
Demonic Finger: 100% Gene Drop Rate

[Six-winged Divine Bird killed, eat flesh of beast to gain zero to ten percent increase in Evolution Progress.] [Flesh of Mythic Beast Six-winged Divine Bird eaten. Evolution Progress increased by 2000% ] [Complete Gene Structure(Genome) found; Six-wings gene.] [Installing Six-wings gene into the Cybergenetic pool, please wait…] On the brink of life and death, Lucifer's last hope was the demonic finger of unknown origin. Would he become a mindless killing machine like the others before him or strip off all limitations and step into a world of endless mutation, evolution and slaughter?

Typhlix · Fantasía
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55 Chs

A Bullet Through The Skull

"How dare he kill poeple from Eagle's gang? Rein! Quickly! Shoot that motherfvcker down, don't let him escape!" One of them roared angrily and in the next second, the man called Rein took out a sniper rifle that was as long as an adult male and got to a half kneeling postiton.

Immediately, he activated his ability and in cue, his pupils expanded, filling up his entire eyes. They immediately turned pitch black as he watched the figure gradually fade away in the distance.

But within his black eyes, Lucifer's figure could be seen running so clearly!

And it wasn't fading in the distance, it was becoming clearer and clearer.

Numerous dots appeared on Lucifer's figure in his eyes, indicating the position he was going to be in the next second!

Lucifer crossed a hundred meter in one seconds. With no corners and no limited sight of the tunnel, he had crossed over 400 meters in three seconds!

His blood suddenly froze and his heart palpated in fear. This time, Lucifer felt that no matter how fast he moved, death would always follow!

The moment his scalp tingled, the muscles along his thighs and legs ballooned up, inflated until they had expanded to twice their original size.


The ground beneath his feet cracked to a spider-webbed pattern. In that very second, he turned to rapidly expanding blur of a shadow thay moved with irresistible force, accompanied by an intense roar!



With terrifying explosive power and speed, a sniper bullet ripped through the air like a flash of lightning!The intense gunshot cut across the sky!


The sniper rifle bullet slammed into its target. Blood splattered across the sky, painting an oddly eerie scene with the sunlight.

Lucifer was like a broken rag doll as his body flew more than 20 meters in the air before finally landing back down to the ground, unmoving.

Releasing a snort, the sniper's eyes went back to normal after that shot. "He's dead."

The four nodded their heads and trusted his words. They were well aware that even they themselves might not survive when hit with the sniper not to mention a super soldier kid.

"You three go bring his head, it will serve as an explanation. Don't forget to bring the Natural treasure too . I will look sort out klein:s corpse." Brian, a particular muscular looking guy said as he gazed at kleins corpse with slight greed in his eyes.

Knowing exactly what he wanted to do, the three had no choice but to do as he said. His strength was above the three of them therefore any voice of complaints was immediately swallowed down.

"He's trying to hoarde evolution points again!" Rein complained after reaching two hundred meters away from the cave's entrance for he knew Brian's hearing was about 150 meter ls radius.

The others had ugly expressions on their faces too. Klein had three levels in physical strength which means his body contained at least seven or six evolution points! There was a chance to obtain at least one-third of the evolution points contained within the corpse.

"He's second in command after Ryan. Therefore, we must follow order." The second guy Raijth shrugged.

"Ryan grants those with strength important roles. Strength without the intelligence to back is useless." As the third guy Jeebah finished his speech, they had reached ten meter radius of Lucifer's corpse.

Rein who had three levels of perception suddenly stopped as he felt something wrong.

The two also stopped, giving Rein a sidelong glance, Raijth asked "What's wrong?"

Raijth suddenly stopped his steps. When he turned around, he saw a brilliant spark ten meters away!

At this moment, Raijth's mind entered an extremely nervous state, as well as an extremely calm state. He seemed to be able to see that bullet rotate as it arrived, as well as the faintly discernable trace of fire around the bullet caused by the high speed friction with the air. It then disappeared above his field of vision.

"Actually between the brows…" Raijth still had the time to produce this thought, but unfortunately, his level of awareness was far above his flesh's ability to react. As the bullet flew from ten meters away, Raijth's body was completely unable to avoid it.

The bullet passed through his forehead, and then it flew out from the back of his head. The tremendous kinetic energy sent his head flying backwards, and as it smashed into Rein, an entire ear was torn off, causing blood to immediately pour out like a waterfall.

The abrupt change stupefied everyone here!


It was then the explosive roar of a gunshot reverberated through the entire forest!

In that instant lucifer who was presumed dead had rolled over with a familiar large revolver in hand.

Adjusting the muzzle, he aimed at his next target Jeebah. Under the threat of death, Jeebah's body trembled and all of a sudden, his figure blurred, transforming into three different identical after images that moved at three different directions.

At this situation which required one to think fast, he was actually pretty fast in his thoughts as he activated his ability, [Optical Illusion].

Witb his three levels in Psionic origin, he developed this ability to confuse his enemies. One would not be able to tell which is which not unless given time. Time that is enough for him to retaliate.

Time seem to slow down as Lucifer's pupils constricted, literally. His eyes turned entirely black and a white cross-hair mark appeared within his pitch black pupils.

In his eyes, two of Jeebah's body were fluntuating while the one at the left most side remained the same.


Also in between the eyes! Even in death, Jeebah couldn't understand how he had died even after activating his ability which could fool even a Transcendant.

By the time Lucifer fired his second shot, Rein had recovered from his shock He wanted to aim but Raijth's still-standing headless corpse was blocking his line of sight!

Seeing the third member of his party die, Rein roared angrily and without hesitation, shot through Raijth's corpse, creating a massive hole, dead center of his belly.


Blood sprayed like a fountain as the sniper bullet bore through the air. Rein had hip-fired, and the bullet's trajectory was right. However, he never anticipated that Lucifer would have moved, using the recoil from the large revolver. As a result, the bullet passed by four centimeters beside Lucifer and struck air.