
Chapter 40

"Sensei, what happened?" Rin asked as she noticed Kyoshi seemed more excited than he usually was.

"Wait till gramps get here. It's a pretty big discovery though." Kyoshi said as he and Rin waited in Muzan's office inside the Infinite Castle.

Soon Muzan walked into the office and sat at his desk.

"Nakime said it's urgent." He said as he leaned on his desk.

"Alright so basically while I was fighting two Hashira they suddenly gained some weird markings on their faces and then got really strong, but I was able to beat them.

So now I got these two dying Hashira bleeding out in front of me, and I'm thinking to myself. I never had Hashira blood and I drank both of there's.

Then my body started feeling weird, I passed out, had a weird dream, woke back up, and boom. I'm sitting in the sun."

Kyoshi gave a fast explanation with a smile on his face as he leaned back in his chair. Both Muzan and Rin looked at him in surprise as they heard the news.

"So you think those demon slayers blood caused the change?" Muzan asked as he now sat up straight.

"I think so. I couldn't do it before." Kyoshi answered.

"I see."

"Let's head to the lab. I'm kinda curious about how my cells changed. What happens that make them go from being destroyed by light, to not being destroyed by light." Kyoshi suggest with excitement.

"Sensei, does that mean if we use their blood, we'll be immune to to sunlight as well?" Rin asked.

"I don't know, but my cells are actually really different from everyone else's. Then again, if I can give you my blood then we'll see although

I don't know what'll happen if your demon cells reject my blood like mine did gramps's after I became a demon."


Rin was completely stumped. Demon blood rejecting demon blood? Kyoshi's blood rejecting Muzan's blood? Even though he's the progenitor of demon?

"Yeah, but that was years ago." Kyoshi said as they left the office. They opened the door that previously led to Nakime, but once it was opened they saw the lab which Muzan used often.

They went to his desk and he cleared some stuff off of it as he took out a small glass tab. Kyoshi already knew the procedure and cut his finger tip and let the blood drip out.

Immediately you can see a difference. His blood was black with specs of red flowing around in it.

"I guess you had quite a lot to eat." Muzan said.

He put the tab under the microscope and looked in it and his eyebrows furrowed.

In one drop of blood, Muzan saw that the 4 cells that resided in his blood had changed amounts completely.

His human blood cells went from 5 million to 6 million.

His white blood cells went from 100,000 to 10,000.

His RC cells went from 1 billion to 2 billion.

And lastly, his regular demon cells went from 2 million to 7 million.

(A/N: I know this usually ruins immersion or whatever, but this had to be here because I already know there'll be questions.

Demon cells are the cells responsible for demonization. Which is why Kyoshi and Seikichi had the type of strength they had as humans.

RC cells are used for DBA abilities. Kyoshi's body had access to them in the beginning because they were being synthesized with his whole body at the time and he wasn't a demon so there was no division between RC cells and human cells.)

Kyoshi's kakugan activated and his eyebrows raised as well.

"What're you looking at?" Rin asked.

"Oh, get a microscope real quick." He said.

She got up and went over to the desk behind Muzan's which was Kyoshi's and got the microscope along with the glass tab.

She brought it back and Kyoshi dropped some blood on the tab. Rin looked into the microscope and saw the same thing Muzan and Kyoshi saw.

His cells not only changed in amout, but appearance. His human cells stayed the same and so did his white blood cells. The difference was in his RC cells and Demon cells.

His Demon cells were pitch black and moved around sporadically as they consumed human cells and reproduced demon cells.

Which brought up the question of how their numbers increased by a whole million.

His RC cells seemed sort of crystal-like but flexible. They moved around in sync and flowed like water while the demon cells were like a beast.

"Wow, I didn't think sensei's cells were like this. In fact I didn't think I'd get to look so closely at something like this at all." Rin said in astonishment.

"While your cells have taken on quite a different change, the chemical make up seems to be relatively the same. Although your nucleic acids are different from mine I see that some of your GCU codons changed into GAG." Muzan noted.

"Hey gramps. What if the only reason I'm able to walk in the sun is because I still have my human cells. Then what'll we do about you guys if we can't find the Blue Spider Lily?" Kyoshi asked.

