
Deadman land

In the year 2026 mana finally reached earth animal like grasshopper, dog, cat and bird and other animals evolved into terrifying beast. Even goblin and orc, dragon and thousands of other mytical beadt appeared.

storyboss · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The bite

Chapter 1: The Bite

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the empty schoolyard as Alex waited with his friends outside the school gates. It was just another typical afternoon, or so they thought.

Laughter filled the air as they chatted excitedly about their plans for the weekend, oblivious to the events about to unfold. Suddenly, a man appeared out of nowhere, his gait unsteady and his eyes wild. He staggered towards them, his movements jerky and unnatural.

"Hey, who's that guy?" one of Alex's friends whispered nervously, eyeing the stranger warily.

Before anyone could respond, the man lunged at one of Alex's friends with lightning speed, sinking his teeth into his arm with a sickening crunch. A chorus of screams erupted as chaos descended upon the group.

Alex watched in horror as his friend's eyes widened in pain and terror. With a strength fueled by adrenaline, the bitten friend shoved the attacker away and stumbled backwards, clutching his bleeding arm.

"Run!" Alex shouted, his voice cracking with fear as he grabbed his friends and sprinted towards the school building. They crashed through the doors, their hearts pounding in their chests as they sought refuge from the madness outside.

But the horror had only just begun.

As they raced down the empty corridors, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the walls, they could hear screams and shouts coming from all around them. Panic spread like wildfire as students and teachers alike fled from an unseen threat.

Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air, sending shivers down Alex's spine. He turned to see the bitten friend stumbling towards them, his eyes glazed over and his movements erratic.

"Oh no, he's turning!" one of Alex's friends cried out, his voice filled with dread.

They backed away slowly, their hearts pounding in their chests as they realized they were trapped. With nowhere else to go, they ducked into the nearest classroom and barricaded the door with desks and chairs, praying it would hold.

Minutes stretched into hours as they huddled together in the darkness, the sounds of chaos growing louder outside. They could hear the sound of pounding footsteps and guttural snarls, sending chills down their spines.

Then, suddenly, silence fell.

For a moment, they dared to hope that the nightmare was over. But their hopes were dashed as they heard the sound of scratching at the door, followed by low, menacing growls.

"They're still out there," Alex whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.

They sat in tense silence, waiting for the inevitable.