
Dead Mode: The Meta Zombie

Jiho, a flimsy and unremarkable 17-year-old, is betrayed by his closest friends, Eunhee and Daniel, who had been in a secret relationship. He only discovers the truth after confessing his feelings to Eunhee. Heartbroken and humiliated when Daniel mocks him in front of the entire class, Jiho runs away from the school. But before he can process the betrayal, a zombie outbreak erupts. In the chaos, Jiho is bitten. Just as he thinks death is inevitable, something unexpected happens...

Hazy_0832 · Horror
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

17th Death - Available

Jiho moved ahead, maintaining his usual casual air, though unease brewed beneath the surface. As they reached the elevator, a small display blinked in the corner of his vision.


'So it does go up consistently? When I used that punch, it dropped by... around 20%, right?' Jiho thought, his attention briefly pulled from the crumbling elevator.

The elevator was wrecked—its doors cracked open, barely hanging by the hinges, revealing a dark, ominous void. Faint flames flickered below, casting eerie shadows up the shaft.

Jiho leaned closer, squinting into the abyss. "Well?" Marcel's voice sliced through the silence.

"Completely destroyed," Jiho muttered, pulling back. He turned toward Marcel. "You didn't hear it? The collapse, I mean. It had to be loud—like a boom or something."

Marcel raised a brow, his expression calm but pointed. "Monsieur Jiho, surely you're aware the past two days have been nothing but destruction? Explosions, collapses, the horde tearing through everything in its path. I had hoped the elevator might have survived the chaos... as I'm sure you did as well, non?"

Jiho shot a quick glance at Amelie, who was watching him with curious eyes, before blurting, "Uh, yeah."

'Right... They don't know I've been knocked out these past few days. No point in bringing that up—who would even believe me? "Oh yeah, I just woke up to an apocalypse and miraculously found my apartment untouched, oops." Yeah, no thanks,' Jiho thought, fighting to keep his face neutral.

Marcel's frown deepened slightly as he observed Jiho's nonchalant response.

'What kind of reply was that...? Is this boy hiding something from us? His skill in dispatching those hellspawns, his strange demeanor toward my lady earlier... Could he be a spy sent by the other families to sabotage us? I'd rather not think ill of the one who saved us, but... worse things have happened. And now, with his infection and the elevator destroyed... something feels off.' Marcel's suspicions grew.

Jiho clicked his tongue in frustration. 'Guess I'll have to take them through the stairs.'

His mind raced, calculating the risks. 'If I could just summon the strength I had when I punched that zombie... if I could keep that going all the time, like when I first woke up, this wouldn't be a problem.' As the thought crossed his mind, the message appeared again.


'It has to be tied to this... Is this some kind of strength meter? Assuming it is, even if I hit 100%, I could maybe throw five punches like that, tops; considering it drops by 20% with every punch? Does that mean the outburst I had when I killed all those zombies was a one-time thing?' The doubt gnawed at him.

'I'm not confident at all going down the stairs the way I am now. Who knows if all zombies are the same? What if there are more that can run—or worse, hit us harder instead of just going for our flesh? What if there are zombies even stronger than the ones we've seen?' His chest tightened at the thought.

His jaw clenched, and he exhaled slowly. 'I need to figure out how to keep them safe... and keep myself alive... Well, at least me and the chick... I'll tap that ass and ditch the old man, just like I planned.' He tried to force a triumphant chuckle, but instead, that familiar twinge of guilt surfaced, gnawing at him.

"You see, Jiho?" Daniel's voice slithered into his mind, low and mocking. "You don't have what it takes to get what you want. Even with some... mad pussy right in front of you, ripe for the taking... You just wuss out at the thought, letting some insignificant little thing like guilt stop you. And you think you're strong..." Daniel's voice dripped with venom as he leaned in closer, the words crawling under Jiho's skin.

"You're just some pathetic virgin. Even if, by some slim chance, Eunhee has feelings for you, how exactly do you think you're going to impress her now?" The sneer in Daniel's tone sharpened. "Especially after everything I did to her?"

