After his family is slaughtered by a demon and he soon turns into one himself, what will Kyoshi do after being visited by a certain demon king. No Harem LI is an OC This is a Tokyo Ghoul and Demon Slayer mixup, but only some concepts are coming from Tokyo Ghoul. I don’t own them, obviously and that’s about it. Author: The_Pumpkin_Man
Both Obanai and Muchiro appeared at Kyoshi's sides preparing to cut him, but quickly he blocked them both with his two swords. With a grunt he pushed them away and went after Obanai as he felt he would be the biggest problem.
With both of his blades, he slashed towards Obanai with all of his strength. Quickly, Obanai ducked as he deflected the attack before quickly slashing Kyoshi's right foot clean off.
As he was falling, Muchiro appeared and his sword was mere inches away from Kyoshi's neck. Quickly, Kyoshi leaned his neck so far left that it fractured as he jumped away.
His neck healed and when he got up, Muchiro and Obanai was already in front of him.
Again that clashed as both Hashira were suppressing Kyoshi with countless attacks from opposing sides. Kyoshi was able to keep up with the both of them and there fury assault, but he was getting cut.
Although he healed up immediately since he didn't allow any fatal wounds to come near him, he was having trouble even with his Kakugan.
Both of them were incredibly fast and not to mention strong. There slashes had a lot of power behind them and at the moment all he could do was defend against them.
He grit his teeth as he felt blood pump through him faster and his heart rate increased. A huge dosage if adrenaline pumped into his system as he yelled.
He ducked under there slash and quickly cut their legs as blood gushed out. He saw them slightly falter in motion and he swept their legs from beneath them.
He saw his chance to cut them in half, but quickly they rolled and recovered as they backed away from him. He saw them take a quick glance at each other as Muchiro ran forward.
While doing so he sent out countless slashes while sporadically vanishing from one place to another. The area was against clouded in o mist, but Kyoshi could feel where the previous slashes were headed.
He easily dodged them while naturally keeping his guard up. He felt his hair stand up and slashed to the right if him as he barely saw Muchiro vanishing from where Kyoshi cut.
*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*
He heard footsteps running towards him and appearing in front if him was Obanai. The image of a huge, white, serpent appeared to be coming towards him with its fangs beard.
Quickly, Kyoshi guarded with both of his swords as he was sent sliding back before Obanai vanished.
He got a chill again and jumped to his right as Muchiro came flashing by with a thrust attack as he too vanished.
'They're getting faster.' Kyoshi thought.
This went on and on and on. They would come dashing past him each time being faster than before.
But the same trick wouldn't work more than once u less you were dumb. Kyoshi focused on their aura and relied on his instincts as he started dodging them, waiting for a specific moment.
He felt a strike was coming from above and he feinted a slash as he felt it vanish and with a smirk his eyes shot open. His swords grew and he spun around in a circle.
Two rings of pressurized air expanded away from him and he heard a grunt from his left as the mist cleared up. Immediately he wasted no time in going after Muchiro.
He saw the huge gash going across his thigh as he was kneeling down. Kyoshi slashed his sword towards Muchiro's neck, but the attack was blocked by Obanai.
Looking at him, he saw there was a huge cut going across his chest leaking blood like a fountain.
Using his second sword, Kyoshi slashed towards Obanai's arm to cut it off, but Obanai quickly moved away and sent a kick towards Kyoshi's guts.
Kyoshi tilted his body to the right, dodging the kick and cut off Obanai's foot. Obanai clinched his teeth as he fell down.
Seeing that they were both down, Kyoshi looked at them as he sighed.
"Damn you guys were some hard bastards to fight. There was one point where you actually started going faster than my Kakugan could keep up, but meh.
I already know your answer, but I'll offer it anyways. Wanna become a demon?" Kyoshi asked as his swords become one and he sheathed it again.
They didn't speak to at all and in fact it looked like they were going to die from bleeding out soon.
"I never tasted Hashira blood before." Kyoshi muttered as his hands formed a stinger and he stabbed it into Obanai and Michiro.
He sucked up blood and the look on his face changed from surprise to confusion. He took the stinger from the two dying Hashira as his body started feeling weird.
His vision became blurry as he felt himself becoming lightheaded.
"H-how the hell…?"
