
Delinquent in Another World

A delinquent that's not really right in the head transports into another world(a merge of anime worlds) while doing a job. Read as he struggles to live in such a ridiculous world.

parkgun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 5

Kenzou woke up with pain all over his body, the first thing he did was to check his body. He could feel that his left arm wasn't in a good situation. He looked at it and saw that it had a cast on it. He tried heavy breathing and he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

'Even breathing is excruciating, one or maybe two ribs were broken. If I were to get hit in the same place it would be pretty bad.'

He looked around and saw that he wasn't in a hospital, he was in a forest.

'What? Why am I in a forest? Did that crazy man bring me here. Since he's not around I'll just try to run away.'

He got up on his feet and started running normally so he can have some stamina for later, after 30 seconds or so of running he again felt danger.


He moved to the side and saw a small rock fly past him.


He looked at the place where the rock hit and saw a tree with a big hole in it.

"Seriously, I couldn't leave you alone for 1 minute and you already tried to run? What part of the word training didn't you understand."

Kenzou looked at the big man in front of him and said. "Sorry, but I don't really want to die so I would appreciate it if you would just leave me alone."


The man threw another rock at him but this time he didn't have time to dodge, it just hit him in the head. He was sent to the ground by the force of impact

Kenzou got lucky that the rock he threw was very small so it didn't penetrate his skull.

"No can do, after my fight with my son I became extremely bored so you will have to become my new toy."

"That's fucked, can I at least express my opinion?"


Kenzou started to think of other ways to get out of this situation. The 'training' that this mad man is talking about can't be good, and the fact that he refers to him as a toy to use for his boredom is unsettling.

"Look, why don't you fight your son again since you are so bored? I am powerless in front of you so I won't be a good toy."

He raised his left arm and said. "See, I break pretty easily."

The man's face changed to a serious face and he said. "My son can't show me anything else anymore, his body and spirit are strong but your spirit is stronger.

I saw a lot of people in my life but you are possibly the most shrewd person I have ever seen. I used to care only about physical strength and discard everything else but after my fight with my son I realized how truly important other things are too."

Kenzou looked at him with a blank stare and said. "That still doesn't make sense."

The ogre gave up on trying to use words with him, he let out his murderous aura, his hair started standing up and the air around him seemed to distort.

Kenzou got up from the ground and faced the man, his face was stoic like usual and his eyes were the same deep abyss they used to be.

In front of him was the strongest creature alive threatening to kill him and he didn't even flinch, this is the result of his fucked up past and way of thinking.

He could feel the danger, he knew that if the man in front of him actually tried to kill him there was no doubt he would be dead. But he sees this as somewhat exciting, despite it not showing on his face.

Yuujirou appeared in front of him at incredible speeds with his hands in his pocket.


Kenzou sent a punch straight to his face, to his surprise he felt like he just hit a brick wall with his fist. He pulled his hand back and sent a kick towards the man's balls.


The man didn't even move from his spot despite being kicked in the balls.


Kenzou was slapped right in the face and he was sent flying right into a tree.

The tree broke down from the sheer speed of him hitting it, and surprisingly none of his bones broke like he expected them to do.

He tried to get up but couldn't so he sat on his butt.

"See what I mean? Despite how weak you are you actually attacked me instead of just being frozen in fear."

"*COUGH* *COUGH* I guess that's just how I operate."

"Enough talking, you will do what I say or you will die."


Despite the easy tone used by the ogre, Kenzou knew that those words were true, he spoke like he was talking about the weather but his words were ominous.

Kenzou realized that just listening to this man will bring him higher chances of survival then disobeying him.


He got on his knees and he bowed the lowest he could to the ground. "Please teach me."

Yuujirou smirked put his foot over Kenzou's head and said. "To throw away your pride just because you thought this was your best chance at survival with no shame whatsoever."

He started adding more strength to his foot and carved his head inside the dirt.

His smirk turned into a angry face and he yelled. "THAT'S WHAT I DISLIKE THE MOST!!"

His yell could be heard from kilometers away, Kenzou felt like his ears were about to burst.

"But that's not a bad thing when you don't actually mean it. Right, kid?"

As he said that he looked at Kenzou whose eyebrows were furrowed and there were veins threatening to explode all over his face.

Even Kenzou can get angry and this action that the ogre did just made him angry, but there was nothing he could do about it since he was so much weaker than him.

This kind of 'training' reminded him of what he went through when he was little, ultimately making him remember his brothers.

Yuujirou had a sick smile on his face and he said. "Did I hit a nerve? That's a face I like to see."

As he was about to try and attack Yuujirou again the ogre took his foot of his head leaving him confused.

"Alright, the test is done. You passed."

Kenzou managed to calm down and he said. "Meaning?"

"You'll go through hell until I find it satisfactory."