He brought up a good point. Him still having his human cells were unique to him from his knowledge.

Masako didn't come to his mind at all during this thought.

Although the reason she could survive sunlight is a bit different from his it could be said that if he cared to try and remember her then he'd go out and look for her immediately.

"Well if that's the case let's try another blood swap." Muzan said oowly as he made a cut form on his finger and his blood dropped a bit away from Kyoshi's drop.

Rin looked at the blood with veins appearing around her eyes and watched as Muzans dark res blood and Kyoshi's black blood collided.

Yes they moved on their own and seemed like the ocean waters in a storm. They kept mixing and clashing, but you could see that they were separate.

It's like two symbiotes clashing for dominance, but this battle seemed to have no end. Muzan put the two samples in a vial and put a lid on it as he sat it to the side.

"Does this mean sensei's as strong as you are?" Rin asked.

"No, I think it just means our blood won't bond well. Before, my blood and gramps's blood just stayed separate, but if I had to say, I think it's because my human cells increased along with my demon cells increasing a lot as well." Kyoshi said.

"Gramps, you eat demons as well right?" He asked.

"I have in the past." Muzan answered.

"I think that because it's our nature as demons to eat demons and humans, that my demon cells became more aggressive and your demon cells are reacting to my increased amount of human cells.

Obviously the cells seem to have a mind of their own as they don't want to be absorbed by the other. I just don't get how my cells are holding up." Kyoshi wondered.

"Well, it's most likely because their rate of reproduction or the fact that my cells can't seem to absorb yours. They're repelling each other, but trying to collide.

It's like two magnets that wants to be with the same pole." Muzan explained.

"I see I see." Rin suddenly said as she nodded her head.

Kyoshi and Muzan were so engrossed in their discussion that they forgot about her. They looked towards her strangely as she cupped her fist.

"I have no idea what you guys are talking about."



"How uncultured you are young one." Kyoshi said as he pat her head.

"Mm, but you're her sensei so that falls on you as well." Muzan added.

"I see I see, but you guys were the ones to teach me, so my being uncultured falls onto all of you guys." Kyoshi said with a nod.

"So, I guess we're all just some uncultured beings, huh?" Rin said.

Kyoshi hunched his shoulders and Muzan leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.

'If what Kyoshi said is true then I can't think of another way to make immune to sunlight other than the Blue Spider Lily, but it's so hard to find.'

Muzan's thoughts were frustrating, so having these kinds of moments with Kyoshi were dearly needed. About 1000 years of research, experiments, and hard work; it was WAY more than frustrating.

Now he had a new plan and reason to continue his work.

At first he simply thought of himself and how he'd make himself immune to sunlight, but as weird ad his chest felt when he said it, he had to admit that his plans changed to at least making a sanctuary for the 12 Kizuke, himself, Kyoshi and whoever he chose.

"Well gramps, now that we've settled on the fact I can walk in the sun. I'll start doing more to find the Blue Spider Lily." Kyoshi said.

Muzan opened his eyes and looked towards Kyoshi who seemed to have an apologetic smile on his face.

"While I was out on my hunt, I was thing; for a while now I didn't contribute that much towards helping solve our sunlight problem.

I went on a few searches, but that was only if I got something in return and after thinking about it, that was hella selfish.

I still remember when I was 10 and you got me from that tree. Since then you've kept up every part of your deal and then some while I just popped in whenever."

Kyoshi slightly bowed his head as he realized how much he didn't help with anything. All the times he's out and about, he could have done something to help find the blue spider lily, but no.

Out of everyone there he was the most selfish in his own head.

"I see, well then don't neglect your student and do as you please." Muzan said as he stood up and ruffled Kyoshi's hair.

He then left the lab, thanked Nakime for her service with a smile and went to one of his homes. For the rest of the day he felt that he relax and so he did.



Upload times will start varying for a while since school is back in session from being closed for a while.

Uploads will happen everyday, but between the hours of 4-7pm.

Everything about the cells should've been explained in this chapter, but if you still have questions, just comment them and I'll answer.

But please and I'm begging, don't ask me things that could most likely be answered after a bit of thought.

I've been getting more comments on my starting chapters that are making me worry about how people are passing to the next grade.