'...!!!' Jiho's teeth gritted, anger surging in his veins.

Amelie's sudden stomp snapped him out of it. She pouted, a small grunt escaping her lips as she glanced once more at the injuries showing through his torn clothes.

'What does she want...?' Jiho shook his head. 'Frustrated about the elevator? Typical rich girl; she's probably spoiled, too.' He sighed, the weight of the situation pressing down harder on his shoulders.

"Lady Amélie ?" Marcel called, his voice tense, as Amelie abruptly turned and walked toward a nearby apartment, the door slightly ajar.

Jiho hummed in curiosity as Marcel quickly followed after her. "Lady Amélie ! Que faites-vous ?!!" Marcel rushed into the apartment behind her.

'...Should I follow them?' Jiho wondered, standing in the hall as muffled noises, the sound of items falling, and heavy footsteps echoed from within the apartment. The uncertainty gnawed at him, but curiosity pushed him forward. He approached slowly, cautious of what might happen.

As he reached the edge of the doorstep, Amelie suddenly sprang out of the apartment, catching Jiho off guard. She strode right up to him, closing the distance in a way that made his breath hitch. Instinctively, he took a step back, his usually stoic expression dissolving into one of surprise and a flicker of embarrassment, his heart rate spiking.

"A-ah..." Jiho gasped, his eyes widening as they locked with hers. He wasn't sure what to make of it, her intense gaze holding him in place.

"Lady Amélie, que faites-vous—!" Marcel's voice rang out as he followed her from the apartment, but Jiho's focus stayed glued to Amelie.

His eyes darted around before finally landing on the bandage roll in her hand.

Without a word, Amelie swiftly unrolled it and began wrapping it around his torso, covering his torn shirt with focused, almost aggressive movements. Jiho could see the frustration and tension on her face as she worked, her hands quick and firm.

"..." Jiho went silent, his heart settling into a steady rhythm as he watched her wrap the bandage around him with surprising care.

"Voilà!" Amelie grunted, stepping back as she finished, arms crossed and lips pursed in satisfaction.

"Ma lady... C'est..." Marcel started, looking between Amelie and Jiho, his voice uncertain.

Jiho took a deep breath, his muscles tightening as he grabbed the bandage. In one effortless motion, he ripped it open, the fabric falling away as he tossed it to the side.

Amelie's eyes widened, a mix of frustration and sadness crossing her face as she stared at the discarded bandage.

"...." Jiho said nothing, locking eyes with her for a long, tense moment. Then, without a word, he turned and strode past her into the apartment, his footsteps echoing against the floor.

"?" Amelie hummed, confused as she watched him walk inside, her earlier determination crumbling into a soft curiosity.

After a few seconds, Jiho emerged from the apartment, a small bottle clasped in his palm. He walked up to Amelie, standing just inches away from her. His presence was firm, his eyes locking onto hers for a moment before he extended his hand, palm open, as if expecting something.

Amelie's expression of frustration and sadness faded, replaced by a quiet curiosity. Without a word, she moved too, gently placing the bandage roll in his outstretched hand.

'...She really is just a spoiled rich girl,' Jiho thought, stepping back a couple of paces as he opened the bottle.

In one swift motion, Jiho removed his shirt, baring the wounds that had been hastily bandaged earlier. Amelie's gaze lingered, watching closely, almost expectantly.

'...No way. In a time like this? He's not about to...' Marcel thought as he narrowed his eyes at Jiho.

Jiho calmly dipped his fingers into the bottle, retrieving a thick brown fluid, and began rubbing the medicinal paste over his wounds with practiced ease, covering each injury until they glistened under the dim light.

'...To show my lady how to properly care for someone?' Marcel's eyes gleamed with sudden realization, admiration flickering in his gaze as he watched Jiho work.

Jiho then unrolled the bandage, swiftly and methodically applying it to his wounds with far more precision than Amelie had. Once satisfied, he slipped his shirt back on, his actions efficient and deliberate.

Without a word, he extended both the bottle and the remaining bandage roll toward Amelie.

