

In the extraordinary tale about reincarnation, is a woman who leads a double life, balancing her role as a waitress by day and a self-proclaimed sex worker by night. When she extends a helping hand to a woman in need, her life takes an unexpected turn. Through loss and gain, she is faced with crucial decisions that shape her path. As she becomes the maid to a billionaire who has a connection with her past, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and embraces opportunities she had always longed for but not without trials that will dare her. She's changed, and she's ruthless, she'll even dine at the table of her enemies if that's what life is about. But will the outcomes align with her expectations? Dive into this captivating story to uncover the twists and turns that await her. **The cover isn’t mine. In order to deliver a good and quality story and grammar, this book will be updating at a slow pace. Dive in at your own risk. And to the risk takers, I’m grateful and i hope you enjoy it here.

Cels_Owls · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs


Everything seems dark, I stare into the dark space, yet no one shows up.  I take in my appearance. I'm soaked in blood and still in the dress I was wearing to the bulls. Where the fuck am I and where is Rosana. " Hello!" My voice echoes in the dark room. " Rosana!" I call out again. But still the echoes. I walk around the room but find no one. No mirrors, no windows. I look around me but there is nothing then all of a sudden, a light shines into the room, Followed by images of my life.  My mom sits in the hospital room with me on her lap. he blond hair head up into a messy bun as she breastfeeds me. She lifts up her head and I realise she has tears trickling down her face. she looks unhappy. Then she tells someone, " I didn't want this, and you know, Alexandr.  You know I wanted us to abort her. " Is she talking to my dad? she never said anything about my dad. She always escaped the question whenever I asked her. Then his face shows. But he looks angry, he looks my mother in the eye and says, " It's against my religion Alberta, you know that, look I'm going to get us some money today, when we get home, i go to the job I just had, but we will talk about that when we get home. " He...I look just like him. He is my father. Another image shows up, that when they get home. He gives her the money, leaves but never returns. leaving my mom to raise me alone. He never even bothered to look for me.  The imbecile left and never returned. 

Scenes of my life keeps pouring out before me. All the truths appear before me then it plays to the very recent. of me running away from the men, up unto the time where i was shot. I was shot. I'm DeadFuck I'm dead.  I feel numb. They killed me. All the dreams I had are dead. I begin to sob.  Rosana, Rosana is at home. Calling my phone. It's morning. I look at the image and see the men, carrying my lifeless body out of the car. They carry me to a bush and begin to dig, then they burry me in there. I see their faces and their names. Then, when they leave, the old woman from the elevator shows up.  Why is she there? How did she know where to find me.  I stare at her curiously. She begins to chant some words I don't understand.  She walks around the grave where I was buried, and she sits and crosses her legs and repeats her chants. 

Then suddenly, the room becomes dark again and begins to shake. Her chants begins to echo in the room. I look around trying, to find her. but the room begins to shake more than it did, her voice echos louder in the room then she appears before me.

" You said you wanted a wish horse to ride, and a try again." 

I watch her stunned by what happening. I try to speak but I'm unable to speak. She begins to walk around me in circles and continues to chant. "You deserve a try again, Adina. You're kind. I came to earth that evening to find a kind soul and I found yours. Adina.  I will give you a try again." She says, still circling me. 

A bright light shines into the room, blinding me. I shut my eyes close to shield my eyes from its assault. Then, like a transfiguration, I begin to ascend. Her chants are more forced, her voice going louder. 

"Adina! you shall enjoy a try again. You will live again.  Use this time wisely and be daring!" As soon as she stops speaking, I'm greeted by darkness.


"Come on girl, stop playing with me. Master is going to return from work soon. "

I hear a voice say in panic. My eyes crack open to a blurry face. I close my eyes and open them again. 

She stares us me with a relief look. " Ugh I thought you died Sash." She says with a sigh. 

Sash? I stare at her beautiful soft round face and slightly crooked nose, up her jet black her that falls graciously to her back. She doesn't look older than 26 or 27. She tilts her head, " Why are you staring at me like that? Will you need some water?" she asks, her voice laced with concern. I say nothing but stare.

" Sasha, we need to make dinner for Master, He will be here shortly," she says exasperatingly and begins to walk out. I nod and swallow. God what is happening to me. She just called me Sasha. Where the fuck am I? I look around the small room and take in all its features. The small bed at the far end and the coffee table which sits in the corner and the yellow floral designs in the room. Where is this place. It's probably a maid's quarters considering she wants us to make dinner for Master and the white apron wrapped around her. 

I sit up on the bed, then realise I'm in the same uniform as she is in. Ugh! Where the fuck am I and who dressed me like this. This is not even our waitressing clothes! A dresser sits in the middle of the room maybe I will just check how ridiculous I look in this thing. 

I walk up to the mirror and feel the blood drain from my face at my reflection. Jesus! what am I seeing? I'm going mad. Adina, you're finally going mad. I run to the bathroom and splash some water on my face and stare up at the mirror positioned on top of the sink.  Heavens! What in the name of the bloodied worlds in happening? This is not me. This is me but this is not me. This is not my body. I'm a bit taller than this. I'm more pale and less beautiful than this! I don't have a brown hair. I begin to hyperventilate. If this is the world coming to an end, this was not a good way for it to and if Rosa is playing another of those her dumb pranks on me, then this is far too extreme.

Sweat trickles down my face as I walk back into the room. I shout, " Rosana!" 

The beautiful round-faced girl walks inside and shoots me a glare.

I ask, "where am I? And where's Rosanna?"

She rolls her eyes and exhales loudly in annoyance, "Sasha, really, Rosana? who is Rosanaand where are you? could you cut it out already? You're still in Old Creek Town, same old. Miss Gloire is downstairs, and she won't let me have my ears to myself on how late we are on serving dinner! So, stop it, really. You fell of the stairs while trying to send the masters laundered clothes upstairs, but Gloire said you're fine. That you will be fine so, stop this joke, we need to hurry!"

Old Creek Town? Oh jeez! How did I get to old Creek Town? What's happening? I'm finally giving in to all my traumas aren't I?

Miss Gloire, master, the story, everything is too much for me to take, what the fuck is going on. I break down. I let the tears take over. I don't know where I am and I don't k ow what's happening, but this is too much for me to take.


Amy, her name is Amy. She's scolded me for the nth time since we started cooking dinner. I don't remember any of the ingredients or the plans or whatever we said we were going to cook tonight. Gosh I can't cook shit to save my life. Now look at me. Everything is like fragments in my head. The last thing I remember was seeing pitch darkness. I follow her lead, since she quote said, you really hit your head hard huh, fine, I will give you some time to relax. 

After cooking we dish out the food and try to serve the master, like she says it. Miss Gloire, who is apparently the head maid, she walks in, tastes the food and gives us a go ahead to serve it. Really? So, if wasn't to her expectation she'd have made us cook the whole thing again? The fuck? she could have just come and supervise from the start. I give her a look of disdain which she returns. Amy nudges me on my sides and i look at her. 

Miss Gloire walks out, and Amy faces me, " Girl, you know she'll try to report you again, or worst, us. We've been starved here for too long; I'll not want a repeat. We promised not to mess with her again, don't forget." She says and walks away with her tray of food. 

So, Sasha has not really had things smooth for her either. We both haven't and now, I'm learning we both don't like Miss Gloire. I stare at my tray. At least while I try to figure out how the hell I landed in her body, I could learn more about her.

Hello guys, I'm sorry for not updating. I've had a lot going on for me recently, but i've had them all sorted out. I;ll make sure to share a chapter by evening. thanks for the patience.

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