
DC: Hunger

Having lived a past life in constant search of battles, the main character found his death. But this was not the end, as it turned out that he was reborn in a new world and in a new body. But unfortunately for him, not everything turned out so well. The world in which he was reborn turned out to be many times more dangerous than before, and the body that he became the owner of turned out to be weak and helpless. In addition, he could not escape, because he was locked in a ward of a psychiatric hospital. But with all these failures, something happened that once again changed his whole life, a strange explosion... which changed the lives of many. English is not my native language I have nothing This is also a translation. Hehehe https://tl.rulate.ru/book/30552 Rus. if the author tells me I will delete

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54 Chs

Chapter 30

I already knew where Caitlin and the entire Flash team lived for a long time, and I also knew everything about the Arrow team. Therefore, it was not a problem to arrive at her house. It was already dawn and she would soon be heading to work at Star labs, just in time for a chat.

It was a little awkward because of my outfit and mask, but I tried to pass as quietly as possible, my abilities allowed, and I didn't seem to attract attention. When I got to her door, I listened... There was a hiss, apparently she was taking a shower.

Hmm... No, I don't think you should do that... I pushed away all thoughts of the girl, picked the lock, and made my way to her apartment. It was quite nice and smelled a little unpleasant... Oh, yeah, right, she was kind of drunk with Barry, I remember what happened. Oh, Barry, he had a chance... Well, maybe she has a drink.

I looked into the refrigerator and grinned:

- Not bad, even beer is available.-

I took off my mask and put it on the table, then started drinking beer and making coffee. Still, it's not very polite to break into a girl's house and go through her refrigerator and make her some coffee.

Yeah, apparently, she doesn't do it very often... And beer generally has an expiration date, it's sad...

Whistling merrily, I started to prepare Breakfast, I haven't eaten regular food for a long time, why not... while doing this, I did not notice how the girl finished washing and entered the room, and then screamed.

- Aah! Who are you?-

I looked at her quizzically and asked:

- Why are you yelling? If you don't see me making Breakfast, I'd rather thank you.-

The girl stood there in shock, then looked at the table where my mask was, and then back at me. She looked back and forth several times, and then said, startled:

-It's you...-

I chuckled:

-That's right, it's me, now sit down at the table, I'm almost done.-

The girl stood for a moment longer, then went to the table and sat down.

i continued to behave as if nothing had ever happened before. the fact that i took off my mask and showed my true face was planned. i was interested in the girl's reaction, and i also became less afraid of tone. thanks to the powers of teleportation, i became more confident. but i was not quite sure that the girl would not draw my portrait or tell her friends about our affairs. But I didn't care, soon Thawne would be out in the open and his business would be revealed, and there was no need to hide. maybe it's an advantage that i'm hiding behind a mask and no one knows about me, but i know everything about everyone. But it's too boring, I've never liked a boring life, and this will probably be more fun. And I doubt that after revealing Thawne under the guise of wells, he will pay any attention to me. I know enough to destroy Arrow, Flash, and all their masked accomplices, so superheroes aren't a threat to me. Well, even if my face is known, it's not much use, I don't figure anywhere, so it will be difficult to figure me out, but not impossible. And something tells me that the girl will keep her mouth shut...

While I was rummaging through Caitlin's cupboards, I noticed a bottle of wine.

- Oh, to hell with coffee, you even have wine, now I'll help you with your problem. – Taking a lemon from the refrigerator, and mixing it with wine and soda, I got a good cocktail, it helps with a hangover.

Then I gave it to her and said:

- Drink it, it'll make you feel better.-

The girl frowned and looked suspiciously at the glass. I grinned and took a SIP, then handed it to her. She no longer hesitated and drank:

- Not bad...-

I chuckled:

- Of course, as a drinker, I know a lot of good remedies, and you seem to...- I looked at the girl mockingly and said:

- You don't really know how to drink.-

- It's none of your business.- Caitlin said, annoyed.

-Well, it's true, you'd better eat...- I laid out my Breakfast and sat down at the table myself, and then I began to eat.

The girl looked at me in surprise and asked:

- You... Do you eat regular food?-

I chewed and answered with a smile:

- Of course, just because I can't eat regular food doesn't mean I can't eat it. I like spicy and salty, and fried. But raw meat ... brr..-

The girl looked at her plate and sighed, then started to eat as well.

When I finished, I asked:

- So, how are the tests?-

- You promised you'd tell me about Roni.-

I nodded:

- Exactly, but first you, I'm your guest.-

The girl looked at me with displeasure, and then said:

- Well. I found out that your genes differ from normal human genes very much. I think the reason you can't digest stale meat and any other food is because of them. The release of black matter from the accelerator explosion changed your genes, and from an omnivore, you became a carnivore. And not just a carnivore, but someone who perceives the meat of people, since the flesh of animals does not affect you either.-

Animal meat was useless to me, too, and I'd already checked it out more than once, so She knew it.

She drank a little and continued:

- But that wasn't your only change. It's like you're a different species, you don't need protein, fat, carbohydrates, even water. The only thing you need is something I can't understand...-

- What do you mean?-

Caitlin sighed:

- You don't just eat people's meat, you need fresh human meat, your "five-minute rule" proves that something else is important, not meat. Perhaps this is some kind of energy inherent in living flesh.-

I thought about it, then muttered:

- Energy of life...-

Caitlin nodded:

- I may not have heard of it, but maybe people do have that kind of energy. And if you find a way to replace it with something, you won't have to... to do what you're doing.-

- You mean there are people?- I asked with a smile.

Caitlin gave me an exasperated look and said:

- Do you have to mention this?-

I chuckled:

- You know what's funny about Caitlin? I'll hit people, but your team won't even try to catch me. I doubt that the reason is that I kill bad people. Rather, some people just console themselves with this fact. But really, he just doesn't want to kill me. If you catch me, I'll probably die if you lock me in the accelerator. It's one thing if I kill, but it's another thing to kill me. Some people are just afraid to take responsibility, aren't they?-

Caitlin frowned and asked:

- What are you trying to say?-