In the midst of the raging wind and dust, Brian pushed away a heap of rubble and rose to his feet, casting his gaze at Lucifer who flipped and stood a short distance away from him.

Without saying another word, Brian's feet heavily collided with the ground and he turned into a sharp blur.

A sharp blade slid down his sleeves This was actually the case. The blade sharp edge was aimed at Lucifer's abdomen. As long as Lucifer tried to defend himself in the slightest, he would experience Brian's true attack!

However, Lucifer didn't reduce his speed in the slightest, nor did he have any intention of blocking. With shocking speed, he directly ran into the man's body. His left knee even fiercely smashed into his waist, blasting the man flying like a dry leaf.

Lucifer didn't pay any attention to the blade whose tip had almost completely entered his abdomen and continued to rush forward at full force, pushing the man into a large tree. Their bodies both smashed forward!

The tremendous reactive force caused both the man and Lucifer to bounce backwards. When the sturdy tree suffered this attack, it's body lifted up slightly before coming back down.

When Lucifer landed on the ground, he had to take two steps back before he was able to stabilize. His abdomen had two deep, bloody holes. As soon as they collided, Brian had extracted the blade. Borrowing the force of Lucifer's momentum, he then pierced it deeper into Lucifer's abdomen. Being able to make this type of decision under such a short time truly demonstrated how much of experience Brian has had.

Only, after being smashed into by Lucifer at full force, ka ka cha cha sounds continuously rang out as his chest ribs shattered, so his injuries were much more severe than Lucifer's.