
Deharm Report

In a world where a mysterious phenomenon has caused all nutrition to be lost from food, people can only taste a single, bland substance known as "holy food." A hidden movement called the Children of the Sky has arisen, claiming that the ability to taste is a sin. 15 years after the end of the modern era, the story follows the main character, who is determined to find a way to restore the taste of food. They begin to research and experiment, despite the risks and dangers posed by the Children of the Sky. The main character's journey takes them through a world where the only source of sustenance is the "holy food" and the only hope for a better life is the Children of the Sky. They struggle to survive as they come to grips with the harsh realities of this new world, the ideologies of the Children of the Sky, and the question of whether the taste of food is worth risking everything for. Will they succumb to the dogma of the Children of the Sky or will they find a way to break free and discover a new way of life by restoring the taste of food? R+18 Full of milk

Phantomer1 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Beginning SP ***


I walk through the halls of Black tower, heading towards your mother's chambers. i was are nervous, as she is the most powerful woman in the land. i know that she loves you, but you have never been in her presence without your father by your side.

I enter mother's chambers, her private apartment within the large building, and see her sitting on a large bed. She is wearing a white dress, trimmed with silver buttons and embroidery. Her face is serene, and her eyes are soft and green. She smiles as you enter, and beckons you to come to her. She hugs you tightly, and kisses your cheek. You hear the sound of violins playing soft music in the distance.

My mother is the most beautiful woman in the continent. Her long, silver hair falls to her waist, framing her perfect face and cascading down her back. Her skin is pale and luminous, with the slightest hint of a golden glow that tints it. She has bright green eyes flecked with gold and silver, like the light shining through leaves in a forest on a sunny day. Her skin is smooth and soft as velvet, with a delicate rose-petal blush on her cheeks. She is tall and willowy with a long neck and elegant collarbone. My mother is a goddess of beauty and grace, with the lithe body of a dancer and the grace of an angel. I want to be just like her when I grow up, but I know that no matter how hard I try, I could never be half as beautiful as she is.

"Mother, are you still producing breast milk?" i ask softly.

i see a little baby covered in the bed, she has golden hair sleep peacefully. "Did i Have Sibling?"

My mother smile and look down at the child. "No, you don't have a sibling, my love. This is your cousin's baby, your aunt want me to babysit her because she is busy." she gently pick up the baby and hold her in arms. "Are you hungry?"

"Shh, it's okay... It's okay, my little one. Let Mama take care of you." She strokes the soft skin of the baby's face and rocks her back and forth. "Shhh, hush, little one... You are safe, and you are loved." The baby's cries begin to subside, and my mother croons to her softly. She looks up at the baby, and her face is filled with love and tenderness.

My mother holds the baby close, and she is surrounded by a wave of warm, nourishing milk. The baby is at peace, and she looks up at my mother with a look of love and gratitude. She is content and satisfied, and she knows that my mother will always be there for her. My mother is an amazing woman, and she is the perfect mother for her children. She loves them so much, and she will do anything to keep them safe and happy. I look at the baby's soft skin and her smooth hair, and I see how happy she is. The teal tinge of her skin contains the delicate blush of a coming blossom.

I see the baby has golden hair with blue eye with her mouth suck my mother nipple softly.

Your mother looks at you, surprised. "An interview? For what?" she asks.

"For the resesion" I answer boringly.

"Oh. Um, sure." your mother says, as the child continues to nurse. The child begins to fuss, though not in an abnormal way. Your mother is concerned; his usual habits have disappeared. She continues to nurse him until he falls asleep, then sits down beside him and says, "Do you have any more questions?" She strokes his hair gently until he is asleep.

"No." I reply bluntly, wiping my eyes. I did not want to distract her as she struggled to nurse her new-born son.

Your mother looks at him with concern. "Um, okay, well…" she says, as the baby continues to sleep in his crib. The little boy slowly wakes up again and looks at her, his eyes full of hunger. Your mother smiles gently at him, and reaches out to give him her breast. The little boy immediately starts feeding again, and your mother looks at you, smiling lovingly. "What do you think?" she asks.

"About resesion?" I Ask softly

Your mother looks at you, and nods her head. "Yes, the recession has affected everyone, including myself." She says, as she continues to breastfeed the child. The child continues to drink peacefully, seemingly ignoring the rest of the world around him. Your mother smiles thoughtfully, and continues to gaze down at the child. "The recession has made life difficult for so many people, it's hard to imagine how much money has been lost..." Your mother says, as she slowly starts to drift into thought.

mother seems to be deep in thought, not noticing the child falling asleep in her arms. The child slowly becomes quieter and quieter, until finally he falls asleep in your mother's arms. Your mother looks down at the child, and sighs gently. "I'm sorry," she says to you as she places the child back in his crib. "I didn't mean to talk so long..."

my sight focused on her big breast, the pair breast i drink milk while i was baby. "It's ok."

"Thank you." your mother says softly, as she places the child back in his crib. The child is now fast asleep, and your mother smiles gently at him. "He's such a sweet boy," she says, as she watches him sleep peacefully. The child's peaceful sleep seems to calm your mother, and she continues to sit beside the crib for a while longer, simply watching the child nap.

mother smiles as you flutter your eyes. "Mother? What are you doing?" you ask, and as your eyes open to see her standing before you in her nightgown, you sit up in bed and grab your mother's breast. "Take a drink, it will help you sleep."

Your mother smiles lovingly, and continues to breastfeed you. The milk is warm and sweet, and you feel it like honey in your mouth, down your throat. You gulp it down, and are soon full. Your mother smiles lovingly, and cradles you against her breast. "Goodnight, Deharm," she says softly, as she holds you close. You drift into a deep sleep with a contented smile on your face while stroking my penis gently until I've cum.

The semen start flow from my penis and spread to my throusher as I keep continue drinking milk from those big breast until the last drop of milk in my mouth. The milk , creating a thick, viscous mixture that poured down my throat. I could feel the warmth spreading through my body, and the intense pleasure kept building until I was moaning and trembling and couldn't take it anymore. I came all over my mother breasts and stomach, and I could still hear the baby crying in the other room.

As I open my eyes, I see my mother face with a bit of anger. She frowns at me because her favorite gown got stained with my semen. She starts to smile as if she's pleased to see me in bed.

With her eye seeing the door, i followed her sight and find a female around my age seeing me with shocking face.

My mother then try to calm the baby down while leave me with this akward situation/