
Chapter - 0.1 Prologue


Where am I? Did I die?

Huh.. I thought Death would be more painful..

Wait... How did I die again?

Uh... Huh?

Before I could recall how I died, my eyes opened, what greeted me was a white room.

It was so bright that I thought I was going to go blind...

"Where am I!?"

"What's going on?!"

While I was assessing my situation, I heard voices, so I turned around to where I heard the sound

To my surprise there were 9 other people excluding me...

But before I could even walk up and talk to them, I realized a childlike figure at the corner of my eye.

Light brown hair, that almost reached white, Deep Blue Eyes, and fancy clothing, to be honest for a child that looks to be around 12, he was pretty handsome.

"Hmm... 10 people... Well I guess that's doable, but there's a lower chance of survival..."

As I looked around, it seemed everyone was panicking so badly that they didn't even see the person.

Which was fair, since I was panicking too.

What is going on?

Where are we?

How did we get here?

As thoughts ran around my head, what snapped me out of my thoughts was the voice of the childlike figure.

"Do I even exist to these people?"


His voice became so loud, that the sound reverberated around the endless looking room.

And of course a sound that loud, would naturally get everyone's attention.

"Good. Now, Let's get to the point, I don't really have much time here."

"Welcome to the God Games.. These games are made to entertain the gods, you are given a number of trials, and you need to survive all of them..."

He spoke more after that, but I was already shocked by him saying "God Games"

Also, looking at him again, everything clicked.

The person in front of me, and the God Games... They both perfectly describe "that person" and the main scenario, of my novel...

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