
Dear Suspicious Wife: You Are Under My Arrest!

{Warning- Mature Content R-18} "Sir, the third young master is going to propose to her," "What?! You must stop this proposal!" The sound of the chair falling echoed in the otherwise silent room. "It's because she is here for revenge and will only use our third young master for her evil plans, right?" The secretary started making calls. "It's because I vowed my life to her. She is mine!" The man roared, making the secretary's phone fall from his hands. ~~~~~ The imperial city of China gave her nothing more than a traumatic teenage life. Evangeline made two severe mistakes in her life. First, falling for a cheap character man like Brandon Thames, and second, saving the life of the son of the Cane family. The son, who became the reason and beginning of her destruction, the reason she lost her dignity and reputation in her school Betrayed by her fiance and named best friend, Evangeline was forced to escape from the dark reality of the world by running away. She left the country under her parents' jurisdiction with a promise to return after some years and take back everything that belonged to her. Her reputation, her art, and more than that, her dignity. After four years, she was back. Back and ready to attack. Entering the same University as her betrayers and the third son of the Cane family was just the beginning of the plan. She didn't remember which son of the Cane family she saved, and thus, she shall avenge her destruction on each one of them slowly. And she would start it by making the third son fall in love with her, enter the same entertainment company under the elder son of the Cane family, and slowly mess with the world of the second son. She had everything thoroughly planned. However, she doesn't know one thing. The person she wants to start her revenge with has vowed to find and marry her. And he is a man of his word. Everyone makes drunk night mistakes, but have you gotten married while drunk? That's exactly where Evangeline found herself after the truth was revealed, and now she must find a way to escape from her doting husband if she wants to make her plans come true. "And despite all your boundaries and hatred towards me, I will make you mine," Alexander Laurentius murmured with an evil glint on his face. Disclaimer - There might be scenes where the ml will stalk fl and become creepily sweet as the fl reveals her hidden identities. So if you are not into such romance, this book is not for you. ~~~~~ Follow me on Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj Updates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

AngelinaBhardawaj · Urban
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134 Chs

Owner of the cafe?

"Are you sure, you don't want me to drop you there? It's not like I am going to have some kind of meeting now," Alexander looked at Eva, who nodded her head.

"I'll be fine. My shift will start in half an hour. I'll have to rush now, or I'll be late," Evangeline lied straight through her teeth.

Evangeline wasn't going straight to the cafe. Rather, she was going to the hospital first to check up on the goon she played with a little bit so that she can give him one more demo and make him more uncomfortable with her existence.

She will have to set up the mini camera and mic in his room too. Evangeline sighed, looking at Alexander, who was observing her.

Her shift would not start before one hour. However, she couldn't think of any other excuse to get out of this house and away from Mr. Alexander Laurentius.

It was poisonous. His touch, his gaze that pins her down and renders her unable to move, his words, his alluring well-sculpted body, and more than that, his scent.

Everything about him was so poisonous that the more she was taking it in, the more she was forgetting about herself.

She knew the revenge plan would be hard, and honestly, she would've been fine if Alexander was some overbearing bad man who doesn't treat women right or an obnoxious gang leader who only loves pain and suffering.

She would've been okay with that because that way she wouldn't have felt bad for hurting this entire family to the point where they beg for her mercy.

Well, she wasn't capable of that, but a girl can dream and have high hopes, right?

However, all her plans were looking like they were suffering terribly under the venom called Alexander.

Like a ringmaster, he was trying to tame her down to make her play by his rules, and she won't allow him to do it.

"You are in a hurry to leave?" Alexander asked, and she nodded while wearing her shoes and he hummed.

"Well, since you are in such a hurry to go there, let me drop you," Alexander stood from his place.

Evangeline - "..." What part of she doesn't want him to drop her, does he not understand? She gritted her teeth.

"I don't want you to come. So just sit here and relax," Evangeline snapped.

Alexander looked up at her as he stood from his place and picked up his car keys.

"Just come with me, Evangeline. I don't know what makes you think I won't be able to pick you up in my hands and carry you all the way to my car, push you inside, and take you to the cafe," Alexander looked at her intensely.

