
Demon Beast War Sovereign

Deven West just reach seventeen, and like everyone his age; he must answer the draft and become a demon beast tamer. By taming beasts and joining the intellect of humans with the might of demon beasts they have the power to face the legions Djinn armies.

MrEGrape · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Bloodline Analysis Division

"Excuse me?"

"I asked you who put you in charge. As far as I can tell, there isn't a position called barracks leader. That's what the Drill Sergeant told me when I asked." Dax was irritable; clearly, this issue bugged him.

"I am the barracks leader," Deven responded coolly.

"I just said..."

"I know what you just said, Dax, but I'm telling you I'm the barracks leader. Ask the others."

"Karla, from Mayva's barracks, told me that the first morning when we arrived, the girls fell behind the guys. When they were told to line up, only Mayva was ready. The other girls were socializing when the corporal appeared. They had to scramble to get ready. They barely made it, but none of them were dressed properly." Jylan said.

"The girls didn't bother to clean their barracks the first night either, so they failed inspection. On the way back, they were informed that their punishment is to be at the training field at 0500 to do extra drills." Oliver said.

"Thanks to Deven's suggestion about the cards, lunch was delivered to the barracks, and each of us received an additional helping of meat. Everything Deven has asked us to do has benefited us. The girls didn't have someone like Deven, no one to lead."

"Therefore, we have a barracks leader."

"Wait, how do you know about the lunches and everything?" Dax asked.

"We know what's going on because we've been interacting. You've been lying on your bed or pouting. So get your head in the game. We need to be ready and work together!" Jylan barked at Dax.

Dax stopped talking and handed out assignments. Everyone was assigned evening cleaning duty. Each week, the assignments would change. Jylan would inspect.

The rest of the afternoon and evening, besides dinner and evening assignments, Deven worked on his pad. No one knew what he was working on, but they could tell it was worrisome because he would sigh occasionally.

The following day, the men were at the field at 0600 with the other new recruits, but the girls from their lady's barracks were already drilling with others who made a bad impression on their first day. When it was 0600 precisely, the girls lined up. They did their best to stand at ready while catching their breaths.

The new soldiers participated in exercise drills, armed and unarmed training, basic beast taming, and equipment handling for the next five hours.

After lunch, the members of 2nd RD worked at the labs.

Today, Devin began assisting in the Bloodline division.

"Are you familiar with bloodline research, in general?" Mark Foreman, a Rank 1 Research Assistant, asked Deven.

"From what I know, the bloodline research mostly deals with identifying multi-various descent codes in the DNA of demon beasts. It's like recreating the demon beast's family tree based on DNA, paleontology, etc. Typically, this is to identify more compatible pairings for demon beast synthesis for Beast Soldiers who can integrate with multiple beasts. Animals with shared bloodlines can form longer-lasting bonds and integrate compatible traits cleaner."

"Good, that's what typical bloodline research focuses on, better synthesis with multiple demon beasts. But we're doing something a little more interesting and a lot more exciting."

Deven's interests peaked. The night before, he researched the 12 divisions' topics and sent detailed summaries to the men and the women through the cards. He told them it might give them an idea of what to do. Deven didn't realize there was another kind of bloodline research.

"So, what are we doing here?" Deven asked excitedly.

"We are researching the connections between modern and ancient demon beasts and how we can form permanent biological advantages for humans," Mark said as if sharing an exciting secret.

"Ancient demon beasts, what are those?"

"Haha, you're a smart guy, but you don't know about ancient demon beasts. That's for a good reason; the military is keeping the existence of ancient demon beasts a secret."


"I can't say for sure, but I think they're hoping to find living examples of ancient demon beasts or even trying to revive them."

Deven was blown away by Mark's theory, unthinkingly reaching for his chest and patting something. "That makes sense, of course!" He mumbled to himself and continued to think for a few minutes before looking at Mark again.

"Have they found ancient demon beasts, or is that a theory?"

"Before I answer, can I ask you what's in your shirt?"

"My shirt?" Confused, Deven unbuttoned the top button and fished out the fragment of what looked like a black turtle shell. He removed the turtle shell from his neck and handed it to Mark.

Mark's eyes widened with wonder as he closely inspected the fragment. Finally, he places the shell under a microscope and asks Deven, "Where did you get this?!"

"It was my Grandfather's. He brought it back from a world; I think it was called OA-96. It was a relic, and Grandfather felt it was important. So he gave it to me when I was a kid."

Mark jumped from his chair with the shell in his hand and rushed to the door. He briefly turned back, "Wait right here, don't go anywhere. I want you to know that I love you and respect you...and I have to go," Mark flew out the door, whooping and hollering.

Stunned, Deven sat and wondered if he would ever get his grandfather's shell back.

A few minutes later, a group of researchers, a general, and the LT. Colonel, whom he met back home, was rushing to the lab. Deven stood up and saluted once the eclectic group entered.

"At ease," the General said.

"Take a seat, Deven," Mark said. Deven sat in his chair with an encouraging look from the Lt. Colonel.

"Deven, do you know what this is?" Mark asked.

Thinking for a few seconds, he came to a possible answer.

"The remains of an ancient demon beast?"

"Got it in one, bro! Excellent. Do you know how rare these are, and this has remnant DNA? So we might be able to clone this thing; that hasn't been done yet, because we've found fossilized remains but no remnant DNA!" Mark continued.

"Look, son, this thing was your granddaddy's, and we don't want to take it from you, but we need this for research; I hope you can let us have it and tell us everything you know about it." The General said.

Deven's mind was working at a mile a minute. How does the military ask for something? They point a gun at your head or give you a choice between the frontlines and air conditioning.

"Whatever I can do to contribute to the war effort, I'm sure Grandfather would feel the same way." Deven smiled.

"Good man! Sarah, you picked a good man here!" The General said. Sarah, the LT colonel who recruited him, smiled and looked at Deven like he was a treasure.

"I wonder if it would be bold of me to make a request?" Deven asked.

The General's face went dark, but he indicated that Deven could ask.

"My reason for the proposal I wrote and entering this program wasn't only to get out of going to the front. I wanted to find out about this shell, you see, it's exceptional, and many of the ideas I had in my proposal came from examining it. So, if you don't mind, I would like to assist in studying the shell and doing whatever it is you want to do with it." Deven finished and looked at the General, whose face was heavy at first but seemed to lighten as he considered Deven's request. Finally, he smiled.

"Did you say that you've been researching this already?"

Deven took the LT's pad and synced it with his watch without speaking. He transferred a bunch of data to the pad and then handed it back to the LT.

The LT turned on a wall screen, and they shared the data on the screen. She and the others gathered around the screen, leaving Deven alone. He could hear them whispering and sometimes listen to what they were saying.

"You see, General. I saw something unusual about this kid when I looked at his proposal. Look, here and here. What are those notes?"

"Extraordinary; I can't believe we almost sent this kid to the front!"

"Why didn't he include this in his proposal?" The LT asked.

"Probably because the kid isn't stupid," the General scoffed.

The group talked and laughed and discussed all of the data and began sharing it with the different division leaders.

After nearly three hours, they turned their attention back to Deven. Their expressions almost looked like they forgot he was here even though they kept talking about him.

"Deven, I think we can work something out. I'm reassigning you to a sub-project called Black Turtle. I'm also going to up your rank to a Rank 1 Research Assistant. Congratulations son!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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