
Dear Suspicious Wife: You Are Under My Arrest!

{Warning- Mature Content R-18} "Sir, the third young master is going to propose to her," "What?! You must stop this proposal!" The sound of the chair falling echoed in the otherwise silent room. "It's because she is here for revenge and will only use our third young master for her evil plans, right?" The secretary started making calls. "It's because I vowed my life to her. She is mine!" The man roared, making the secretary's phone fall from his hands. ~~~~~ The imperial city of China gave her nothing more than a traumatic teenage life. Evangeline made two severe mistakes in her life. First, falling for a cheap character man like Brandon Thames, and second, saving the life of the son of the Cane family. The son, who became the reason and beginning of her destruction, the reason she lost her dignity and reputation in her school Betrayed by her fiance and named best friend, Evangeline was forced to escape from the dark reality of the world by running away. She left the country under her parents' jurisdiction with a promise to return after some years and take back everything that belonged to her. Her reputation, her art, and more than that, her dignity. After four years, she was back. Back and ready to attack. Entering the same University as her betrayers and the third son of the Cane family was just the beginning of the plan. She didn't remember which son of the Cane family she saved, and thus, she shall avenge her destruction on each one of them slowly. And she would start it by making the third son fall in love with her, enter the same entertainment company under the elder son of the Cane family, and slowly mess with the world of the second son. She had everything thoroughly planned. However, she doesn't know one thing. The person she wants to start her revenge with has vowed to find and marry her. And he is a man of his word. Everyone makes drunk night mistakes, but have you gotten married while drunk? That's exactly where Evangeline found herself after the truth was revealed, and now she must find a way to escape from her doting husband if she wants to make her plans come true. "And despite all your boundaries and hatred towards me, I will make you mine," Alexander Laurentius murmured with an evil glint on his face. Disclaimer - There might be scenes where the ml will stalk fl and become creepily sweet as the fl reveals her hidden identities. So if you are not into such romance, this book is not for you. ~~~~~ Follow me on Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj Updates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

AngelinaBhardawaj · Ciudad
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134 Chs

Taming her?

"Do you think this will work perfectly? The last time I checked, Tyson's company presented almost a similar idea," Alexander leaned back in his seat before looking at his laptop as his secretary presented the slides of their upcoming deal.

"Sir, the next slide is the details of the market trends that you had asked Miss Jia to prepare. She also apologized for not adding it last time," The secretary turned the slide, and Alexander looked at the graphs.

He was about to comment about why there were now specific sections of the industry when he heard an obnoxious voice.

"Hey! You! Bartender! Come and serve us here," one of the boys shouted, and Evangeline, who was working behind the counter, looked at the boy momentarily before continuing her work.

"Mia, can you please take table number seven? It looks like the boys haven't ordered yet," Evangeline said as she attended the long lane of customers.

"Sure," Mia said before walking to the table.

"Who the f*ck are you? We want that girl to come and serve us. We will even give you handsome tips," the boy said, and everyone at the table chuckled.

"Hey! Are you deaf? Will you listen to us?" The boy asked, and Evangeline bit her lower lip before looking at Mia, who smiled at her to indicate she was alright.

"Sir, she is the barista who works behind the counter only. You can give your orders to me," Mia said, and the boy looked at her with anger blazing in his eyes.

They have been betting that he would be able to get that girl here to serve them or not. If he gets the girl here, the boys will call him their leader, and if he doesn't, then he will have to pay for their food for a month.

He agreed to the bet because he thought he would just throw some extra money and the girl would come bowing to him. However, now that he could see the girl had a bit of an attitude problem, he gritted his teeth.

There's no way he will lose the bet.

"I said I don't want to be served by an ugly country bumpkin like you. Don't you get it? You stupid ugly monster?" The boy shouted at Mia, and she trembled in fear as he hurt her where it pained her the most.

She was already bullied enough in the school and her neighborhood because of her looks and chubby body, and now this boy too.

"Hey! What's your problem?" Evangeline asked from behind the counter, not being able to control it anymore.

"If you want to have the coffee, have it. If you don't, then just leave this place. If you make one more noise, I swear I'll ask the manager to kick you out," Evangeline shouted, and the boy felt even more rage.

He stood from his place and kicked the chair away, making everyone around them flinch and look at them in annoyance.

These were mere University students, and look at how they were behaving like hooligans.

"You will get us kicked out of here? Are you sure about it, sweetheart? Do you know who I am? If I want, I can shut down this cafe and ask the students all around to never stop here. Do you think your so-called manager would approve of it?" The boy sneered at her, and Evangeline's gaze met with Mia, who shook her head at her.

"So, are you going to come here or do you want me to do as I have said?" The boy asked, and Mia pleaded to her with her eyes, making her sigh.

No wonder James didn't want her to work here or anywhere. He knew she won't be able to bow down to anyone's injustice

She sighed and smiled at everyone apologetically.

She was left with no choice. If she wants to keep this job, she will have to bow down to him and do as he said. Evangeline bit her lips in anxiety before she walked around the counter.

"You go handle the counter for some time. I will tend to them," Evangeline smiled at Mia, squeezing her hands, and the girl smiled sadly.

"Please sit down. Let's not cause more mess. Can I have your order, sir?" Evangeline asked, and the boys sneered at her.

"See? Did you see that? I told you I'll be able to get her here. Now you all shall call me your leader," The boy said, and the other boys smirked at Evangeline, looking her up and down.

"Nice figure, girl. How much are you paid here? We will double it. Want to join us for dinner?" One of the boys asked, and Evangeline looked at the boy who caused all the mess.

So it was all for a bet? He bet that he can call her here and they would have to call him their boss. Evangeline suppressed the urge to scoff and slap the boy.

"Can I have your order, sir?" She asked again, and the boys rolled their eyes.

"Tyler, only you can handle her. My soft heart can't be rude to them," one of the boys said, and Evangeline narrowed her eyes.

"You are just making it sound rough. It's not too much. Bitches like her only need a little taming. They just need someone to tell them their place again and again. That's how we put a stop to their attitude," The boy said, and Evangeline's hand clenched around her skirt.

If only she didn't need this job.

"Do you want me to demonstrate how you do that?" The boy asked, getting even more smug since he was able to call her here.

"Look," He stood from his place and stepped forward. He raised his hand and was about to place it on her shoulder when his hand was grabbed by someone, and before anyone could realize what was happening, a sickening sound of bones cracking echoed in the silent environment, making everyone gasp.

"Aaaaa!" The boy shouted in agony, and all his friends stood from their place, stepping back in horror.

Evangeline turned to her right side and looked at Alexander, who was standing there casually with one hand in his pocket and the other hand twisting the boy's hand as if it was nothing.

"Who said you can touch her? Did you want to demonstrate something? Do it on me," Alexander's voice was sickeningly cold and dangerous, a clear indication that he wasn't someone anyone should think of playing with.