"You know I can do that, but I assure you that won't be the only thing I would be doing then," he smirked, walking towards her.

"So, shall we?" He grabbed Evangeline's jaws, liking the angry kitten look in her eyes.

"Come, let's go, cutey," he said, making her angrier than before, and she followed him dejectedly.

None of them said anything. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. Though Evangeline was still raging because of her unfulfilled plans, she stayed quiet.

"We are here," Alexander said, and Evangeline turned her body to get out of the car when Alexander placed his hand on her hand.

"Is there something you need, Mr. Alexander?" Evangeline asked, and Alexander looked into her eyes before shaking his head.

"Nothing," he said, and she hummed before stepping out of the car.

"Thank you," she said and started walking towards the cafe.

She walked in small baby steps.

As soon as she hears the sound of the car accelerating away, she will turn around and hail a cab for the hospital. It wasn't too far from here. Evangeline nodded at the plans.

Vroom! She heard the car speeding away and her eyes beamed.

Thud. The sound of a car door closing came from behind her and she smiled. This was the perfect time to leave.

She will finally be able to go and torment that goon. She smirked in her head and turned around to hail a cab.

However, as soon as she turned around, her body bumped into the man who was right behind her.

"Woah!" She lost her footing.

Alexander was quick to hold her waist and stabilize her from falling on her side.

She looked at him wide-eyed.

Didn't he leave? What was he doing here then? Evangeline looked behind him and noticed that his car was still parked in the same spot.

It means some other car had sped away, and she had thought that it was Mr. Alexander. She closed her eyes in frustration.

"You know, from the way, you keep falling in front of me, and I have to hold you to save you, I feel like you'll fall in love with me soon," Alexander smirked at her.

"I...uh... Thank you," Evangeline quickly stood straight when she remembered she was still in his arms, and everyone was watching them.

"Oh, I don't mind it. Your skin is really soft," Alexander winked at her and if embarrassment had levels, she was feeling the most embarrassed right now.

'F*ck you!' Evangeline cursed Alexander in her mind, and the latter chuckled at her expression.

"Stop cussing at me in your mind. What if I hear it and do something that you would love and hate at the same time?" He smirked while walking towards the cafe.

"Hey, where are you going?" Evangeline walked behind him in hurried steps.

Why the hell was he so tall? Even when she was 5'9" she was having a hard time catching up to him. She gritted her teeth.

"Where do you think I am going? I am going inside the cafe,"

"I can clearly see that. But why the hell are you coming? This is my workspace. Don't mess things up here," Evangeline hissed and was about to add more when the manager of the cafe walked at the door at the same time.

"Hey, new recruit! Are you seriously sending away customers?" The manager asked without looking at the man since his back was to him.

"You owe me a coffee, remember?" Alexander asked, unbothered by the manager's presence.

"He is here for free coffee, sir," Evangeline said to the manager with a wronged look, and the manager thinned his lips.

He was about to shout at Alexander when Alexander turned back to the door of the cafe, and the manager's eyes widened.

"Well, h-he can have as many free coffees as he wants. You don't have a say in that. Is your shift starting already?" The manager asked, and Evangeline felt wronged.

Was the manager seriously giving him free coffee just because he was a high-profile businessman? The power of these rich people and how they exploit them is beyond her. She looked away with a pout, and Alexander suppressed the urge to pull her cheeks and chuckle.

"Fine. Who cares? You can give everything to him for free," Evangeline murmured under her breath, and the manager who heard her sighed.

"Of course, I can do that. He can take everything for free. Mr. Alexander is the owner of the cafe," the manager said, and Evangeline, who was walking to the counter, paused.

"Since when?" She raised her brows.

"Since you got a job here," Alexander whispered in her ears, and she looked at him with wide eyes, their faces only an inch apart.

"I told you I'll be keeping an eye on you, didn't I?" Alexander smirked at her, his lips almost touching her earlobe, and she gulped.

Just what kind of game was he playing with her? Did he really suspect her of trying to woo his brother or was it something else? For the first time, dread-filled Evangeline's heart.