
There is a.... ROB?!?!?!?

So our story starts out as these normally do with some luckless shmuck getting snuffed. Williams was having a normal day just like any other and had just finished being bitched at for something he didn't do so par for course, he was just leaving Mr. Roberts office to go over his co workers files that had just been thanklessly dumped on him when his phone went off.


Williams "you got wills whore house you have the money we have the honey"

Unknown " Haha alright listen ass hat I know you just received Sharon's files and you have to go through them today well don't"

Will "alright mister creepy voice in my ear no annnndd no. I receive enough shit from my boss already to just up and say not doing it today so by"

Unknown" jus..."

Will hung up and just continued onto his work station shaking his head at whichever co worker was trying to mess with him. Williams had no idea how his life had got this fucked he went to college he did what was expected of him why wasn't he living the dream instead of stuck in a cubicle crunching numbers for some ass that didn't have two brain cells to rub together. Finished with his inner monologue he made his way to his desk sat down started to turn on his computer and then everything went white.

waking up in pain and fear is no way to start the day although seemed to be the way I was going to be starting this one. But suddenly the pain went away and the fear was gone no idea how i go from a full panic to feeling stoned but we'll take it. looking around all I see is darkness and a stairway with a light at the end of it as if trying to guide people along.

"oh fuck you i'm not dead, get you're head in the game Will you've snapped and are finally going on that homicidal binge you've always promised yourself" I say to myself

"Ha that's why I like people like you will"

"Wu du fuckk" I scream out

"and you were doing so well " the black man who just seemed to appear next to will sighed out

"Morgan freeman?!?!?!?"

"No but close, see what has happened is your dead and I'm bored so I decided to pick a bunch of useless mortals such as you and throw you into the multiverse and see who survives"

I'm officially over the moon I've read the books and comics about this happening and it is finally my turn to become all powerful is what is running through my head at the moment. Going through movies and powers trying to decide where i want to go and which powers I receive I get another rude awakening when the man speaks again.

"Not happening bucko its my game i get to choose what you get where you go and where the cap is" rob

"Oh come on you killed me didn't you?" will

"hahaha no you ass you were blown up by someone trying to get some time on the files you just received. oh and Sharon's dead to" rob

"well serves that cunt right but what the fuck" I shot out.

"so you're not getting a system and not getting superpowers that will allow you to take over the world but you will get some perks to make my game more fun"

"So what are they and where you sending me oh kind sir?"

"ha kid don't lose that fuck you attitude it helps you keep moving and you will be receiving taskmasters photographic mimicry and Floyd Lawton's natural marksmanship. I don't know where your going honestly were going to be playing darts in the dark your the dart and the world your going to is the board. "

At this I was just drawing a blank because all those novels I read lied to me, I didn't get hit by a truck I wasn't summoned to some fantasy world with a kick ass system and I didn't even get to choose my landing site. I was also wondering who the fuck Floyd Lawton's was and if he was a actually a good shot or not.

"its Dead shot you ass and it wouldn't be a fun game if all of you had amazing powers and not nearly as entertaining, well off you go"

Then all of a sudden it was dark again and the only thing I could here was a whistling in my ears and a deep seeded need to scream at God and the universe for the royal screw you it seemed to deal me. Numbness overcame me and everything just seemed to float away on white fluffy clouds.

Waking up in darkness sore and angry i levered myself out of the bed i was in. I was glad that it had all been a really weird but lucid dream until realizing i was barely taller then my bed and that's when the mother of all headaches slammed into me and i slipped into unconsciousness. As i stirred awake wandering what hit me memories and thoughts that were not my own slammed into my brain that was just getting over being someone's punching bag i promptly went into a seizure and then blissful unconsciousness once again.

waking up a third time and tentatively poking around my head trying not to set off another headache or worse another seizure I came to a numbing realization that i had memories i shouldn't. This bodies name was William Demonte I was a military brat from a father that didn't know about me and a hooker of a mother that was hell bent on killing me. Searching around more I found out that this poor shmucks mother worked in the red light district and was knocked up by a visiting G.I. his mother thinking she could get a passport and decent settlement out of the transaction decided to keep him. Only to find out eight months later that he gave her a fake name and there were too many men to really figure out which one it was.

"WILL" i heard a female scream from outside and my body flinched as if from instinct ingrained into it. "William Demonte get you're ass out here right now" knowing from the memories still getting ground into my brain that pain was coming and it would be worse if I couldn't go out forced me to struggle to my feet.

"What you need ma" was my mumbled response as i made my way out of the house only to be punched in the face.

"I told you not to call me that" the woman that was this bodies mother snarled at me while continuing on "go down the street and pick up some smokes and drinks from the store you little bastard"

"but I don't have any money miss Manami" learning my lesson and not calling her mother. Only to receive another slap " i taught you how to pick pocket get someone else to pay like always" it was shocking to me to realize this kid had a worse life then I did. So like the good little pickpocket i was supposed to be i slinked away only to realize I've never committed a crime in my life and the memories of doing it as this kid were still kind of jumbled and confused. But I snatched a ratty jacket that was by the door threw it on and made my way out of the shack I seemed to live in now.

I've never written anything more then english projects so be kind dipping my foot in seeing if i suck at it and weather it seems fun or not gimme your thoughts or angry yells

scrtsquirrely2creators' thoughts