Kenzou was up on his feet, leaning against a tree looking at the big man in front of him.

The man had on a stoic face and he said. "Do you know what you need most right now as a fighter?"

Kenzou answered without hesitation. "Strength."

"Right, you are pathetically weak. Even my son at 13 years old was stronger than you are right now at 17.

You could probably beat every thug in Japan but that's it."

"How am I going to do that, unlike you I wasn't born strong."

"I am going to push your muscles to the extreme, your bones and muscles will break over and over again until they start to heal and harden over time."

"That sounds painful."

"Stop adding useless comments or I'll beat you to death."

Kenzou nodded his head and said nothing.

"Alright, firstly take your shirt off."

He did as told and now you could see his body.

He was about 1.80cm in height and his body was all lean muscle.

"Ok, now go lift that log."

He looked where the ogre was looking and saw a big log,if he could put it in weight it would be about 1 ton.

He looked at his left arm and then back at Yuujriou.

He said nothing and went towards the log.

He put his feet under it and tried to lift it with his right hand only.

To his surprise he was able to lift it a little of the ground, maybe like 5 cm or more.

But after that it fell back to the ground.

He looked back at the ogre and said. "Shouldn't I wait until I fully heal?"


He closed his eyes and thought. 'This is ridiculous, it would be impossible to lift it in my perfect condition but with broken ribs and only one arm?'

As he was thinking of what to do he heard Yuujirou say.

"I have other things to do so I will leave, if you can't lift this log in one week than you're dead. And if you try to run you better be prepared to be chased down by me."

He looked at him and said with closed eyes. "I see,I will lift this log since I don't really want to die."

The ogre just turned around and left Kenzou alone.

Kenzou stared blankly at the log and said. "I saw some increase in strength since I came to this world, this means that I'm able to grow stronger the more I train or something like that."

He looked at the sky and continued. "But what about school, I will be absent for a long period of time and the principal will probably try and contact me.

Since that won't work the police will search for me and when they can't find me I will be labeled as missing."

"And then there's my 'teacher', a madman who for some reason wants to train me so I can become his toy that would 'play' with him in the future…..

I'm talking to myself again…I should be more careful about that."

He sat down on the log and thought. 'I have to find food for myself and build a shed in where I can sleep.

Since I have experience in the mountains this will be easier.

And I should probably get some food while I'm not starving.'

He looked around for something he could eat. He saw some fruits growing on a tree so he climbed it and hit the branch so the fruits could drop to the ground.

After he was done he ate until he was full, the fruits were juicy so he didn't need to worry about water.

'Now for the place where I will have to sleep.'

He started digging a hole with his hand, after about 4 hours of digging he dug a hole sufficient for him to enter and sleep in.

He took the fruits and threw them into the hole and started walking around looking for a water source, after some time he found a river, he drank water from it and then went back.

As he was done with his preparations he started thinking of what to do that will help him lift that log.

'Since I can't use both arms I will train my legs.'

He looked around for a big rock and saw a big boulder, it looked like it had over 50kg but Kenzou picked it up with just his right hand.

He put it on his shoulder so he can hold it for longer and started doing squats.

He did squats until his legs collapsed and he threw the rock away.

While he was regaining his breath he was looking at the sky with blank eyes and thinking. 'Is that man really planning on training me? I don't know about this world but in my old world it was an impossible feat to lift one ton or more.

Ans there's the fact that i have a broken hand and ribs at the same time.'

"This is exciting, putting my life on the line doing an almost impossible task. Now I truly feel alive."


Three days have passed and he started to see results, he was getting stronger by the day just by struggling to lift that big log.

He could somewhat move his arm since it wasn't as injured as he expected it to be.

Now he was at the point where he could crush rocks with his bare hands but he ignored all his progress since he was still far from lifting that log.

He underestimated it's weight, even with his insane progress he still couldn't really lift it.

Weirdly enough, despite his increase in strength his size didn't change at all, not even his muscle structure.

He felt like he could grab a person by their hair and lift them up with pure strength.

But he wasn't getting strong with doing nothing, he was torturing himself by pushing his muscles and bones to the extreme, exactly like Yuujirou said.

He was fissuring or even breaking them over and over just so he could get stronger faster.

He knew what he was doing was unhealthy and this would probably take years off of his lifespan but it was better than dying.


Another threw days passed and he got even stronger, he could barely lift it with all of his strength.

Despite the fact that he couldn't lift it, he wasn't worried the least since people perform better under stress and adrenaline.

Even with his newfound strength he felt like he would stand no chance against that monster. He was literally slapped and flew like a towel.

Tomorrow was the day the day decisive day when he finds out whether he lives for another day or not, despite the anxiety he should be feeling he was excited.

He went to sleep with no problem and hoped for a peaceful sleep.