"V..." Jiho mumbled, avoiding her gaze, "Vualah... or whatever that means." His voice trailed off awkwardly as Amelie reached out and gently took the items from him.


"That's yours. Don't lose it," he muttered, his tone casual but still distant, his eyes looking anywhere but at her...

...completely unaware of the soft, vibrant smile that bloomed on Amelie's face.

Marcel studied the boy's expression, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. 'I'm sorry, young man. You don't seem like the type to harm us... but with your infection—and the slim chance you could be working for our competitors, showing up just when I was on the brink of death to save us… I can't afford to take risks. I'll find the right moment for me and my lady to escape your grasp.' The weight of his thoughts pressed heavily on his mind.

'It'll be soon,' Marcel thought grimly, glancing at the wristwatch he had discreetly set when Jiho was slashed by the zombie.

24:59 minutes left.

'Twenty-five minutes left. I've measured the transformation time five times before—it's always 40 minutes.' Marcel swallowed hard, feeling the icy grip of anxiety tighten around his chest.

His gaze shifted toward Amelie. 'I must ensure her safety. We need to get out... soon.'

"We should keep moving. We'll take the stairs," Jiho said, his voice brisk, already turning on his heel and heading toward the stairwell, his stride deliberate.

Marcel's eyes stayed fixed on Jiho as he analyzed every move. 'Monsieur Jiho is really going to take us down the hellspawn-infested stairwell...? He can't actually believe he can fight his way through them! So why isn't he heading for the emergency shaft that leads to the basement? Sure, it needs to be pried open, but it's far safer than the stairs!'

Two possibilities churned in Marcel's mind:

Jiho didn't know the emergency shaft existed.

He was leading them into a death trap.

His pulse quickened, weighing the risks. 'I can't gamble with my lady's safety on this 50/50 chance. My lady… my child's safety is worth everything,' Marcel resolved as Jiho neared the stairwell, Amelie close behind.

'Even my own morality,' he thought, a cold determination settling in as the group stood at the top of the stairwell. Below them, dozens of zombies milled around the first landing, their groans echoing up the narrow space. Amelie glanced at Marcel, noticing his pale face, the beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.


Jiho's attention flickered to the message prompt. 'Good. At least this thing goes up fast. Wait...' His thoughts trailed off as a memory surfaced—when he faced the first runner zombie.

=============== CHAPTER 12 ===============



'It first said I'd become a mindless zombie. That was the zombification process... But after I hit that runner, the message changed...'




'Damn it... I was too angry to notice back then! What did it say after that!? What the hell did I unlock?!' His eyes darted to the current zombification status.

'It doesn't say I'll turn into a mindless zombie again... Then... what happens at 100%?!' Anxiety gnawed at him as he gulped, his heart racing.

"Marcel...?" she whispered, her voice tinged with concern. Marcel brushed past her, falling in step behind Jiho.

Jiho scanned the stairs below, thinking, 'Fuck, I also have to worry about how to go about this!!?'

'She's... worth everything...!' Marcel's mind flashed to Amelie's smile as his good hand hovered behind Jiho's back.

"MARCEL!!" Amelie's scream rang out in panic, her eyes widening as she saw her butler's hand move with deadly intent.

'Forgive me, my lady...!!' Marcel's thoughts screamed.

"What the—" Jiho began, turning to face him—but he never finished. Marcel slammed his full weight into Jiho's back, sending him tumbling headfirst down the stairs.

Jiho's body crashed into the horde of zombies, their guttural growls rising as they pounced on him.


"Mughhehhehehe!!!!" The monstrous chorus filled the air as Jiho hit the swarm, his mouth agape in shock, eyes wide as he locked onto Marcel's cold gaze.

Amelie's outstretched hand trembled, her face twisted in horror as she tried to reach for Jiho...

But Marcel pulled her back.

"NON!!!!!" she cried, her voice cracking as her butler dragged her away.

As Jiho was swallowed by the horde, he heard the haunting sound of Eunhee and Daniel's laughter echoing in his mind, their taunting cackles blending with the chaos around him.

And then,

The message prompt displayed the following.




Hazy_0832creators' thoughts