
Delinquent in Another World

A delinquent that's not really right in the head transports into another world(a merge of anime worlds) while doing a job. Read as he struggles to live in such a ridiculous world.

parkgun · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter 4

"Let me go kid!" Yelled the middle aged yakuza.

"I am afraid I can't do that, after you answer some of my questions I will let you go."

The man glared at him and said. "Hmph, like I will answer your questions."

"*sigh* I didn't want to do this."

Kenzou took a big nail he found on the ground and came near the man.

"W-what are you going to do with that?"

"Gritt your teeth because this will hurt."

He put the nail in the his knee and took out a hammer.

As soon as the man saw the hammer his eyes widened and he yelled. "W-wait!"


He hit that nail with a lot of strength and it entered the guy's bones.


After he yelled a bit Kenzou asked again. "Now are you willing to answer my questions?"

"*huff* a-alright just stop *huff*"

'He broke this easily? What kind of gangster is he?'

"First question, how deep is the underworld here in Japan?"

"*huff* Very deep, there are some people that have connections even in the government."

'That's big, that only happens in movies.'

"Second question, which syndicate are you part of?"

"Shūei Clan."


After he interrogated the Yakuza some more he finally reached an satisfying answer, and that is that the yakuza was more deep rooted than he initially thought. But that's not a problem since this world's yakuza are more pathetic than the ones from his old world.

Some of this world's biggest syndicates operate on moral codes or even help the community, some of them don't even feel like crime syndicates. The Shūei Clan even has this ridiculous war with the bee-hive gang from America and the only way they came to peace was because their heirs are dating.

The yakuza from his old world were some money hungry savages who wouldn't bat an eye to torturing people or even killing them, he went to clean after some Yakuza one time and the scene was devastating to say the least.

He took the gun out of his pocket and pointed it at the man's head.

"W-wait! you told you would let me go!"

"Sorry, I meant I will let you go painlessly."


The bullet instantly killed the man.

Lucky for Kenzou that the man was already laid down on a big carpet.

He started rolling the carpet with the corpse inside and then taped it on all sides so the blood won't leak.

He put the carpet on his shoulders and put it in the trunk of the car. He drove towards the nearest lake and disposed of the body like a professional.

After he took care of the body he drove the car under a bridge and burned it.

He walked 1 kilometer and then stopped to call a taxi.

He told the taxi to leave him somewhere near his apartment since he wanted to walk along the streets of Tokyo more.

Kenzou sat down on a random bench and started braining. 'I need subordinates or even some sort of backing is okay. This world is very unrealistic and ridiculous which means that trying to use logic wouldn't really work.

He had a headache just from hearing some of the information. Kaoru Hanayama the biggest yakuza in all of Japan is superhuman.

He heard from the guy he interrogated that that man can easily crush someone's skull with his bare hand or other ridiculous shit like bending metal with his grip strength.

Now he truly realized what to expect from this world, there are monsters walking all over the place and you never truly know when one will pop out in front of you.


Suddenly he felt a sense of danger like never did in his entire life. He didn't even have time to react because his body instinctively jumped forward out of the bench by itself.


The sound of the wind being cut followed by a loud sound was heard as he was two meters away from the place where he was sitting at.

There was no one there, it was like the bench self destroyed.


He again felt that nasty sense of danger, he leaned his body to the side and saw a black shadow go past where he was, due to the adrenaline and fear that he felt his body focused to the point where he could use 100% of his strength.

He launched a kick towards the towering figure of the attacker.


He looked at the kick and saw that it was caught by a palm. 'SERIOUSLY!?'


He crossed his arms and prepared for the unknown, a heavy force hit him in the arms.

He was thrown back at least five meters and he felt the bones in his arm break.

He looked up at the person who just attacked him. He could be described with just one word 'Overwhelming'.

He had wavy red hair, red eyes and thick eyebrows. He stood over 190 cm and his muscles were ridiculous. He was buff yet lean at the same time, his legs were exceptionally long and his neck was thick too.

"I followed you for some time and you didn't even notice, but I have to say that I'm a little pleased with your cruelty. There aren't a lot of people out there who are willing to torture a person like you did." (he tortured the guy some more to get information out of him off-screen)


'He followed me all the time!? How is that possible?'

"Who are you?" Despite the situation he was in he still kept his calm.

"I am Hanma Yuujirou, and as I said, I saw your altercation with that yakuza guy and your eyes piqued my interest in special since you are pathetic in terms of fighting."

"That I don't understand, why would you attack me if I didn't do anything to you."

Yuujirou looked at him with a pitiful face and said. "I was bored."

Kenzou closed his eyes and said. "I see."

He looked at his arms and saw that only his left arm was damaged badly. 'My left arm's done for. He is stronger and faster than me so I can't run. The only thing I have is the pistol and the wrench.'

He took his usual weapon out (the two wrenches connected together) and started spinning it around waiting for the man to make the first move.

The man looked intrigued by this and he said. "You are going to use weapons against me? Go ahead and try."

He appeared in front of Kenzou but Kenzou already swung his weapon expecting him, the place he was aiming at being his head.


That wasn't the sound that was supposed to resound when metal hits bone, he looked at the man's head and saw that there was no injury, he looked at his weapon and saw that it had a big dent in it.

"That's ridiculous."

The man took the weapon out of his hand and said. "This little toy won't hurt me." As soon as he finished speaking he slapped Kenzou with the back of his hand.

Kenzou again flew like a doll and landed on his knees, his mask was nowhere to be seen on his face but that was not one of his current worries.


He took the gun out of his pocket and shot all the bullets left towards the man.


To his surprise the man caught them with his bare hands.


He opened his palm and the bullets dropped to the ground.

The man again rushed and appeared in front of Kenzou.


Kenzou was hit in the ribs and he went straight to the ground.


He coughed some blood and thought. 'Some bone fragments just punctured my lungs. I'm done for.'

But he didn't give up, while he was struggling to get up he said.

"*WHEEZE* T-this is the best...

T-this is *WHEEZE* true despair...

*WHEEZE* B-but humans...

...NEED despair... *WHEEZE*


It's because of despair...*WHEEZE*

*WHEEZE* That humanity has grown.."

The ogre heard what Kenzou said and he remembered his son whose mother he killed in front of him, later that son came and fought on equal ground with him.

He was so bored after his fight with Baki that he started looking around for people he could teach personally. And while he was walking around he saw Kenzou fight that Yakuza, he wasn't impressed by the fight itself but rather Kenzou's way of carrying himself and doing things.

He was different, he would ruthlessly torture and then kill a person without batting an eye, while the ogre saw people like him in his life they were all old, but this kid in front of him is not even 18 yet from what he can see.

He stood up to him, the strongest creature on earth with no fear visible on his face despite this being their first meeting. Even people who have met him multiple times would fear him, even his son is no exception.

But this kid in front of him didn't, it was like he wasn't afraid of dying at all.

Even his fighting skills were somewhat different, it wasn't even a martial art, he would fight mostly using counters, almost never attacking first.

And then there was his sense of danger, he could feel the danger two times despite not being able to see him at all, which is impressive on its own.

The ogre knew, even if the kid didn't have that much of a talent in martial arts he would certainly be able to become a good fighter, because right now he fights like a punk.

He smiled maliciously and said. "Kid, you are interesting. I will personally train you so your talent won't be wasted."

Despite the 'friendly' words Kenzou didn't relax for one second, as he was about to get up the ogre knocked him out with a chop to the neck.

Yuujirou grabbed him by the collar and dragged him somewhere.