
DC: Lotus

Congrats, he said. Superior Kryptonian, he said. I just wanted to die, not get reincarnated into a fictional world that has a continuation of a treetrunk pattern. So what if I can fly? So what if my punches are powered by the sun? And so what if my new body is a perfect mix of a conquering race of a justice league ripoff and the said Justice League which was seemingly more brutal now? And so what if the people needed someone to save them from death? .... .... .... Damn it. ___ I don't own anything.

LegitHuman · Película
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5 Chs

Chapter Four


I denied, I was not going to do it, nope, never, Nein, Non, Nee, Όχι, لا, A'a.

I turned around and walked off, deactivating my suit with a press of a finger on the disc that was situated on my waist, leaving me with boxers.

I had to try something to fix this, I was not wearing tights! Much less a cape.

Grabbing and putting on my cargo pants I activated the suit again and to my disappointment, the suit did not cover the pants, just went under them.

Damn it.

Sighing, I threw my hands in the air.

What a letdown. I need to ask Batman to make something that doesn't break at a moment's notice.

Deactivating the suit again, I held the little disk in my hand thinking about what to do while playing with it.

While trying to figure out what the hell to do and what material would be best suited to make what changes I wanted before a screen appeared in front of me, projected by the disk.

I blinked and looked at it momentarily, noticing that my thumb was on the side that didn't activate suit... Interesting.

Looking at the projected screen I raised an eyebrow, this was an editing screen. Neat.

So did this mean that the suit was made of nano-achines? Or was this a one-time thing?

Humming, I looked over the screen, noticing the inside of my suit and all the white lines just below all my limbs.

tapping on one white line I dragged it up watching in interest as the part of the suit disappeared. Doing that for the other side too, I looked for something that would let me add something to cover my ass. Finding the icon that was literally a T-shirt for simplicity, I tapped it and deadpanned.

There were superhero suits of other heroes. Hell, there was even a black widow suit.

Rolling my eyes, I looked around and found the search bar, Tapping it, I searched for the most basic things that would not impede me... A black compression shirt... Martial art pants that came with the shoes and decided to add some Compression pants underneath it just for the sake of it.

"... Not bad."

I mumbled, Putting a hand to my chin and narrowing my eyes. Say hello to the world's most basic combat outfit.

I shrugged and turned off the edit screen, putting the disc on my waist again and pressing it to activate the suit.

The outfit came out just as displayed, so I could not complain... I just needed to grow out my hair a little bit.

Shrugging I took the suit off and tested if I could edit it again, and just as I suspected, I could not.

Shrugging I sat down and looked out the window. I just needed to get a good name.

Batman would be here any minute now, we would be going to the Titan tower... I sigh and rub my forehead, this annoying ass timeline was beyond recognition.

I mean, Every member of the Justice League is... Somewhere and not a team, the Teen Titans is a thing, Starfire is not here, Wonder Woman's younger sister exists, Wonder Woman is not on her island...

I gave up a while ago.

The door opened and I knew it wasn't Batman, his footsteps made little to no sound.

"Master Alexander, master Bruice is awaiting you inside the cave."

I nodded and got up, walking over to the door as the myth, the legend, Alfred Pennyworth kept it open for me.

"Thank you, Alfred, and just call me Alex."

He just nodded, even though I knew he would not do it at all. He was just like that. Known him for less than a week and I loved the guy, he was just so helpful, I would miss him.


"You figured out how the disc works?"

I nodded, putting the said disc on my waist and activating my outfit. Batman looked at me for a moment and let out a thoughtful hum.

"What is it?"

I raised an eyebrow, looking down at my body for a moment seeing if something went wrong. Nothing, I was still fine.

"I thought it would be something like Superman."

I just rolled my eyes and walked up to the Batmobile.


I raise a hand and catch what he threw at me, I look at it for a moment and glance at him. It was a domino mask. Shrugging, I put it on and blinked a few times... It felt oddly comfortable on the eyes with nothing to hold it there.

"This is oddly comfortable"

Vocalizing my thoughts I sat down in the Batcar and watched as Batman jumped into the driver seat and we started driving.

I looked out the window as we exited the cave, observing the surroundings.

"Any changes since you came into the sunlight?"

I hummed, flexing my hand at the mention.

"I feel light, very light, and I'm stronger, broke a few eggs while I was training to not break the doors."

He didn't say anything as we kept driving, and I got the hint that he was waiting for me to continue.

"I still don't know how to fly but I can hear better, I have to tune out the minute sounds but none of them hurt my ears, and... I can feel the air?"

that last part was more of a question than a statement and he looked over at me and I got the distinct feeling that he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, if I was in complete darkness, and I was near something, I would know that something is there, the range is really limited, and normal clothes make the ability ineffective."

He looked back to the road.

"What about your suit?"

I shrugged.

"I feel fine."