Kyoshi stumbled around as his Kakugan deactivated and his body slammed into the ground. The two Hashira glanced at each other with their lifeless eyes as look at Kyoshi's body.
They couldn't move at all. The only reason they're still alive is because their breathing techniques are keeping the bleeding low while they tried to stay conscious.
Both had big and small cuts riddling their body and torn clothes soaked in blood. Still though, after looking at each other they both had a slight smile on their face although it was barely noticeable.
Kyoshi opened eyes and he was enveloped in total darkness. He felt weightless as if he was floating underwater. Suddenly there were eyes everywhere.
They all looked at him just staring him over. He looked to the left, right, upward, and everywhere. Finally he looked below him and his eyes went wide.
Right below him was the biggest eye of all. His whole body could fit on it and it was just watching him like all the others.
Suddenly he was pulled by the neck and dragged around the darkness. The eyes making way for him and whatever was dragged him.
Suddenly he felt something digging into his waist, then his leg, his feet, and his arms. The pain was wild. He screamed, but nothing came out.
They ripped his limbs off over and over as they kept regrowing. Bites were being taken from him at random.
His head and everything just kept coming back and for a long time he hadn't felt pain that bothered him, but fir some reason he couldn't even shut off his nervous system.
For a long period of time Kyoshi was in that dark world constantly getting dragged by the neck while being eaten when suddenly he took a glance down and saw that one eye seemed to be getting bigger and bigger
Finally a look of horror dawned his face when all those eyes suddenly disappeared and everything went black again.
Kyoshi raised up quickly as he looked ahead of him with wide eyes. It was daytime and he was still in that destroyed forest from the fight that took place last night.
He put his hand on his head and calmed himself down as he felt his heartbeat slow down.
"What the hell was that?" He muttered to himself. He looked beside him and saw both of the Hashira that were supposed to be dead or dying were gone.
He didn't care though. They weren't even his main priority, it was just a random sequence of events that they even met.
"Damn, what the hell was up with their blood?" Kyoshi wondered.
He sniffed the air and turned his head towards the east. He smelt about 5 scents including the two Hashira. Maybe some demon slayers came and got them.
Even if they tried cutting his head off, they'd fail pretty horribly. His guess was that they came, saw the destroyed area and dying Hashira, got them and left towards the east.
He sighed as he looked up at the sky and his face went blank.
"Wait a minute." He pat his body and looked back and forth from the sun and himself.
"I can walk in the sun?!?!" Kyoshi said with surprise.
"What the hell? Since when could I do that? Was it because of their blood? It's the only explanation really, considering I couldn't do this till I drank their blood and got that weird feeling." He said to himself excitedly.
It in fact wasn't because of the blood.
But Kyoshi didn't know that.
"Alright, I guess I've been gone from the Infinite Castle long enough anyway. Actually I want to see how strong I've gotten with a soar again Akaza." Kyoshi said with a grin.
So, while he was basically naked Kyoshi ran iff in the direction of a teleportation that Habuki set up in certain areas with his seals.
I wanted Kyoshi to awaken his DBA mid-fight and make it so that he was getting pushed to the limit, but man I had no idea DS incorporated this much BS into Demon Slayers actually beating the demons.
And it's so hard to write about fights like this where the demon would be pushed because it's literally impossible to push them to a certain limit.
Infinite Speed & Durability.
Crazy Regeneration.
Demon Blood Arts
Centuries of experience and skill
Along with total control over their body all the way down to a cellular level.
How the fuck could they be beat?
Like bro, originally I didn't think about this type of stuff when I first started writing, but now I'm just applaud.
And look, I get these demons are basically vampires, but when vampires are involved they ofter are killed or captured by magic, but the original creator of Demon Slayer decided to make the elements fake af.
I wanted to change that, but then I started realizing that I had no way to explain where a randomly huge serpent came from mid-fight, how I'm supposed to incorporate love breathing and even ground breathing.
Well actually, for serpent breathing I could've done it as a sorta spirit animal thing, but that's besides the point.
I didn't realize DS had THIS MANY plot holes and used so much plot armor for the Demon Slayers to win.
I'm absolutely flabbergasted 🤦🏾♂️
No worries tho.
As always, I'll figure something out to make these battles seem fun and I'm gonna be working on a new writing style for sword fights and fist fights.
Since my sword fight writing could use improvements.