
Demon Beast War Sovereign

Deven West just reach seventeen, and like everyone his age; he must answer the draft and become a demon beast tamer. By taming beasts and joining the intellect of humans with the might of demon beasts they have the power to face the legions Djinn armies.

MrEGrape · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Training Day

The sudden promotion surprised Deven, but it shocked others more.

"Sir, this kid doesn't have the requisite knowledge to be a Rank 1 Research Assistant. The purpose of basic is to teach the skills they need." One of the scientists stepped forward to object to Deven's promotion.

"I don't want to hear the nonsense, Dr. Beaufoy; this is a battlefield promotion. This young man's research demonstrates his capability. Without the background, training, and knowledge you have, he was able to arrive at some novel observations that could put the Ursang project ahead more than a year," General Ashby said.

"But, what can the boy contribute if he doesn't grasp the research of our Divisions?" Dr. Beaufoy asked.

General Ashby turned to Deven.

"You are excused from research duties for one week. I expect you to catch up on all Division 12 research during that week. Is that something you can do?"

"Sir, yes, sir!"

"Problem solved, Beaufoy." The General gave a feral smile to the Dr. and turned to leave. As he left, he shouted back to Deven.

"You still have to show up for all your other basic training, young man!"

Deven spent some time upgrading his rank and getting a Library Reader for Project Ursang. A Library Read was like having a library in one book. It worked like a computer. Deven could arrange information in any way he desired, take notes, and even set up tests and quizzes for himself.

This Library Reader or Reader was marked Top Secret, and only Deven could read it. The device scanned his eyes and sent the information directly into his brain. For Deven, it felt like he was reading a book, but for anyone observing him, it looked like he was staring at a blank page.

The rest of the day was active; Deven left the lab and watched as a new squad building was built next to the barracks. There was one office and two desks outside the office: tables and chairs for the squad members, a restroom, kitchen, and an interactive table for briefings and work.

Deven and the other members of the barrack were already informed that Deven was their squad leader. As a result, he moved from an N-1 to an N-4 noncom.

The next morning after drills, Deven experienced his first day of live fire marksmanship training.

"I am your marksmanship instructor Major Henry Stacks! Today, you will learn how to use the standard issue L19 Pistol. It is a versatile weapon for midrange combat. It fires 0.4 and 0.5 Lmiks in a semi, auto, and continuous laser bullets. It can penetrate level 1 through level 4 Djin soldiers. But unless you hit the Djinn core, those suckers are pretty much unkillable.

For the rest of the week, you will focus on pistol training. That includes cleaning, maintenance, and marksmanship training. The privates in the gun cage have your weapons'.

You will check out the weapon at the beginning with a full clip. You will return your gun to the cage at the end of the training today.


"Sir, yes, sir!" The recruits answered in unison.

After receiving their instructions, the recruits lined up to receive their guns.

"I need your I.D.; thank you, Corporal West, congratulations on your promotion. This is your L19 Pistol and one full clip. Each clip contains 50 0.4 Lmiks that are rechargeable for a fire potential of 10,000 bullets. You are assigned to Firing Range L-04. Thank you! NEXT!"

Holstering the gun, he stuck the clip to his belt. Then, finding the L-04 firing range, he lined up to shoot at his targets after loading his weapon. Fire practice lasted for one hour. Then, returning the gun to the gun cage, Deven went to his next military vehicle training.

One hour later, he learned basic medic training. Another hour later, it was animal taming techniques. This was the part of the day Deven looked forward to the most.

"A brand new soldier is compatible with over three thousand species of demon beasts. The beasts are separated into four types: Mammal, Reptile, Avian, and Water.

Each type has sub-species. Taming mammal types requires the soldier to persuade a demon beast to accept the tamer as its partner. This is pretty simple for social demon beasts (socials) such as wolves, certain kinds of monkeys, gorillas, and others.

There is only a need to Build Trust, Be Dominant, and Create the Seal for socials. You only need to know three essential seals. However, when it comes to non-social beasts, especially those in the reptile and water types, You must learn a minimum of four hundred seals.

Most indie (independent) demon beasts will never trust or care about you. Therefore, you must exert dominance and create a blood seal. Blood seals require a contractor device.

It's the same with most water-dwelling animals."

"Mam, how do you dominate an animal?" a recruit asked.

"We'll get to that, but it's a good question. The most complicated type to form a partnership with are avian types. Each avian species requires a unique seal. Some require building trust while others don't.

Trying to dominate an avian usually leads to scaring them off. As a result, most soldiers don't bother learning avian seals unless they know where they're going and the likely species they plan to contract. So, let's talk about basic seal structures..."

After lunch, Deven returned to the barracks, but instead of entering the barracks, he entered the new Squad Hall (S-Hall). It wasn't big, but it was perfect for Deven and his squad. He could concentrate on studying without being disturbed. His office held a unique computer and holo-imaging device. His Reader sat at the edge of the desk.

Making some coffee and settling into his chair, Deven began to study. Several hours went by until Jylan and Mayva entered the S-Hall. Mayva knocked on the door and gave Deven a boxed dinner and drink.

"We're having a squad meeting at 0800. I want evening duties completed before they come. After the meeting, they can do showers and nighttime prep."

"Yes, sir!" Jylan and Mayva replied. They turned, left the S-Hall, and returned to the barracks where they carried out their orders.

At 0800 Hours, Deven stood at the front of the hall. The squad members quietly entered and took a chair at one of the tables.

"Good evening, everyone; tonight is our first squad meeting. We have a lot to cover!"

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