
Where the hell am I?

So slinking out of the shack I make it about five feet out of the door before I'm hit with the smell of sewage and sweat. Gagging and covering my face with the sleeve of the coat I put on I'm in a alley of sorts with other shacks much like the one I just left not huge but not small either each little "house" is two or three garden sheds smashed together making a sort of house in a shanty town sort of way and there's at least fifteen of them in this area itself. What I first took as a alley is just a passage way between these shacks at the edge of a town. All of this had gone through my head in seconds and even if my body ached and my head felt like I had just went on a week long bender I was noticing that everything in my field of vision was being sorted and stashed in my brain I was analyzing areas for threats as if I was a trained soldier. Let me say it was fucking creepy to have happen.

I soon found a relatively clean corner to put my back against and started to take the chance to go over my new body.

"fingers" check all ten

"toes" check again also all ten but fuck i was sore looking over my body I realized it was a mass of bruises welts and burn marks with my nose being bloody from the punch that bitch gave me and my right eye seemed to be swelling shut. well fuck this I decided I'm going straight to the cops and getting out of this shit hole any orphanage would be better then this and I didn't have twelve years of abuse and dependence keeping me in this place. Which causes me to pause and realize I'm fucking twelve again, dear five pound eight ounce baby Jesus I'm a kid again. Taking a moment to let that thought sink in I decide to stagger out of my little corner to make my way to the town only to have the life scared out of me as a lizard man walked up "yo will-san you're mom bloody you up again" it asks. Which sets me into a freeze as he seems to know me, flogging my locked up brain i grasp what to call him "you know how the bitch is slick-sama her day isn't complete unless she puts another mark on me" which gets a laugh out of the lizard man. "It does the body good makes you strong kid" at which causes me to flick him off that causes another chuckle and a hair tousle as he walks by.

Thoroughly confused on where that fucked up god tossed me i set on my way to the local police station hoping to get at least a chance to breath and figure out where, who, and what i am. it takes about ten minutes to make my way out of the shanty town to the real one with me jumping at every sound and seeing some of the weirdest people I've ever seen whether there deformed into a animal hybrid or just plain ugly its like i was part of a circus act. Finally making it to the sidewalk was like walking from hell to heaven as soon as i hit the hit the cement i left the fetid and rank alley to a clean and fresh sidewalk, with normal looking people walking by just bumping into the kid standing there looking like a bumpkin on his first day in the city. I was suddenly struck by the feeling of my jacket being heavier... mother fucker I had been pick-pocketing people passing me naturally as if id spent my life doing it with no idea on how I was doing it. This realization caused me to freeze which was unfortunate since my had was currently in the pocket a nice looking man. As he loomed over me with a truly frightening shade of purple on his face while glaring at me.

"what do you think your doing you little shit?" the man asks with clear signs of anger in his voice

"ahh... About that sir immm uh... checking the fit of your jacket?" I say as if asking him. This actually causes him to just stutter as if he wasn't sure I was joking or not, it did not stop him from grabbing my arm so I couldn't bolt which was my intention at the moment. "Alright kid come along and lets go have a talk with that nice man in the uniform over there" at which I saw a man wearing a honest to god super hero suit which set me off into a fit of laughter and him to a worried scowl as he thought he had almost been the victim of a nutter. I had finally figured out where that sadistic fuck had thrown me, I was in Boku no Hero Academia.