
Death Games (Dropped)

A Protagonist who failed to save his friends at the start of the "game" will use his abilities to save everyone in his next life... and his next... and his next... At least, that's the basic summary of my novel. But who would have thought that the story I so diligently thought of, would come to life? Now the question remains. How will I, The Author, Survive in this Cursed World That I created? ================================ Also, the cover isn't mine, credits to the original artist, if you ever want to take it down, message me or comment on the Author Notes Alright, that's all from me, Peace ================================

ForgedRole · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Author's Note Pt. 2

Hey guys, this is my first novel, it's pretty bad compared to some, I've remade the novel the second time, because I realized just how unnatural the story flowed before I remade it

Also I want to try out the first few chapters before just scrapping the story all together, to be honest with you, the thoughts on creating this novel was just on a whim, I have a story in my head, but since it wasn't thought of thoroughly before hand the story has a lot of holes.

So I want you guys to give me criticism, and tips on how to make it better

anyway I'm here to tell you that this story is really inspired by multiple novels, mainly

Omniscient Readers Viewpoint

The Novels Extra

The Author's POV

SSS Class Suicide Hunter

and a bit more, also the owner of the cover art, if you want me to change the cover I will gladly do so, so please comment if you do.