
Deharm Report

In a world where a mysterious phenomenon has caused all nutrition to be lost from food, people can only taste a single, bland substance known as "holy food." A hidden movement called the Children of the Sky has arisen, claiming that the ability to taste is a sin. 15 years after the end of the modern era, the story follows the main character, who is determined to find a way to restore the taste of food. They begin to research and experiment, despite the risks and dangers posed by the Children of the Sky. The main character's journey takes them through a world where the only source of sustenance is the "holy food" and the only hope for a better life is the Children of the Sky. They struggle to survive as they come to grips with the harsh realities of this new world, the ideologies of the Children of the Sky, and the question of whether the taste of food is worth risking everything for. Will they succumb to the dogma of the Children of the Sky or will they find a way to break free and discover a new way of life by restoring the taste of food? R+18 Full of milk

Phantomer1 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

relaxing time Sp ***

It had been about 10 minutes since I soaked in the warm water. it gave me peace of mind. The silence in this bathroom made me feel sleepy.

My dad entered the bathroom quietly. As he did, he didn't realize I was there. He didn't even see me when the woman next to him entered the bathroom.

She had floppy bangs with a gold tiara perched atop her head. Her eyes were furrowed with a stern glare, and her brown skin was illuminated by the moonlight streaming in the window.

She has a body that can be considered quite seductive. From the red dress, which reveals the shoulders and also the top of her chest that displays her cleavage. I can conclude that if she is around 166 cm she has breasts that are not too big, but her buttocks look quite thick wrapped in a long skirt with both sides cut from the bottom to the thighs,

"Is the pain still there?" Papa asked in a worried tone.

"It's bad. I need help. Can you help me, O stepbrother?" It was a very calm and serious response, and she sounded desperate.

She sighed before moving towards him while he locked the bathroom door. exchange gazes for a moment In an instant I could see the two of them kissing and exchanging glances for a few moments before breaking their kiss.

The redheaded woman stuck her fingers in her father's pants and moved the zipper down, revealing his large penis which had gotten hard by the second. As she lowered the dress in front of her chest, she slowly placed it over his penis before wiggling it with a smile, glancing at him.

It seemed that they were still unaware of me because they were busy with their busy lives.

Papa's expression seemed to turn his gaze in another direction, but his body said otherwise as his penis began to enlarge every time a woman's big breasts rubbed against his penis.I

'So even you can't resist my charms, O step-brother. Miles Manari, the saviour who stopped the last holy war, allow me to entertain you with my humble body,' said the woman, her voice carrying an amused tone.

'Listeria von Vierrein, you are my respected half-sister. You are the crown princess of the Vierrein empire. If anyone sees you then this will be a big scandal.' replied her step-brother, his voice clear but emotionless.

'Very well,' she replied, still in a calm tone. 'This place is the land of darkness, no one can see and know what I am doing here because all magic will be destroyed in this place.'"

The wench, as she slipped the head of the penis into her mouth and began sucking on the rod, while wiggling her chest between the penises rhythmically with the brunette woman making erotic little sounds until finally a surprised face could be seen as if she was jerked off by something. She takes her mouth away from Papa's cock and opens her cum-filled mouth.

"Even though you don't have golden blonde hair that symbolizes beautiful sunshine or blue eyes that symbolize clear skies. But your heart is extremely pure, like a soul worthy of being called a hero in the sacred imperial tradition of Unitopia." Complimented the woman in a formal tone.

"I'd better clean my mouth first before the meeting in front of the infected people. If they find out that I am also a sinner, they might ignore my arguments." The woman said in a serious tone.

Until I saw her moving towards the bathtub with her hand taking water to wash her mouth.

"This subject, freak 391-000, what are you doing here?" Asked the woman with a surprised face.

"Not freak 391-100, but Deharm Milford." I replied in a calm tone.

"Subject 391-100, a figure who got a strange nickname because even though she was born from your relationship with the princess of the sky. The figure who inherited the blood of the two heroes of the last holy war, but during the holy ritual she was unable to use her magic 10 years ago. He should have died along with the other dirty blood in the southern continent five years ago. Did you use forbidden magic to raise him from the dead?" The woman asked in a very serious tone.

Papa pulled up his pants while looking at the woman.

"No, I will not use forbidden magic that destabilizes the balance of this world. Her magic ability is indeed a bit unique compared to others, her power is to make herself undetectable by others, Deharm. What did you see?" Papa asked in a serious tone.

"Everything, but take it easy because I understand why you can't help yourself. It must be because you just saw mom breastfeeding my cousin, so you couldn't resist anymore and ended up being tempted by another woman." I replied in a calm tone.

"Deharm Milford, so you have met your cousin. But what does breastfeeding have to do with papa being tempted?" Papa asked again in a serious tone.

"It's easy, papa is easily tempted by big breasts, especially if they have milk in them." I replied in a calm tone.

Before papa was seen making a serious face while smiling at me while the woman only made a serious face.

"Brother, you know that such an act is extremely dangerous because if caught it will cause a scandal that will tarnish the reputation of your saint and the vierrein family." The woman said in an extremely calm tone.

"I'm sorry about that, but I can't help myself when I see beautiful and charming figures who need warmth for their empty hearts." Papa replied in a serious tone.

"So it's like that, your kindness was taken advantage of by them. You know that this could create a big scandal among the witches, you know that if the other families find out then you will be looked down upon by the others. It looks like as the head of the vierrein family my duties will be busy for the next few days." The woman said in a very serious tone.

While she was seen fixing her clothes again with a serious face that was directed at her father with a serious look.

"Even though you are a hero, you must maintain the reputation of all of us. Especially since our every move will be criticized by the humans because of the new holy loan taken." The woman said in a very serious tone.

I ignored her as I straightened my gaze to the right side of the bathtub where there was a red light burning until I pointed my thumb at the light.

"Deharm Milford, good morning, do you hear my voice?" I could hear a very serious voice from the speakers around the room.

"Chronos, there you are. With me here alone, how can I help you?" I asked back in a flat and boring tone.

"The results of the investigation from the investigators are out, there is the use of blood magic that uses the blood of innocent people to be consumed in order to recharge their holy power." The voice replied in a serious tone.

"Really, even though today is my first day of school. So now that there's an evil witch, I just want to live a normal life." I replied in a calm tone.

"Take the complaint to the nine magic families that founded the magic association. If they won't stop following this method then they will be ruined by their greed." The voice replied in a calm tone.

Meanwhile, I could see the woman looking at me with a serious face.

"391-100, I will offer you support to continue your career as a magic user. However, please change your attitude towards those magic users." The woman's voice could be heard in a serious tone.

"No thanks, I'm not interested in getting anyone's support." I replied in a flat and boring tone.

"I'll give you a luxury car and the best quality clothes you can wear, in exchange you'll go through a long training to summon fireballs with magic until you can hurt the opponents that upset you." The woman replied in a serious tone

"Why bother using magic when you can hurt someone with a gun?" I asked in a calm tone.

"Guns are extremely dangerous, but their regulation is controlled by the government. What can you do if you can't use magic and your opponent can use magic?" She asked again in a serious tone.

"Hit them with my hands." I replied in a calm tone.