
DC: Celestial Light Human

(That's right...this is a remake.) A tired soul is chosen by God to become his warrior. R18 - If you see * in the chapter title, that means lemon. Disclaimer: - If you are mentally weak, don't read this story. It's very dark, and the mc is NOT a good person. - There's no release schedule. I drop chaps when I feel like it, which can vary from 1-3 times a week.

SwayStar · Cómic
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96 Chs

I Just Wanted To Thank You!

It didn't take long for Flash to find the culprit. Darkstar could sense the red hero standing in front of a bunker that led underground. There were two more presences inside. With a flash of darklight, the lazy man appeared beside him.

"Is this it?" He hummed. Barry nodded.

"This is the only place I can't get inside without using force. No doubt Grodd is here."

"Then let's hurry this up. We've spent enough time here." Sora muttered.

He raised his leg, smashing the door open with a spartan kick. The heavy bunker door flew back, crashing through a few walls. Flash gave him a frown.

"What? I didn't even use that much force."

"That was too loud. They definitely heard that."

"We'll find them before they can do anything. Race you there."

And with those words, Sora was gone. Barry accelerated after him in an attempt to catch up. The area resembled a laboratory. Experimental technology could be seen everywhere. It barely took a few seconds for them to find the perpetrators.

Sora couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when seeing them. It wasn't one gorilla, but two. It was like yin and yang. A massive white ape and a massive black gorilla. Both of them were standing on a platform with unfinished weaponry.

"That's so cute! Are you guys best bros?" Darkstar spoke slowly, grating on the nerves of the intelligent animals.

"Watch your tone, boy. You're talking to the smartest beings on this planet." Humanite responded.

He spoke with elegance like a college professor. Now THIS was true comedy. Sora couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha! What are you gonna do? Throw feces at me? Fling poop? You're just a bigger monkey."

The white ape bared his fangs at Sora. The Humanite truly hated being looked down upon. Grodd was silent with his hands behind his back. He was too busy staring down the Flash.

"Flash…why is it always you? Every single time. You always come to stop me. I see you brought help this time. Was it too much for you?" Grodd mocked. A satisfied smile could be seen on his face.

"It's over, Grodd. You've killed too many. I can't just lock you up this time. My heart won't allow it." Flash growled. Gorilla Grodd frowned.

"Alas, it wasn't me who controlled the little ones." The gorilla turned his gaze to the white ape. The Humanite grinned in satisfaction.

"Bask in my greatness…with our combined intellect, the humans will be-"

"Ah, I see…so it was you?"


Sora appeared in front of the Humanite with a wicked smile. He grabbed the animal by the face, his grip like a hydraulic press. The sheer momentum from the light human's speed allowed them to beam through the ceiling. A massive hole was left, allowing the light of the sun to reach the underground lab.

By the time the Humanite was able to comprehend what happened, they were already falling from the clouds. The white ape struggled to escape Sora's grip. He threw punch after punch but it was futile. Suddenly, the lazy man could feel something entering his mind.

The Humanite was trying something! Sora immediately sped up his perception to supernatural speeds. The feeling disappeared as if it was never there. Blood spurted out of the ape's mouth, nose, and ears. His mind probe had failed. The backlash left him weak.

"Unhand me, demon!" He croaked. Blood flew with each word.

Darkstar was ecstatic! He retracted his mask, allowing the animal to see his face. Sora's smile was so wide, it looked demonic. His eyes shined like gems.

"I wanted to thank you! You're goons…they were such a great distraction! I had so much FUN!"

Seeing the young man's expression, the Humanite learned what fear was for the first time in his life. This was not a human. It wasn't even a demon! It was something more vile than that. Something that came from the depths of the abyss.

"W-Wait! If I knew you were on the side of humanity, I would've never-"

One moment they were by the clouds and the next, they were right above the ground. It was like teleportation. Sora's arm was already slamming the ape's face into the ground.


The ground cratered and many of the nearby buildings collapsed. There was nothing left of the Humanite's skull. Brain matter splattered the ground. Only mush remained. Sora burned the goo off his hand, becoming clean once more.

His eyes went to the sky as he struggled to calm down. His breaths were deep and lust was flowing through his veins. That feeling of domination…it was so…it was so…GOOD!

'Fuck…' He thought. A tent had formed in his pants.

Meanwhile, Gorilla Grodd and Flash had yet to move. The black gorilla was staring at the large hole in the ceiling with shock. He didn't even notice when Sora had moved. Where did the Ultra Humanite go? A heavy rumble shook the ground a few seconds later.

"W-What the…who the hell?! What kind of backup did you call? Y-You think you can stop me?! I'll kill you all!" Grodd roared. Flash didn't move.

"Like I said. It's over. I won't take any chances this time. I'm sorry, Grodd." His hand began to vibrate.

"Noooo! Wait-"

"Apologize to those you've killed in the afterlife."

Flash appeared behind the gorilla. His vibrating hand swiped Grodd's head off his shoulders. The deed was done. The black gorilla's corpse crumpled to the ground.

Immediately, Barry started to feel sick. It was his first time killing. Not only that, he'd killed by the thousands. His first time ending someone's life and it came with an entire army. Only now did Flash start to feel like a mass murderer.

"But it's for the good of the people! I-I…" He felt like he was going to throw up. Luckily, he wasn't alone.

"Looks like the show's over. Hmmm? You don't look too good, buddy." Sora called out.

He patted the red hero on the shoulder. The young Lockhart knew that it would affect the speedster for a while. Still, it wouldn't be too bad since they weren't humans. Barry would get over it in a few weeks.

"You should go home. I'll clean everything up." Darkstar suggested.


Flash nodded quietly. No words were spoken. Right before he took off, Sora grabbed his arm.

"Oh, and do me a favor. On your way back home, look at the dead civilians on this island. Then look at the people in Central City who are still alive. You saved them. It's because of YOU that they're still alive."

This would make it easier for Flash to cope. Without another word, the red hero was gone. A sigh of resignation escaped the sleepy man's lips.

'Damn…guess it's time to clean up all of this crap.' He thought.

Sora almost gives in to the beast inside...

SwayStarcreators' thoughts