
Luna and Terra

Vara had no idea how these bracelets got on his wrists, He tried to grab and remove them, however, they wouldn't budge. He couldn't even twist or move them. It was as if they were welded to his flesh. They were like a broken pair of handcuffs with the chain snapped. He can freely move his arms, but without the key, they will follow him wherever he goes, until the end of time.

Just as he was about to scrutinize them, Menos appeared in front of him in an instant. Before he could even react, Menos had grabbed both of his arms tightly and brought the bracelets to his face. Vara wanted to pull away, but Menos' hands were like vice grips keeping him in place.

"Hey, personal space has been breached. I'm still naked, back off!"

Menos acted like he hadn't heard Vara as he was examining Vara's wrists with the utmost concentration. Vara could only give up his struggle as he let Menos do what he wanted.

"Maybe he's trying to figure out what these bracelets were. I guess I just have to wait."

Vara grumbled to himself as he waited. However, minutes passed, and Vara was becoming more and more impatient. He couldn't even sit down. He could only also study the bracelets on his wrists.

The one on his right was shaped like a white snake wrapped around his wrist. Every scale was visible as they shimmered from head to tail. The only color different on the bracelet was the snakehead which had two orange gem eyes that gleamed softly as if waiting for something, patiently.

The one on his left was a black bracelet with intricate purple stripes the head of a black tiger on the back of the wrist and the tail curling around the front. Unlike the white snake, the black tiger has purple gem eyes, but they were just as life-like except with a tinge of bestial ferocity.

'A black tiger and a white snake. Why are there bracelets on my wrists and why are they shaped like animals. What do they mean? What on earth has really happened to me?'

More time passed, and Vara had finally reached his limit. His patience had run thin, and he could only try talking to Menos again and ask for his freedom.

"Hey, you know I just got reborn right. I have been in the same place for who knows how long and now you're making me stay in place again. At least let me walk around and stretch my legs."

Menos seemed to have heard him because he finally diverted his attention away from the wrists and right at Vara. They both made I contact, and Vara saw many emotions in Menos' eyes. Amazement, jealousy, frustration, delight, and anger. He was taken back from the sight and had no idea what to do.

"Why? why are you looking at me like that?"

Menos continued to look at Vara before letting out breath along with all his pent of emotions. Then pointing at both bracelets, Menos started to explain what they are.

"The bracelets are the end product of a project I have been working on for even longer than you have been alive so I'm sorry if I wanted to take a little of your time to study them. "

Vara was shocked at the reveal. He had no idea of how something that belonged to Menos ended up on his wrists. How could he know that not only those two objects, but a hill of rare resources was poured into him?

"Can't you take them back then if there yours. I don't even know what the bracelets do or why they are there?"

"When you were undergoing your transformation, the base form or brain of the two items were sucked into you. That, your genetics, and the energy you absorbed created the items before you, and now they have become a part of you. Even if I wanted to take them back, I can't. All I can do is this."

Menos then went and tapped the heads of both snake and the tiger and like a switch has been activated, the two animals blinking. Then a voice sounded in his head.

'Initializing Startup. Recognizing Master. Vara has been recognized. Beginning support protocol... Hello master."

Vara blinked rapidly as he tried to process the voice and information he just heard in his head. He looked at Menos to see gain an understanding of what just occurred. It appears Menos also listened to the voice because a bitter look appeared on his face.

"Ahhh, I worked so hard making those artifacts, and they were just given to you. You owe me years of effort, resources and blood, sweat, and tears.

Well, I guess I will begin explaining. The voice you just heard was the white snake charm bracelet, Luna or Lovely Unpaid Nanny and Assistant. Technically her name is Lunaa. She will assist you on your journey by keeping and relaying information useful to along with other features."

"Call me Lunaa again creator then prepare to have your throat ripped out."

The voice again sounded in Vara's head, but this time it was not mechanical. The voice carried emotion. It clearly displeased with Menos' little joke.

"You and I both know that you can't escape your current form. You're still weak now. Do something about that weakness first before you start making promises you can't keep."


It seems like Menos was right as Luna refused to comment on it. Vara felt out of the loop as Menos was talking to his bracelet. As he tried to understand everything that was going on a mild roar sounded in his brain. The sudden roar shocked him as he tried to understand what that was.

"Ah that is black tiger transport bracelet, Terra or Teleport Everywhere Randomly Readily Anytime. He is, in lack of a better term, your vehicle. He will teleport you anywhere on your journey, the only problem is Terra's very prideful and will only take you when he wants to where he wants to.

You will absolutely be in no control of your where you end up, and you can't even choose where to go, but what else could you expect from an item made from chaos."

Terra roared in pride as if showing off its amazingness and capability. Unfortunately, the roar was wasted on Vara, as he couldn't understand what Terra was trying to tell him even a little bit.

"Well, I guess being able to go anywhere is better than nothing. However, he has all that power and ability, and he can't even talk?

"Hey, there is only space for so much. The items will grow as you grow, and their growth will always depend on you. Right now, he doesn't know how to speak. Maybe sometime in the future, he will be able to talk and listen to you though I highly doubt it. "

Terra roared in discontent as it felt like he had been insulted. Luna was still sulking after she also understood that she was weak currently.

Vara sorted the information in his head and now has a clear understanding of what these bracelets are. One was his assistant with an attitude while the other was a teleportation device with no control.

'Seems like my future will be either full of excitement or pain.'

After explaining the bracelets, Menos begrudgingly let go of Vara's arms. Being freed from the vice grip, Vara immediately jumped away from Menos to gain some distance. He tried to shake away the numbness in his arms and regain his sense of feeling.

"Ok, can I finally get some clothes now. I have been naked for far too long."

Menos snapped his hands, and a wardrobe zoomed in around Vara. There were all types of in the same size. A size too small for Vara... Vara glared at Menos who was smiling to himself.

"Is this some type of joke because it's not funny."

Menos laughed out loud and pointed at the wardrobe.

"Just touch them, and they will adjust to features. They all adjust."

Vara looked back towards the clothes in surprise. He went over and picked up a shirt. The shirt in his hands began growing before they stopped. He then tried on the shirt, and the size was perfect.

He quickly picked up a pair of underwear, pants, and shoes. He had a couple of purple shoes and a purple shirt and a black coat with black pants. He went back and looked at himself in the mirror and nodded.

"This is alright, I would have gone with white instead of black, but I am too used to not being too showy."

"Says the person wearing purple shoes and has eyes that glow in the dark. Oh yeah, you'll never be noticed. Now, are those the clothes that you really want."

Vara shrugged and nodded, satisfied with his appearance. His white bracelet matched his hair and eyes while his black bracelet matched his clothing.

"Alright, now that that has been taken care of. It is finally time to ask the question I have been dreading."

Vara slowly walked towards Menos until he was a foot away from him. Menos smiled and looked up at him, clearly understanding what was about to be asked.

"Alright, so you went through all this trouble to make me what I am now. What is it that you want me to do?

Menos looked straight into Vara's eyes, and a devilish grin crawled onto his face. He slowly opened his mouth, and exaggeratedly said two words slowly.

"...Not Telling."

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